Democrats are super excited about securing the borders in Ukraine and driving out the invaders, but, not so much when it comes to doing the same in the U.S.
Tensions rise among Democrats over looming border deal
Senate Democrats are deeply divided over an emerging border deal that some Democratic lawmakers fear will include harsh asylum policy reforms plucked from the House-passed Secure the Border Act in order to win GOP backing of long-delayed funding for Ukraine.
A growing number of Senate Democrats, including Latino caucus members, are sounding the alarm over leaks that say the administration is prepared to support new authority to expel migrants without asylum screenings and expand their detention and deportation.
They worry they’ll get blindsided next week if Senate negotiators reach a deal on border security and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) rushes it to the floor.
Schumer told colleagues Thursday that he plans to schedule a vote on an emergency foreign aid package that will include border security reforms next week. He said White House and Senate negotiators will work through the weekend to reach a framework agreement.
Democratic senators are concerned that Schumer plans to advance the legislative vehicle for the package before they even know the substance of the deal.
I’m not sure why they’re so concerned: Chuck will keep the details secret and none of the border measures will really amount to anything in practice
“I’m very concerned about the details,” Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) said. “I’ve got no details about where the negotiations are, but obviously I have concerns.”
Booker said “there’s a lot of things I’m concerned about,” noting “we don’t know who’s going to be president” and thus who will be enforcing new asylum and border security laws beyond the 2024 election.
Yeah, but, if Trump wins Democrats will sue to kill off that part of the law, and, really, do you really think it will do much? Come on. Most Democrats have zero interest in securing the border. They do love giving lots of taxpayer money to Ukraine.

Total cost of support for Ukraine works out to less than 66 cents per day per US taxpayer
Total cost of the ears in Iraq and Afghanistan
Total cost of Ukraine 2,000,000,000
9,000,000,000,000. Afghan Iraq wars cost
200,000,000,000. Support for Ukraine
The 200 billion total including humanitarian and economic aid represents about 5% of the Pentagons budget
50% of Putins conventional forces have been trashed.
NATO is much stronger now. New members include Finland and Sweden. Even Switzerland is helping to provide tanks to Ukraine.
Teach was a huge cheerleader for Iraq and Afghan ears
So far the United states has pissed away $75 billion+ in the Ukraine. The cost of being in Iraq and Afghanistan was approximately $2 trillion. Simply adding in the entire military budget the United states doesn’t count.
It does not matter what percentage of the pentagons budget is wasted in the Ukraine the fact that the money could be better used by US taxpayers is the point. Ukraine is not an ally it is not part of any groups that were allied with. In fact the country’s littered with Nazis’.
50% of Putin’s forces have not been trashed you absolutely have to stop listening to leftist propaganda you have no concept of what the truth is any longer. And that’s basically on any subject not just the Ukraine. Currently the estimate is that the Ukraine could hold out for perhaps another six months. Ukraine is basically done stick a fork in it bitch.
Whether or not NATO is stronger is not of any importance the point is the Ukraine is not in the NATO and it never will be unless you wanna go to the nuclear war with Russia. Is that what you want H? A nuclear war with Russia? You and all your Anti-Semitic comrades seem to want that.
So Carbon boy-why support Ukraine’s borders but not our own?
So, Mr H’s argument is that we’ve wasted less money in Ukraine than Iraq or Afghanistan, so that makes it OK?
Ukraine cannot defeat Russia regardless of how much money and equipment we send them; they can only win if NATO sends ground troops, and that means World War III.

Bwaha! Lolgf
9,000,000,000,000. Afghan Iraq wars cost
200,000,000,000. Support for Ukraine
The problem with your comparison is simple. Russia does not present a threat.
Afgan/Iraq yes.
Then there’s this: