…is a right supremacist symbol, used by people who deny ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Sir Isaac Newton now being an Indian.

…is a right supremacist symbol, used by people who deny ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Sir Isaac Newton now being an Indian.
[…] If All You See from Pirates Cove […]
LOL. No honor among assholes!
Chicken Little Man
It will never get past appeals.
And Obama’s BC is from a hospital that wasn’t named that and his Daddy from a country that wasn’t named that…
Other than that, no problem.
OMG, you’re mentally unsound. Are you really claiming that President Obama wasn’t born in the US??? Even Big Donnie admitted he lied about President Obama!!
Do you have a caregiver at home?
Of course, it was Hillary who started that whole Obama wasn’t born here trope. And unlike most crap she speaks…
Trump claimed it was Ms Clinton who started it, which is just another Trump lie.
Fat Donnie, Sept 2016:
Neither Ms Clinton nor her campaign questioned Mr Obama’s birth. It was all Fat Donnie.
Haven’t you learned yet that Fat Donnie is an inveterate liar?
He still claims he received more votes than President Biden!!
Anyway, much of what MAGAts believe to be true, is not.
LoL even MSNBC got fact checked live on this.
“Donnie” isn’t near the liar you are, EPD.
Remember when the honorable Republican John McCain was campaigning and a woman called Mr Obama a Muslim and the honorable McCain corrected her? My Dem friends thought that McCain could beat Obama but two things happened – 1) Sarah Palin and 2) The Great Recession, sinking the honorable McCain (who would have been a good president). McCain was a Vietnam War hero and POW that the dishonorable Corpulent Bone Spurs mocked.
Trump picked up the Muslim and birther lies and ran with them. Trump deceives, MAGAts believe!!
Much of what connies believe to be true… is false.
Chicken Little Man
OMG, you’re mentally unsound. Are you really claiming that President Obama wasn’t born in the US??
He must have been born elsewhere.
No American would do what he has done.
What did President Obama do that has your panties in a twist? Getting elected while Black?
We hated Obama like you hate Trump.
Except we hate Obama because he hated America.
You hate Trump because YOU hate America.
Understand now, Rimjob?

America’s newspaper of record “Clarence the angel takes Gavin Newsom to Florida to show him what California would look like if he’d never been born…”
That pho0to has a kind of AI look.
Nah it’s just a cosplayer dressed as the girl from the anime One Piece.
Speaking of assholes…

Bwaha! Lolgf
“Free Palestine”, he screamed…
Bwaha! Lolgf

Bwaha! Lolgf
It’s true.

Bwaha! Lolgf