Is it allowable for Protestant denominations to worship God and also be part of a cult?
Episcopal delegates share, seek solutions at UN conference to solve climate change crisis
The United Nations is six days into its annual climate change conference, and Episcopal delegates have been busy advocating for stronger public and private actions to help solve the global climate crisis.
Since Nov. 30, a record 90,000 registered world leaders, policymakers, climate scientists, activists, corporate executives and interfaith representatives have been participating in the 28th U.N. Conference of Parties of the Framework Convention on Climate Change, or simply, COP28. Of the 21 Episcopal delegates participating on behalf of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, nine of them are attending the conference in person. The remaining 12 delegates are participating virtually. COP28, underway in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, will conclude on Dec. 12.
Wait, 90K? I remember the days just 15 years ago when it was only about 10K. And, how did these 9 delegates travel to Dubai?
Susie Faria, policy analyst for the church’s Washington, D.C.-based Office of Government Relations, is traveling to Dubai to attend the second half of COP28 in person. She said she’ll be paying particular attention to what U.S. State Department officials and members of Congress attending the conference will say.
“I’m going to be keeping an eye on what the United States is doing … and then seeing how we can then find out the middle ground between what they speak on, and then what the church believes in, and working towards helping shape policy to reflect those goals ultimately,” she told Episcopal News Service.
Shouldn’t the church be focusing on Bible stuff, not a cult?
COP28 is the first conference to include a faith pavilion, where participants can engage in faith-based sessions with stakeholders, political delegations and other leaders to promote climate action. The Episcopal Diocese of California is one of more than 50 faith organizations that collaborated to establish the faith pavilion.
Oh, good, more religions forgetting what they’re about, buying into what the cult is selling.
Episcopal delegate Logan Crews, a seminarian at Yale Divinity School who served this summer as an Episcopal Church Ecojustice Fellow, will virtually participate in the second half of COP28. Crews told ENS he’s particularly interested in joining any event that involves young people’s voices.
“I think that the other delegates and I have a sense of urgency that is severely lacking in a lot of places within environmental justice work and climate work,” Crews said. “Everyone who is paying any attention to COP28 hopefully has an understanding that the climate is unraveling at a speed that we’re struggling to catch up with — and hopefully they know that that’s a big concern for humanity — but I don’t think anyone knows it like the young people who are preparing for a long future ahead that is going to be marked by climate change like no other generation. I think that gives us a sense of urgency, a sense of responsibility that is slightly different.”
Essentially, they’re driving parishioners away by forgetting to worship God. It’s not even a case of “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.” They are giving what belongs to God to Caesar, ie, the climate cult and it’s links to Government.

Mr Teach asks: Is it allowable for Protestant denominations to worship God and also be part of a cult?
Many millions of American Protestants have joined the Trump Cult.
Our esteemed host concluded:
The Church of England — the Episcopal Church is the US branch of the Anglican Church — is literally part of government, separating from the Roman Catholic Church so that His Majesty King Henry VIII could order his own divorce, so it’s pretty obvious that they have already given unto Caeser what is God’s. His Majesty the King is the titular head of the Church of England, and one of his titles is ‘Defender of the Faith.’
That title was, ironically enough, conferred on Henry VIII by the Pope, for his vigorous defense of the Church against the Protestantism in Germany, before Good King Harry’s own schism.
The Episcopal Church has already split, precipitated by the ordination of an openly queer — hey, they call themselves ‘queer’ now, so I guess that I can, too! —
manmale as their Bishop of New Hampshire back in 2004.Mr Teach types: more religions forgetting what they’re about, buying into what the cult is selling
Should not religion be about the world? Should Christians STFU about abortion, transgenderism, LGBTQ issues, war, poverty, capital punishment, schools, orphans, politics, authoritarianism? Or should they just STFU about climate change?
Should not Christians take part in the world?
Lutheran minister Martin Niemoller, on the Nazis:
Chicken Little:
So climate change is like the Nazi’s.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Chicken Shittle,
Theologian Martin Niemöller was making the point that burying yourself within your faith while the world around you, both secular and religious, is collapsing is counterproductive.
Mr Teach supports religions intervening in abortion laws and LGBTQ issues but not global warming.
Hypocrisy is as hypocrisy does.
Let’s see, you’re a communist but you’re an expert on Christianity lutherans episcopalians Catholics Jews and Muslims. I’m sure if something was in the news about Hindus and anybody else you would know all about them too because after all you’ve got Google. And once you see it on the Internet you know it’s true. That’s where all your facts come from.
And when you talk about hypocrisy you better be looking in the mirror. And while your theologian is welcome to his opinion on both secular and religious thought it neither means he was correct or incorrect. It’s just his fuking opinion. you seem to think at the moment you quote somebody it makes you correct and it makes them correct when it does neither.
It’s amazing how quickly you throw reason and common sense into the trash heap just so that you can seidel up some left wing communist.
Chicken Little
Yes, he was and you made my point by comparing climate change to a political movement that killed millions.
That’s why I have named you Chicken Little.