…is a hazy day due to too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Democratic voters overwhelmingly approving of government censorship.

…is a hazy day due to too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Democratic voters overwhelmingly approving of government censorship.
Those poles are absolutely petrifying. When it comes to freedom and the understanding of what liberty means the American Democrat has lost all credibility. They believe the only things that should be out there are things they agree with everything else should be censored. All one needs to do is read Elwood’s comments to understand that. These men like Elwood are a danger to our Republic.
We need to do something before these people destroy the greatest nation ever created on earth with communism fascism and any other ISM they can think of.
When it comes to freedom and the understanding of what liberty means the American MAGAt has lost all credibility. All one needs to do is read L.G. Brandon’s comments to understand that “men” like L.G. Brandon are a danger to our Republic.
We need to do something before MAGAts like L.G. Brandon destroy the greatest nation ever created on Earth with their lies and fascism.
Regarding the poll, take the conclusions with a grain of salt…
Hey L.G. Brandon, do you consider sex outside of marriage to be “sexually immoral”?
Now that we all know Floyd died of a drug O.D., can Chauvin get out of prison?
PH: Now that we all know Floyd died of a drug O.D.
Meanwhile, murderer Derek Chauvin…
It was reported that Chauvin will survive.
Now that even Jeff admits Chauvin did not kill Floyd, can we release Chauvin from prison?
Amazing how the AP will go to bat to whitewash the reputation of a career criminal who died of a drug overdose, even if it means keeping an innocent man in prison.
Professor of what? Bullshit? Trump?
Does the nutty professor have any evidence to support his lie?