If All You See…

…is orange juice from oranges that will soon grow in Siberia, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on illegals leaving a national monument covered in feces.

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6 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. dave in pa. says:

    that looks like a fun weekend. any longer and I would be broke as hell. looks to be fun though.
    vey glad I am too old for such nonsense now a days. but 30 years ago, yeah.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    SHE DOESN’T LOOK LIKE A MAGA TYPE, BUT I’M TOLD BY ALL THE BEST PEOPLE THAT THEY’RE THE THREAT: Woman arrested for pouring gasoline, trying to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth home. “Police said they have arrested 26-year-old Laneisha Shantrice Henderson and charged her with criminal attempt arson and criminal attempt interference with government property.”

    So a black woman dressed as Antifa tries to burn MLK birth home, is stopped by a white guy from Utah and two off-duty cops. But if she’d gotten away with it and those bystanders hadn’t been there, the press would be telling us it was yet another example of white-supremacist domestic terrorism.


    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

    • Genocide Joe the commie says:

      Next it will be that the woman was suffering from post white supremacist syndrome. A new malady that only hits non white people. Then they’ll bring up 30 different “doctors” to testify that it exists at which point they’ll add it to the list of approved problems covered by the Americans with Disabilities act. Shortly thereafter Planned Parenthood will announce that they have specialists at their locations to deal with this new “pandemic” and the $5000 fee is covered by obamacare as are the gov. required “vaccines”.

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    Roni and Simona, the parents of Doron Steinbrecher who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from Kfar Azza on October 7, were invited to a meeting with the Red Cross earlier this week.

    Doron needs a medication she takes daily and her parents thought that the Red Cross was finally willing to transfer the medication to her, but instead they were sat down and reprimanded by representatives of the Red Cross.

    “Think about the Palestinian side,” the representatives of the Red Cross told Simona, according to KAN. “It’s hard for the Palestinians, they’re being bombed.”

    Looks like the Red Cross could use a few more “humanitarians” like Rimjob.


    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Our neoFascist Republicans support Russia conquering Ukraine. Putin is playing a waiting game, and supports (with China and Iran) the election of Trump in 2024. Every day our neoFascist GOP aids Russia as a win for Putin.

    5% of our military budget would go to defeat one of our primary enemies (Russia, with China and Iran). In reality, that 5% would go to US manufacturers and workers!

    Trump and his MAGAts will destroy America and the world, out of ignorance and spite.

Pirate's Cove