Obviously, no one saw this coming, right?
NYers face skyrocketing costs to switch to electric heat under new ‘green’ policies: study
New York residents could face skyrocketing heating bills under the state’s new “green” policies — which may not even have a significant impact on greenhouse-gas emissions, a new study warns.
A review by the Empire Center for Public Policy says the state’s new rules will push homeowners to buy expensive electrified heat pumps while being forced to phase out their natural gas, oil and propane systems.
But even then, the new electrification policy could only have a negligible impact on greenhouse emissions while burning up homeowners’ wallets, according to the analysis, “In Cold Reality: The Cost and Challenge of Compulsory Home Electrification in New York.”
“New York’s plan to steer homeowners and landlords toward electric heat could backfire due to high costs and practical concerns,” the authors say.
“The costs of heat pump installation and building shell weatherization are high and will place a substantial economic burden on many homeowners, even with state and federal subsidies.
None of this can happen with out government force and subsidies. Where are those subsidies coming from? The taxpayers, so, higher taxation or other services suffer. And, don’t forget that the building requirements will increase the cost of new construction, making homes and apartments more expensive, and commercial will simply pass the cost on to the customer.
Via Green Jihad, which notes
Consequently, there will be lots of displacements resulting from the cost of implementing New York’s electrification plan and, most likely, more people (especially low-income people and retirees) will leave New York altogether. This on top of the massive strain it will put on New York’s power grid resulting in rolling blackouts that politicians (like Governor Kathy Hochul) hope to make up with renewable energy sources. But, renewables will only make things worse.
Then again, kicking people out of the Empire State may be the whole point of New York State elite’s plan similar to what California has slowly been doing over many years. This isn’t about combating climate change, it is about ruining people’s lives.
Well, hey, the majority of New Yorkers voted for this. Any who vote Democrat shouldn’t be allowed to leave the state and escape what they voted for.

Wow – if only someone could have predicted this…I mean, apart from all of us who DID.
The elitists like Reichsstatthalter Kathy Hochul (NSDAP-NY), net worth about $2,000,000, just can’t wrap their pointy little heads around the fact that most Americans can’t afford the stupid [insert vulgar term for feces here] they want to impose on everyone.
How is it that Donald Trump has been so popular among ordinary Americans? Yes, he’s a billionaire, and the son of a millionaire as well, and never had to worry about money, never had to worry about keeping a roof over his head and well-done — ughhh! — steaks on his table, but he understands poorer people in ways the elitist Democrats simply do not.
But, Global Warming is an existential threat of our time. So what if you freeze to death are are impoverished because you can’t afford to heat your homes. Breaking eggs is what communist omelet makers do.
In my view, to say the majority of New Yorkers voted for this misses the point entirely. New York is a Democrat stronghold and is also the birthplace of vote fraud thanks to the efforts of Tammany Hall machine head William “Boss” Tweed. So Democrat vote rigging efforts make such statements difficult to support.
Teach has been earning us of skyrocketing electrical rates for ever so long.
That has not happened. Over the last 20 years residential electric rates have “skyrocketed” at an average of 2% per year.
Why are there no dates showing when this will happen? Heat pumps are getting better more efficient every year. The newest models don’t even use compressors anymore but solid state capacitors which may increase efficiency by a further 30%. The Europeans of course will get these energy saving heat pumps before we go.
Most people agree that subsidized weatherization and more efficient energy use save’s money instead of having to increase energy production
The program is due to begin in 6 years. So don’t PANIC !!!
John Timmer
Has the article about using capacitors in heat pumps, as well as replacing batteries in many uses
We are undergoing rapid change in technology. Try to stay current.
H, you are a filthy fucking liar. Energy prices have gone up consistently over the last 20 years. Here’s what I just received in my e-mail yesterday from PECO which is the electric cartel in my area:
“Your electricity use is projected to be 32% higher this billing period.
Compared to the same time last year
As a budget billing customer, your costs may increase in the future if you use more energy than usual.
For more information on budget billing go to PECO.com
( I am build on a budget at the rate of $678 per month 12 months a year by PECO)
Colder weather may have affected your energy use
Energy use tends to be higher on colder days.
On average, this month was 9°F cooler than the same time last year.
When you use the most electricity tell us how global warming is raising the temperatures when the electric company for a major part of the Mid-Atlantic East Coast is telling us that the temperatures are decreasing.
Think about what’s using electricity in the afternoons.
morning Mornings 6am – 12pm 25%
afternoon Afternoons 12pm – 6pm 26%
evening Evenings 6pm – 12am 24%
night Nights 12am – 6am 25%
Based on your average electricity use between November 3, 2023 – November 15, 2023
Ways to Save
Unplug electronics when they’re not in use
Many electronic devices and kitchen appliances use power even when they’re turned off. To save energy, unplug them from the wall when you’re not using them.
Save up to $20 per year
Everything you left to say is nothing but filthy fucking lies. From hunters laptop to global warming you are nothing but liars. And all we need to do to see that is the look at the riots and the protest going on at colleges who support Hamas and other terrorist Muslim organizations. They’ve been brainwashed by people like HR and by people like Elwood. They’ve been turned against their own race, their own country, their own God and their own families.
Just like a creep like Elwood refers to all of us millions as “maggots” tells us how wonderful his Islamic terrorist enablers next door are and now he’d rather have them as neighbors than us. I guess living next to someone who would cut his head off rape his wife and throw all the fags on the street off a roof is his chosen neighbor. There’s no accounting for taste I guess.
He’s not just a communist traitor he’s a potential saboteur.
Kye, you’re a filthy fucking piece of shit, and a lying MAGAt to boot!!
According to you, you’re a multi-multi millionaire accepting millions in taxpayer dollars every year. You’re taking millions from your poor MAGAt buddies who actually work for a living!! What a man…
Why are you so angry all the time? Self-loathing? Suck it up buttercup!! Try to enjoy you’re remaining years.
It takes a special kind of idiocy to decide that “Make America Great Again” is somehow a BAD thing. Elwood (Jeffty) continues to do that.
The class will submit 3 page, double-spaced essays describing what other failures Elwood may be suffering from, as implied by this one.
Johnny-why does anyone need heat pumps?
Jl, there is nothing wrong with heat pumps. They are just one solution for home heating and cooling. Lots of people select them for their own reasons. That doesnt mean everyone needs or wants them. Funny thing about europe is 20 years ago, they made fun of Americans as pampered because we preferred air conditioning in our homes and offices, while they would insist we just open a window. Good for european aristocrats that they are now letting their peasants live in comfort year round.
If someone is selling what you need but it’s too expensive, one solution to use less of it!!
Is it the government’s responsibility to regulate prices?
Go without heat, you peasants!
A quite breathtaking inversion of the facts. Bravo!
[…] Surprise: Green Energy To Skyrocket Cost Of NY Energy […]