Along with keeping biological men out of women’s sports, it restricts children from having most medical treatments related to them joining the trans fad, what all the wackos call “medical care”
The Ohio Senate passed a bill restricting certain transgender rights for minors in the state on Wednesday.
House Bill 68 is comprised of two acts: the “Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act,” which bans transgender minors from receiving gender-affirming care and the “Save Women’s Sports Act,” which prevents transgender girls from taking part in girls’ and women’s sports.
The bill was passed by the Senate Oversight Committee earlier Wednesday before passing 24-8 in the Senate. The bill passed the House of Representatives in June, but it headed back to the chamber for a second vote Wednesday evening over approving the amendments made by the Senate. The House approved those in a vote of 61-27.
The bill will then head to Republican Gov. Mike DeWine‘s desk, but it is not clear if he will sign or veto the bill. DeWine has previously expressed opposition against anti-trans sports bans, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer.
DeWine has stated that the issue of gender confused men playing women’s sports is best resolved outside of government by the competing bodies, and, normally that would be the case, except this is exactly the situation where a government should step in under Classical Liberalism principles, namely, protecting women from abuse and harm. No one cares if a female pretending to be a male (the number of instances is way less than male to female) wants to play on the men’s lacrosse or rugby teams: the men are not in danger. The reverse cannot be said when a fake women is playing on a women’s team. A FTM is not going to be taking swimming or biking wins from men.
So, what will DeWine do? Will he veto it? Will he just not do anything and let it become law? Will he fail to protect women? Because they are the ones who are paying the big price for the trans craze
Tristan Vaughn, co-founder of Cincinnati transgender support group Transform Cincy, told local ABC News affiliate WCPO she fears the legislation banning gender-affirming care will lead to increased complications for young people diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
“It’s a sad space,” Vaughn said. “And this is why we continue to do the work, because that side, it doesn’t look great.”
Meanwhile, supporters of the bill say it protects children from unnecessary medical treatment.
“This bill protects children. Children who deserve to have a natural childhood,” Matt Sharp with Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal advocacy group, testified before the oversight committee on Wednesday, according to WCPO.
Children should not be fed a cocktail of drugs nor have surgeries. Especially since a good chunk of them are gender confused because their wacko parents and/or teachers are pushing this at very young ages. In the teen years it is more of peer pressure and insanity coming from schools. Some may truly feel this way, so, let them be 18 before they make these significantly life altering decisions. The same wackos who support the trans craze also want to restrict anyone under 21 from using their actual constitutional right to possess a firearm.

It is sad that such a law is needed. It is the logical outcome of the intersection of title 9 policies and the LTGTetc activism.
Mr Teach: also want to restrict anyone under 21 from using their actual constitutional right to possess a firearm
Mr Teach and I agree!
Amendment Two
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The Amendment does not restrict possession of machine guns, hand grenades, land mines, rocket launchers, flame throwers, cannon, warships OR SET LiMITS BASED ON CRIMINAL HISTORY, MENTAL FITNESS, BACKGROUND CHECKS OR AGE!!
EVERY American resident has the right to any weapon they desire including nukes. (Except unlawful immigrants according to US law).
Does “the people” also include the unborn? Baby’s First Sig Sauer MCX-SPEAR 277!!
All local statutes limiting kids having AR-15s are unconstitutional on at least two counts!
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
Mr Dowd already knew, because I have previously pointed it out to him, that the 14th Amendment does allow the suspension of constitutional rights following due process of law. That’s how we can ban previously convicted felons from owning firearms and voting.
Amendment Two
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Of course the state has no way of knowing if a person was a felon unless the state kept up to date records and conducted a thorough background check on the applicant. Is Mr Dana suggesting the state keep this records to prevent a felon from purchasing an AR-15?
States DO keep records of voter registration, so it easier to restrict voting rights. Is voting more dangerous than a violent felon owning a gun?
Do felons lose other Bill of Rights, rights, for example freedom of speech, freedom to protest and freedom of religion?
If not, why not?
Many states restore civil rights once the felon has completed their sentence.
In the NCAA st last count there were less than 40 transgendered athletes competing, that is out of a total of 388000
My guess would be 50% would be competing against boys