A bunch of liberals with no skin in the game are also complaining
NYC Mayor Adams defends city’s handling of migrant meals: ‘Is it going to be filet mignon? No’
As New York City nonprofits face an overwhelming demand for food, New York City Mayor Eric Adams defended his administration amid reports of food being wasted at local shelters.
During a joint interview with Deputy Mayor Maria Torres-Springer on Good Day New York, Adams said the city’s obligation is to provide food those who need it.
“Is it going to be filet mignon? No, it is not. It is going to be a basic meal,” he said.
A New York City Council hearing held Tuesday examined the quality of meals being served at local shelters, and according to reports, the food at some has been spoiled and rotten.
“There are those that are stating that we should spend more money on meals, and we’re not going to do that,” Adams said.
Well, I’ll give him props for saying that, but, realistically, the Sanctuary City New York should not be sending anything on illegal aliens, because they shouldn’t, you know, be present in the U.S.A. How many police officers and teachers are you laying off to pay for the care and feeding of these illegals?
(NY Post) Several migrants confessed to The Post Friday the meals served up at New York City asylum seeker shelters are so “bad” they often just trash them — with some opting to sneakily cook in their rooms instead.
Their claims of terrible food came a day after it was revealed thousands of uneaten, taxpayer-funded meals prepared for asylum seekers are tossed each day.
“No one likes the food,” Jesus Alberto, 31, from Venezuela, told The Post outside the Roosevelt Hotel — the Big Apple’s main migrant intake center.
“Without lying, it’s bad, bad.”
If they do not like the quality of the food, they have options, like, leaving the US.

“several” migrants?
Well that is certainly an interesting factoid.
Probably actually more educational facts are that of the 125000+ migrants who have come to NYC and entered the shelter system, less than 1/2 are still in that system. The rest have moved out and are becoming assimilated into our society. 2 years ago there were in excess of 600000 undocumented people working in NYC, that means we have had an increase within that group of about 10%.the eco only if NYC is doing well and has been able to absorb these new people, many if whom are prime age workers “military aged”
Foreign born population in Raleigh is now 12% of the total population with a median income if 75000$
Probably a lot of them are those smart/liberal people who moved down into the triangle
Assimilated? In a pig’s ass, “assimilated.”
When you’ve had a grandmother who insisted on serving Cream of Wheat for breakfast, . . . .
When you have a problem consisting of tens of thousands of people besieging your city and causing trouble, the FIRST thing you should do is STOP FEEDING THEM.
This is a no-brainer.
We already know what happens when you feed them too much.
Evidently, things weren’t that bad in the countries they were fleeing. That should be used as evidence in their non-existent asylum hearings to send them home.