Our public education system is a disaster
One in five young Americans believes the Holocaust is a myth, poll finds
One in five young Americans thinks that the Holocaust is a myth and only half are convinced that it definitely happened, according to a new poll.
Older Americans were far more likely to believe the historical fact of the Holocaust, the attempt by Hitler’s Germany to exterminate Jewish people.
The findings are particularly sensitive amid growing accusations of anti-Semitism on US university campuses since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.
Fake news on social media has been suggested as an explanation for the findings in the YouGov/The Economist poll, which found the proportion of Americans who believe the Holocaust is a myth was similar across all levels of education.
About 20 per cent of people aged 18 to 29 believe the murder of six million Jews is made up, the survey found. An additional 30 per cent said they did not know whether the Holocaust was a myth or not.
Social media doesn’t help, but, it’s failing schools, including colleges
Young people were also nearly five times more likely to think that Jews have too much power in the USA than those aged 65 or over. Some 28 per cent of young respondents agreed with the well-worn anti-Semitic trope, compared to just 6 per cent of older Americans.
These are the same ones wearing nose rings, telling everyone their preferred pronouns, and constantly yammering about LBGT while espousing interest in Islam and saying it would be tolerant to them. They learn this in schools. Speaking of schools, the NY Times is more concerned with Republicans seizing on the Democratic Party voters at colleges being Jew haters than the Democratic Party voters at colleges actually being Jew haters
As Fury Erupts Over Campus Antisemitism, Conservatives Seize the Moment
For years, conservatives have struggled to persuade American voters that the left-wing tilt of higher education is not only wrong but dangerous. Universities and their students, they’ve argued, have been increasingly clenched by suffocating ideologies — political correctness in one decade, overweening “social justice” in another, “woke-ism” most recently — that shouldn’t be dismissed as academic fads or harmless zeal.
The validation they have sought seemed to finally arrive this fall, as campuses convulsed with protests against Israel’s military campaign in Gaza and hostile, sometimes violent, rhetoric toward Jews. It came to a head last week on Capitol Hill, as the presidents of three elite universities struggled to answer a question about whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” would violate school rules, and Republicans asserted that outbreaks of campus antisemitism were a symptom of the radical ideas they had long warned about. On Saturday, amid the fallout, one of those presidents, M. Elizabeth Magill of the University of Pennsylvania, resigned.
For Republicans, the rise of antisemitic speech and the timid responses of some academic leaders presented a long-sought opportunity to flip the political script and cast liberals or their institutions as hateful and intolerant. “What I’m describing is a grave danger inherent in assenting to the race-based ideology of the radical left,” said Representative Virginia Foxx, Republican of North Carolina, at the hearing, adding, “Institutional antisemitism and hate are among the poison fruits of your institution’s cultures.”
This was a very high on the webpage article on Sunday. Colleges are mostly run and staffed by Democrats, most of the teachers are Democrats, and so many kiddies are taught to be Democrats, but, hey, let’s yammer about Republicans seizing.

I’ve always felt there would come a day when these radical bastards would convince the American people it was all a myth.
We’re pleased to see the party of “Jews Won’t Replace Us!” burning their swastika flags!! What a turnaround!
Young Americans are free to think, believe and say what they want. It’s in the 1st Amendment. The answer to misinformation is more truth. That said, verbal attacks can lead to violence. College Americans need to stop their anti-Jewish BS. The inexorable Arrow of Time means we forget history and fill the void with nothingness or even myths. As is always the case, people personalize issues, and as in this case, legitimate criticisms of Israel’s oppression of Israeli Arabs, of Israel’s prosecution of the “war”, have morphed into anti-Jewish “otherism”.
Influencers like Mr Teach falsely label any criticism of Israel to be anti-Semitism, pro-Hamas and pro-terrorist… just another part of the war of the words and not helpful.
Only half of US states require public schools to teach The Holocaust.
There have always been a few, with few being the most important word, antiSemites among conservatives. That’s unfortunate.
But while the KKK was definitely antiSemitic, and aligned with Democrats, remember: it was the good, northeastern liberals who imposed “Jewish quotas” on Ivy League schools, because they were afraid that too many Jooooos would win admission without them. And their successors in those schools have now put in place “Asian quotas,” because they didn’t want too many students from a successful ethnic group.
I don’t recall it ever being taught when I went to high school, but that was mostly because our history classes never got that close to World War II. Yet I knew about it, I’m guessing because my mother taught me about it.
But there’s a difference between not being taught about it, and having heard about it but believing it’s a myth.
The socialist from St Louis wrote:
I’m sure that our host would be happy to be considered an “influencer”!
A case can be made for calm and intellectual debate when it comes to Israeli policies, but calm and intellectual debates do not seem to be what we have. The pro-Palestinian marches we’ve seen have all devolved into antiSemitism, and we’ve had the spectacle of three college Presidents who could not answer definitively that students demonstrating for genocide of the Jews was both wrong and in violation of their colleges’ rules.
Mr Teach blamed the US educational systems.
Anyway, we agree that there is no calm and intellectual debate around this (and many other) issues. For example, I strongly believe that the systematic annihilation of the Gazans is not only a humanitarian obscenity but also a strategic disaster. We disagree on that approach. That doesn’t make you a monster or me a Hamas supporter.
The strategic error in a Gazan massacre is that Israel can’t and won’t murder all Muslims and Arabs in the Middle East. There are nearly as many Arabs in Israel proper, Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem as Jews! Israel is bordered by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt, with Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran waiting in the wings. Murdering 1 million Gazan children, women and men (we have been assured the dogs and cats will be spared) will not be well digested by Arabs and Muslims and the rest of the world.
Of course, Israel has the absolute right and duty to defend their citizens, as does every nation.
The impression that I get is that American conservatives don’t consider Muslims and Arabs to deserve the presumption of humanity.
Nice pro-Hamas copy and paste, Rimjob.
None of this would’ve happened had those barbarians not attacked innocent people.
Pretty sure the Israelis understand a little bit more about defending their nation and citizens than some ignorant fatass sitting at a keyboard in Affton, MO.
Your faux empathy is noted.

Chicken Little Man (yeah, I’ve changed it a bit to be sure I get your gender right….??)
Young Americans are free to think, believe and say what they want. It’s in the 1st Amendment.
If you believe that the US is the best country in the world and it is thus worthy of defending it follows that we should teach our CHILDREN in k-12 that we are the best.
Our TAXPAYER FUNDED higher (lower actually) education schools should thus also follow K-12.
PRIVATE schools paid for with PRIVATE money and no government funds can teach what the parents/students are willing to pay for.
Doing it otherwise has produced people such as you. Which is very sad and very self destructive to the country and western civilization
I understand that The Holocaust happened. In fact, never doubted it.
I haven’t seen sufficient evidence of gods, magic, miracles, demons or angels, except for the humans we attribute those qualities to. But I could be wrong. I have a very conservative atheist friend who won’t admit that he could be wrong about gods etc.
I understand that Trump lost and President Biden won the 2020 election.
Based on the evidence, understand that increased atmospheric CO2 is warming the Earth, but I could be wrong.
Based on evidence, I am convinced that viruses exist.
There is no evidence that Caucasians are superior to people of color.
I don’t believe that LGBTQ people are immoral or defective.
I do “believe” that the United States of America is the best nation on Earth, although not perfect. But we also owe it to our children to tell the truth.
By “people such as I” do you mean rational?
Thanks, dumbass.
Rimjob: There is no evidence that Caucasians are superior to people of color.

Bwaha! Lolgf
And Teach’s resident neoNazi links to a white supremacy website!! Surprise, surprise…
Chicken Little Man
Based on the evidence, understand that increased atmospheric CO2 is warming the Earth, but I could be wrong
CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere. Man contributes 3% of that.
So tell me why:
We are supposed to destroy our economy and ignore all of your failed predictions.
Like hell we are.
0.000001% ricin is lethal.
Can you document your your claim “Man contributes 3% of that” (CO2)
You are aware that CO2 has increased from 280 PPM to 420 PPM over the past century. That’s a 50% increase. Where do you believe that came from? That fact supports the claim that 33% of the CO2 was contributed by man. (BTW, isotope analyses verify it came from fossil fuels).
The US has cut our CO2 emissions and the GDP increased.
“Ricin” causes global warming?

Instead of a logical response Rimjob pulls “ricin” out of his flabby ass.
Take a break, fat boy?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Chicken Little Man
Based on evidence, I am convinced that viruses exist.
And your point is???
There is no evidence that Caucasians are superior to people of color.
No Christian believes otherwise. Do you believe they do? BTW – 620,000 White Republicans died because White Democrats thought they were superior to people of color.
I don’t believe that LGBTQ people are immoral or defective.
Again, why do you say that? What does that have to do with teaching our children that we are the best??? BTW – Neither do I but I also believe God will judge us all.
I do “believe” that the United States of America is the best nation on Earth, although not perfect. But we also owe it to our children to tell the truth.
Children are not mature enough to judge. That’s why they are not punished the same as adults. We do them no favors to present things that confuse them and bring harm to the country they will inherit.
By “people such as I” do you mean rational?
No. I mean country hating Lefties like you.
Should both sides in any debate, education, or discussion be given equal time ?
Should “deniers” of the Holocaust and climate change be allowed 50% of the time in any discussion?
Should Florida and Texas schoolbooks be teaching children of the many benefits that slavery have to black humans?
The law bans workplaces and schools from teaching that anyone must feel guilt based on their race as a result of actions by others in the past. Earlier this year, Florida rejected a new high school Advanced Placement course on Black studies.
The most Orthodox and conservative Jews, the Haredi, are anti zionist. They believe that there should be no State of Israel until after the Messiah arrives. They attend many rallies for Palestinian causes.
Former President Trump has had dinner at his private table with Nick Fuentes, a prominent Holocaust denier. Marjorie Taylor Greene notoriously retweeted that Jewish bankers caused the Cali wildfires by using space Def lasers.
The most hated Dems in Congress are most often Jews.
do you interpret that to mean that they are for the elimination of all Jews and Palestine?
so now you think that trump is a Holocaust denier? In your little world are you not allowed to speak to anyone who doesn’t agree with you?
I am not familiar with that and I don’t have enough information to know why she retweeted something. When you say retweeted you mean she didn’t come up with it she just said that somebody else did correct?
are you saying that AOC and the entire squad, Nancy Pelosi and all those obnoxious black radical Democrats are Jews? Face it, the Democrats he choose to begin with and people and the Democrat party who are Jewish are self hating Jews. They’ve already proven that they have place their jewishness behind their communist views politically. In other words they’ve let their politics become their religion. Just like you Elwood and all the rest of you radicals leftist fascists and communists.
That’s gotta be one of the dumbest statements you’ve ever made. Follow the science asshole. All any rational person needs to do is look at history and compare the races. Other than in the eyes of God in whom you do not believe there is a great difference and disparity between the accomplishments rough quotations and other races.
Sometimes the stupidity that you espouse makes it tedious to even talk to you. You are really a very foolish man and a self hating white. But then you’re a self hating American too so it all fits.