Can we officially call this Jew Derangement Syndrome at this point? Or, is that minimizing the hatred these people have for Israel and Jews?
The director of a sexual assault center at a Canadian university is coming under criticism for signing an open letter denying women were raped during Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.
Samantha Pearson, director of the University of Alberta’s Sexual Assault Center, was among those to sign in support of the letter written by two local politicians.
Sarah Jama, a member of Ontario’s provincial parliament, and Susan Kim, a city councillor in Victoria, British Columbia, authored the letter to all members of Canada‘s parliament.
‘We, the undersigned, residing in so-called Canada, urge Canadian political leaders to end their complicity in the ongoing massacres and genocide in Gaza, Occupied Palestine,’ they wrote.
The letter – entitled ‘Stand with Palestine: Call on Political Leaders to End Their Complicity in Genocide!’ – called on the MPs to resign after the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, refused to demand a ceasefire.
And the signatories criticized opposition leader Jagmeet Singh for having ‘repeated the unverified accusation that Palestinians were guilty of sexual violence.’
Whatever happened to believe all women? If women in Gaza started accusing Israeli soldiers of rape and sexual assault you can bet these unhinged tools would howl and immediately believe them, because they hate Israel which has led to loathing Jews.
???? Breaking: Israel ???????? prime minister and defense minister stated that Hamas leaders in Qatar ???????? will be killed.
Defense Minister Gallant: “We don't distinguish between Hamas terrorists with AK-47 in Gaza, and terrorists with suits in lavish hotels. We will eliminate them all.”
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 18, 2023
Leftists want the killing in Gaza to stop? Tell Hamas to release all the hostages and surrender, including the chickenshit ones hiding in other countries.

Our esteemed host wrote:
Feminism has always been a subset of leftism, and subordinate to it. We learned that in 1998, when the feminist left wrote off the President of the United States for his pathetic affair with a 21-year-old intern, a
womangirl clearly in a far, far, far inferior ‘power position’ to him, because he was a Democrat.Good thing Neil Armstrong walked on the moon when he did, major media might have had to work a lot harder to shove Mary Jo Kopechne into the memory hole.
Their statement is accurate. They are not saying it didn’t happen, only that it is unverified. I believe this is a step in the right direction for them: waiting until a rape is verified before they spread word of it around. I suspect this will be hard for them since they have no experience doing it.
“The first casualty, when war comes, is truth.” – Hiram Johnson (R-CA)
All reports from both the Israelis and Hamas need to be viewed with skepticism.
Each side propagandizes the other as animals. Hamas terrorists beheaded babies, raped girls, etc. Hamas accuses the Israelis of bombing civilian targets killing thousands.
I suspect the Hamas terrorists DID sexually assault the girls and women. It’s part of their terrorism. Also, men are savage pigs. It’s estimated there were millions of sexual assaults in WWII, especially of Jewish, Polish and Romani girls and women in camps by the Nazis. Allied soldiers also assaulted women. My father-in-law was in the Pacific during WWII and said his comrades often “took advantage” of the native girls and women. Just as in Vietnam, the offspring from these “liaisons” were often stigmatized. It’s estimated some 30,000 Amerasian children resulted from the Vietnam “war” alone. US servicemen have left babies in the Philippines, Vietnam, S Korea, Taiwan, Thailand.
Hamas may well have murdered all the Israel rape victims but it’s possible some survived and could bear an Israeli-Palestinian offspring.
Perhaps it’s time for women to take over running the world…
And when caught American soldiers were punished.
See the difference?
And thanks for using our sins to forgive the baby roasters.
You are truly despicable.
How many American soldiers were punished? Yes, very few.
I absolutely did not forgive Hamas, you truly despicable MAGAt.
Chicken Little
The point is, as you well know, that we, as a country, as a civilization, as a culture, reject roasting babies and raping opponents.
Islam does not. Hamas is merely the latest flare up.
But you, in your self hatred, look for any way to attack our, it is not your, country.
MAGAt Man,
Our First Amendment…
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
Our Supreme Court interprets this to keep our government from being involved in religion.
It’s unconstitutional for the government to favor one religion over another – accordingly Christianity is not superior to Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, atheism or agnosticism.
Raping and burning babies are not tenets of Islam any more than in Christianity. And is against American law.
Do you believe America should repeal that part of the First Amendment?
At sounds as if many cons want to ban Islam – to block Muslims from immigrating. Many cons want to limit the free speech of Muslims (and other Americans who disagree with cons).
“I absolutely did not forgive Hamas…”
Technically, no. You just took the weaselly way out, the “Both sides do it! Where’s my fainting couch?” routine.
Aside: Please explain how Making America Great Again is a BAD thing.
I thought lefty idiots (BIRM) were OPPOSED to stereotyping and prejudice. Apparently I was wrong about that.
And when caught American soldiers were punished.
See the difference?
And thanks for using our sins to forgive the baby roasters.
You are truly despicable.
General Curtis LeMay, who directed our bombing campaign against Japan, famously noted that, had the US lost the war, he’d have been the one in the dock, being tried for war crimes.
War crimes trials are only for the losers.
Chicken Little
“”Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” – Karl Popper”
Cap’n Shit for Brains,
Let us explain what you copy&pasted so even you and the Florida Fascist might understand…
Popper “argues” that “if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society (e.g., the US) against the onslaught of the intolerant (e.g., MAGAts), then the tolerant (the US) will be destroyed”.
Youse guys argue today that tolerating Muslims will destroy the US, as you argued yesterday that tolerating Mexicans was destroying the US, as you will argue tomorrow that tolerating tolerance will destroy the US.
You argue that our Constitution is “not a suicide pact”, except for the 2nd Amendment which is an actual but sacred suicide pact.
What’s supposed to be the issue here? Not seeing a problem.
The enemy is Islam. It has always been Islam since 610AD when it was founded. They haven’t had a day of peace since then. Anyone who excuses any Islamic gives aid and comfort to all things immoral.
The enemy is the fascistic MAGAt movement since it was founded in 2015. We haven’t had a day of peace since then. Anyone who excuses any MAGAt gives aid and comfort to all things immoral.