The terrorist keep showing their stripes
Senior Hamas official threatens Blinken, says America must ‘pay the price’ for Gaza blood: report
A top Hamas official has called for violence against the allies of Israel, specifically attacking American and British “interests” as a price for the deaths of Gaza citizens.
“When (Secretary of State Antony) Blinken is justifying the killing of women and children, the sons of our nation should say to him: You are the enemy, just like (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu, and you must pay the price, just like Netanyahu,” Sami Abu Zuhri, the head of the political department of Hamas abroad, said during a recent broadcast.
Zuhri made his comments, which the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) translated, on Al-Aqsa TV on Dec. 5, a few days after the end of the temporary pause that allowed Hamas and Israel to exchange hostages and prisoners, respectively. (snip)
“Now it is our nation’s turn to pressure the Americans to stop this war,” Zuhri argued. “We need violent acts against American and British interests everywhere, as well as the interests of all the countries that support the occupation.”
“They must pay a price for the blood of our women and children who are being killed in cold blood in the streets of Gaza,” he added. “They must pay a price so that they know that Gaza is not alone, and that when they gave the order to kill, they should have been prepared to pay the necessary price.”
They should be thankful Trump isn’t still president, he’d be sending all sorts of military in to kill these guys (but, then, with Trump in office the war would most likely have not started). Heck, even Obama might have enjoyed drone-striking the hell out of Hamas. Biden? Well, good on him to back Israel, but, there are still Americans being held hostage. But, hey, maybe Biden will grow a spine and throw some threats out towards the State Dept. designated terrorist group known as Hamas

Hamas has traditionally been funded by the friends of your beloved ex President, Russia and the Saudis and Gulf Arabs.
The EU our traditional allies are getting ready to admit Ukraine into the EU. Israel has supported Ukraine.Trump has always acted like Putin’s bitch poodle. Dark Brandon has sent out Navy there and is daily shooting down missles headed for Israel.
Teach: They should be thankful Trump isn’t still president, he’d be sending all sorts of military in to kill these guys (but, then, with Trump in office the war would most likely have not started).
This would be funny if not so tragic. Do you really feel it’s a good idea to send US troops into Gaza??? And you feel that trump would have magically prevented the Hamas attack??? We understand that MAGAts view trump as a demigod, but really?
Hamas keeps telling people who they are; why won’t the left believe them?
However, our esteemed host wrote:
While I’m sure the President Trump would support Israel in this war, I’m not so sure that he’d be sending Israel weapons and supplies: he’s really not a big fan of getting the US involved in wars. More, it would be inconsistent with him not sending gobs of stuff to Ukraine. He understands: Ukraine cannot win their war against Russia, no matter how much money and equipment we send them, unless NATO also sends ground troops to fight the Russians directly, and that means World War III.
More, he also understands that Israel will not lose its war against Hamas, even if we don’t send them a penny. I could see additional funds for Israel, after the war, but that’s about it.
Johnny-“dark Brandon” has also sent hundreds of millions Hamas. If we are to believe intelligence reports, Iran is the main supplier of money to Hamas. You know, Brandon’s friend
Iran is the main supplier of both arms and money. But jl are you implying they are the only source? JL the money from the USA goes through the Palestinian Authority, not directly to Hamas. Because the Israelis kept the Palestinian Authority so weak in Gaza, Hamas was able to take control. Nature abhors a vacuum, Hamas filled it.
Iran is the ally of Russia. Iran is supplying arms (the drones are powered by 2cycle engines that sound like cheap mopeds) to Russia (as are China and North Korea). I don’t think any of those countries would say they were friends with the Dark Brandon, would you? The friends of Dark Brandon who are supplying aid to Ukraine appear to be our traditional Euro allies, with a few NEW ones joining such as Finland and famously neutral Sweden. Oh and SWITZERLAND has now authorized re-exporting arms to Ukraine. These are the friends of the Dark Brandon. would you like to compare them, to the countries supplying arms to Russia?
Teach the “gobs of stuff” has included 100 of our oldest Abrams tanks that were in storage. Euro allies have sent 200 tanks
Putin wants Trump to win. I dont
Johnny-using the same logic, are the Russians and Saudis the only suppliers to Hamas? Those are the only ones that you mention. In other words, you’re asking me about something you continually do your self.
“Because the Israelis kept the Palestinian authority so weak, Hama was able to take control”. BS-Israel didn’t have to give them the Gaza Strip in the first place, but they did. It’s not Israel’s fault that Hamas spends the hundreds of millions they receive on weapons and building tunnels for terror activities rather than on their people. What does “kept weak” mean, anyway? So weak they were able to inflict mass casualties on civilians guarded by one of the premier militaries in the world?
Guarded by “premier militaries”? They were overrun by savages on mopeds and parachutists powered by fans.
So Rimjob, do you actually understand what you write before commenting.

Silly question for !2yr old mentality, hey chubby?
Jl wrote:
But it is amusing that Israel has captured or destroyed so many of those weapons, and is now going to flood those tunnels with seawater. Hamas have plenty of warning to evacuate those tunnels first, but the Palestinians are so stupid that they might not heed the warning.
Actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if Hamas deliberately placed some civilians, including children, in those tunnels, to make some cockamamie propaganda complaints that Israel deliberately drowned civilians.
Sami Zuhri threatened: “We need violent acts against American and British interests everywhere, as well as the interests of all the countries that support the occupation.”
How has that worked for you in the past, dumbass? Did murdering innocent Israeli citizens, children, women and men help your cause? BTW, Sami, where are you hiding? Save your people and surrender with all the other Hamas leaders.
Your “Two State Solution” can only happen 1) once the war ends and Hamas is neutered and 2) when Netanyahu is out. Israel is not going anywhere.
Hamas better take care. The United States of America trashed al-Qaeda killing their leader, Osama bin Ladin, and Israel has sworn to exterminate Hamas.