It’s super easy to declare yourself a sanctuary city, refusing to cooperate with federal authorities, primarily ICE, and supporting unfettered illegal immigration. It’s something else entirely to have to put your beliefs into practice
Democratic cities brace for a nightmare winter housing migrants
Migrants in Chicago huddle on the floors of police stations and sleep in city buses kept running overnight to block out the cold. In Massachusetts, where the emergency shelter system hit capacity earlier this month, the state is converting office space into shelters and at least one local group is stockpiling sleeping bags.
And in New York, where shelters are also full, the city has taken the extraordinary steps of providing migrants one-way plane tickets to as far away as Morocco and have contemplated handing out tents to newly-arriving migrants so they can sleep in parks.
Northern cities and states that have been overwhelmed by a surge in migrants are now out of room to house them just as the weather turns cold — a potentially life-threatening situation that’s inflaming local political tensions as the Biden administration largely leaves these Democratic strongholds to fend for themselves.
“The state that took my ancestors in fleeing from pogroms in Ukraine will not allow asylum seekers to freeze to death on our doorsteps,” Gov. JB Pritzker said last week, referring to his family’s immigration to Illinois.
In Sanctuary City Chicago, today will have a high of 39. Sunday is 36 with potential for snow. Monday is 30. Have fun! You wanted all those illegals to enter the nation, now you deal with it. And for all the illegals, well, you wanted to come to the U.S. Enjoy!
A DHS official not authorized to speak publicly said about $800 million has been allocated for temporary shelter and other services through various emergency food and shelter programs.
How could $800 million help legal U.S. citizens? Quite a bit, eh?
Pritzker said at least $65 million of the new $160 million the state is investing to address its migrant surge will go toward a “winterized soft shelter site” to house up to 2,000 migrants
$160 million sure could help the citizens of Illinois, eh?
Pritzker repeated his concern that the migrant crisis is an issue requiring broader federal coordination and said Chicago officials haven’t “moved fast enough” to deal with it: “We’re stepping in here to try to help and accelerate this process.”
Hey, he’s the governor: why can he not get things done? Isn’t that his job?
“As the temperature starts to drop, it is crucial — now more than ever — that the federal government finish the job they started,” Adams’ spokesperson Kayla Mamelak Altus said in a statement. “We need meaningful financial help and a national decompression strategy. New York City cannot continue to manage a national crisis almost entirely on its own.”
Hey, he and his Democrat ilk wanted illegal immigration: now they get to deal with it. What is a “national decompression strategy”? In my mind it’s shutting the border as much as possible, turning away all illegals and people demanding asylum (no applying outside), deporting most here in the U.S., and taking a several decade pause to allow those who are here that are being allowed to stay to assimilate, just has been done many times. To Adams, it probably means lots of cash and shipping illegals elsewhere.
Meanwhile, good news: lots of Chinese are being caught crossing the border. 24,000. That we know about.

Typical of many enterprises created by leftists including the genocide Joe administration no Biden Administration Gave Loan of $3 Billion to Solar Company Facing Scamming Accusations.
Seems the best election cheats also make the best thieves of government largesse. Isn’t it odd how many Democrats surface stealing money from the government and from the people?
“The Biden Administration’s Department of Energy (DOE) awarded a loan of $3 billion to a solar company that has been accused of scamming elderly customers, including customers with dementia.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, the scam by the company Sunnova Energy involved forcing elderly and dementia-afflicted customers into signing five-figure, multi-decade solar panel leases on their deathbeds. One such account was given by Texas resident Terry Blythe, who said that her 86-year-old father had been convinced by a door-to-door salesman for the company to sign a 25-year solar panel lease back in 2020. Upon her father’s death earlier this year, Blythe was stuck with the $34,000 contract herself.
“It was truly ripping off old people,” she recounted. “It was the biggest ripoff I’ve ever seen.”
Blythe and over 50 other customers have since filed consumer complaints with the Texas Attorney General’s office against Sunnova; the complaints include scams and predatory sales tactics, as well as maintenance delays.
In response to the controversy, a Sunnova spokesman claimed that the company “cannot and [does] not decline to enter into an agreement based on a customer’s age.”
“All customers, regardless of age, are required to complete a thorough validation process where we confirm their identity and ensure that they have read and comprehended the terms of their agreements,” the spokesman continued, stating that the company is “fully dedicated to assisting all our customers in resolving any issues that may arise during the life of their agreement or due to external factors.”
The company’s exposed practices have led to further scrutiny regarding the $3 billion federal loan that the company received from the DOE’s Loan Programs Office (LPO), which is the single largest loan ever given to a solar company by the Department. The money was ostensibly supposed to help finance Sunnova’s panel loans in order to help “disadvantaged homeowners and communities.”
Experts say that when the DOE was vetting the company ahead of the loan being awarded, such practices and prior complaints should have been noticed during the vetting process.
“This is reminiscent of the mortgages of the 2000s, just getting people to sign, with no care at all as to the consequences,” said one anonymous former DOE official. “Why not just call it subprime solar?”
Lawmakers on Capitol Hill such as Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, have since begun investigations into possible conflicts of interest within the Department’s LPO, including the issue of funds for Sunnova. The current LPO director, Jigar Shah, previously created and led a trade association called Cleantech Leaders Roundtable (CLR), with one of its board members also being a board member of Sunnova. Even after Shah left the group to join the Biden Administration, CLR has continued to work closely with the LPO, acting as a gatekeeper for companies seeking DOE loans, and also hosting paid events with Shah.
“The potential for conflicts of interest, especially in light of a $3 billion loan approval for Sunnova, a company who shares a board member with Cleantech Leaders Roundtable, cannot be overlooked,” Barrasso wrote in a letter to the DOE’s ethics counsel Susan Beard earlier this month.
In response to the scrutiny, Shah has since downplayed his own role, claiming during congressional testimony last month that “I’m not that important,” and that his job is to “promote the loan programs office” rather than actually approve the loans.”
The slimy Democrats creep out of the mud once again with their hands out to grab the money from the treasury and from the people. Well at least this time there are no little children being anally raped involved. They are just anally screwing the elderly. Next month they’ll work on finding new ways of screwing the handicapped.
Nobody freezes to death in Guatemala.
It gets cold in Texas, too, though not normally as cold as in Chicago. Governor Greg Abbott will have the same problems as Governor Pritzker, albeit differently: not quite as cold, but more illegals with which to deal.
There is a very, very simple way to deal with this problem: close the f(ornicating) border! Send back the illegals who are already here! Of course, that very simple solution is just not sophisticated enough for the liberal mind, despite the fact that it would do something really radical like actually work.
The more liberal-than-the-US Europeans are finally figuring it out. Hungary elected a man who promised to keep the migrants out, and Poland is stopping them as well. Italians elected a conservative government, and Giorgia Meloni, who ran on a platform of stopping the migrants, became Prime Minister. A ‘migrant’ stabbed some kids in Dublin, and that triggered riots against immigrants, while the liberal Dutch just gave a plurality their votes to anti-Islam, anti-immigration Geert Wilders. The liberal mindset of the Europeans has met the reality of those ‘migrants’ now in their neighborhoods.
Actually, the Europeans have it worse than we do. Our immigrants are primarily Hispanic and Catholic; while their culture is hardly white picket fence middle America, it’s still Christian and somewhat Westernized. In Europe, the ‘migrants’ are mostly Arabic and Middle Eastern, their religion Islam, and their whole culture not only not Western, but actively anti-Western. We have a batter chance of assimilating our immigrants than do the Europeans, but that still does not mean we can take so many at once.
We don’t need to assimilate anybody if we start out by bringing people like us here. The only people who need assimilation are people who are alien to America, it’s culture it’s history and its future.
Mr Dana: A ‘migrant’ stabbed some kids in Dublin
In Dublin, a person of interest in the attack is in the hospital with serious injuries after a Brazilian immigrant beat the crap out of him with a motorcycle helmet. The suspect is an Irish citizen who reportedly immigrated to Ireland some 20 years ago. The police are not looking for other suspects at this time.
Restrictive gun laws in Ireland prevented the children from protecting themselves!! On the other hand, the stabber could have used a AR-15 type semi-auto rifle with multiple magazines enabling the slaughter of dozens of schoolkids instead of harming only 3.
There have been several hundred school shootings in US history, with nearly 400 since the Littleton CO murders in 1999. Below are shooting locations with 3 or more fatalities in addition to the shooter.
Most mass murderers in US schools are male citizens with firearms (more “famous” slaughters bolded), Pasadena CA, Austin TX, Mesa AZ, Fullerton CA, Stockton CA, Olivehurst CA, San Diego CA, Pearl MS, W Paducah KY, Craighead AR, Springfield OR, Littleton CO, DeKalb IL, Red Lake MN, Nickel Mines PA, Chardon OH, Oakland CA, Newtown CT, Hazard KY, Santa Monica CA, Marysville WA, Roseburg OR (British born Christopher Harper-Mercer), Rancho Tehama CA, Parkland FL, Santa Fe TX, Oxford MI, Uvalde TX, Charlottesville VA, E Lansing MI, Nashville TN.
Exceptions are the murders at VA Tech by Korean Seung-Hui Cho who had lived with his family in the US for 15 years before his attacks, the Huntsville AL teacher Amy Bishop killed 3 coworkers at school, and Chinese Gong Lu killed 5 at the U of Iowa.
Most US school shooters are white males.
For some inexplicable reason almost every school shooting occurs in the United States. Are Americans just intrinsically more violent than Russians, Nigerians, Brazilians, Chinese etc?
The US has assimilated English, French, Ireland, Italian, West Central African, Greek, Chinese, Russian, Indian, Swedish, Mexican, Finnish, Japanese, Polish, German, Spanish, Portuguese… those immigrants already here disliked the newbies.
So what you’re saying is for the most part The US has assimilated people who didn’t need to be assimilated because they were already like us. You only need to assimilate people who are not like you almost all of those guys or pre assimilated if you will. And I know by listening to people that Mexicans and Indians and Japanese always hyphenate themselves so they’re not assimilated. Assimilated people are not hyphenated. Hyphenation separate people, not unite them. That’s why you leftists love hyphenated Americans because they’re not really Americans.
You would notice I’m sure that most of the people we have problems with are the ones that hyphenate themselves. We don’t have an English- American problem we don’t have a German- American problem we don’t have a French- American problem, do we?
If you were fortunate enough to be born in the United States of America you should be smart enough to shut up and save the country for yourself, your family and your countrymen and not allow millions upon millions filthy uneducated sickly animals in from all over the world.
We don’t need them we certainly don’t want them and they bring nothing of major value into the country. We have enough people on welfare to pick our fruit mow our lawns all we have to do is stop giving them free money.
Funny because most of those places used to have laws to discourage people from sleeping in the parks. Now they encourage it (except when Chinese leaders visit).