All that snow, cold, and ice is your fault for refusing to sell your fossil fueled vehicle and buy an EV, plus give a ton of your money to government
The weather is getting cold. Global warming is still making weather weird.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) December 12, 2023
From the link
On the coldest days, Francis Tarasiewicz dons long johns, sweat pants, snow pants, hooded jackets, outerwear jackets, a scarf, gloves, mittens and goggles to make the trek a few hundred feet outdoors to the Mount Washington Observatory’s precipitation station.
When winds blow hardest at the 6,288-foot summit, New Hampshire’s tallest peak, the trip takes up to 20 minutes and makes the flapping of his hood sound like a chainsaw.
Braving such harsh conditions, Tarasiewicz – a weather observer and education specialist at the observatory, a nonprofit research institution – and his colleagues have documented a year of crazy extremes on the mountain in 2023, with wild swings in rain, snow and temperatures.
See? Your fault. It’s not like Mount Washington doesn’t always have wild swings in weather because it has always had wild swings. BTW, cool webcam at the top, and from the train that takes you there.
Like thousands of researchers around the globe, they’re compiling increasing evidence that climate change is bringing weirder weather, even in frigid locations like this northeastern landmark.
Notoriously fickle, the world’s weather is lurching from one extreme to another more often and to a greater degree as the warming atmosphere pushes natural variability to new extremes, breaking records time and again, the researchers say.
Blah blah blah. It’s just more people living in areas that witness weather and whining about it because they’ve been indoctrinated.
“People are experiencing climate change right now, right outside their windows, especially through the impacts of extreme weather events,” said Allison Crimmins, director of this fifth national assessment.
No, people are experiencing weather. Weather happens. What we really need is an alien invasion or zombie apocalypse, so people have real things to worry about.

25.3º F at 7:51 AM this morning. The grass and the fields are frosty.
Weather report from NYC. Is 42F
I believe that so far we have had only 1xday of frost, of course our temps are moderated by the ocean which is still upper 40s.
When Teach was a boy in NJ that state had a robust inshore lobster fishers. But due to that “miniscule temp increase” in surface water where lobster eggs hatch, that fishers is essential gone. The only harvest now is from offshore and less than 10% of what it says when Teach was a boy. The town I grew up in west of Boston always had ice skating on ponds and cranberry nogs, now kids are kuck to get a few days every 4 years.
Mr Teach: What we really need is an alien invasion or zombie apocalypse
Maybe Mr Trump can persuade his buddy Putin to drop a small nuke on NYC or Washington DC! That would bring Americans together!
Or, or… Howsabout a global pandemic?