I mean, he’s not entirely wrong, but, this is the kind of incendiary language that turns middle ground voters off and even drives them into the arms of Let’s Go Brandon
Trump reiterates anti-immigrant rhetoric at New Hampshire rally
Former President Donald Trump doubled down on language condemned for its ties to White supremacist rhetoric, saying at a campaign event in New Hampshire on Saturday that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.”
Obviously, CNN won’t say that Trump was specifically talking about illegal aliens, not legal aliens. Though, some of them are issues, such as all the Islamists up in Minnesota
The comments mark another instance of Trump using increasingly violent rhetoric in his campaign messaging. At his most recent campaign event in New Hampshire prior to his appearance Saturday, Trump used the word “vermin” to describe his political rivals, drawing broad condemnation, including from President Joe Biden, who likened his comments to “language you heard in Nazi Germany.”
What’s violent about calling them “vermin”? These are journalists, people who know words. Nothing violent
Trump told a crowd gathered in Durham, New Hampshire, on Saturday that immigrants “from all over the world” are “pouring into the country,” reiterating a phrase he used previously that sparked outcry from the Anti-Defamation League.
“They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done,” Trump said. “They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America … but all over the world. They’re coming into our country, from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”
Again, he’s not wrong. There are people coming illegally from all over the world, crossing the border, people who demand everything from America but give nothing and refuse to assimilate.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, one of the former president’s GOP rivals, said later Saturday that he hadn’t heard Trump’s comments in New Hampshire about immigrants “poisoning the blood of our country,” instead reiterating the “huge risk” that people who cross the border illegally pose to Americans, especially “military-aged males.”
“We have to be smart about what we’re doing in this country,” DeSantis said at a news conference in Corydon, Iowa, when asked whether he believes this type of rhetoric should be used by someone who wants to lead the United States.
That’s a much better way of putting it, but, unfortunately, Ron’s going nowhere. Trump learned nothing from the 2020 loss nor anything since that loss. All it takes is losing a couple states that he should win and Biden is president again. Which would most likely mean losing the House and having no shot at the Senate.

Bullshit. These worthless cowards can go to hell.
In the first place, this kind of talk about immigration is what showed him to be a serious candidate instead of a vanity project as so many said in mid-2015. It is the number one problem facing the country and without a solution nothing else will matter.
In the second, the problem has grown so much more obviously worse and purposefully so since 2015. Even some of the Europeans are getting tired of their countries being filled with human detritus from the Turd World.
In the third, if we’ve reached a point where a critical mass can vote for their own literal destruction and impoverishment because their precious fee-fees took a hit, we’re fucked anyway and these people don’t deserve to live in a free republic. It’s only proof that there are far too many eligible to vote and that problem, along with the immigration problem itself, is by design and idiocy like this is the result.
Cue Rimjob popping his empty little head in here to call me a raysissss or a “xenophobe” or some other juju words that substitute for an argument in 3……2…….1……..
Well put.

And fuck Rimjob.
He’ll just rant all day long like he usually does.
Who really cares?
Bwaha! Lolgf
MyLilStalker: fuck Rimjob
I told CarolAnn just this once. But it’s a big no to you. Bad dog!!
So Rimjob is that Aidan Maese-Czeropski your grandson getting assfucked in that video? Apparently you taught him well.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I assumed that was you getting buttfucked in the video. You’re obsessed with gay male sex, as are most MAGAts. Your affair with Porter is safe with us.
The very tolerant of diversity Mr Dowd wrote:
We note how the distinguished Mr Dowd, who, like so many on the left believe that homosexuality is normal and acceptable, also use accusations of homosexual sex as an insult.
Note how the equitable Mr Dana never criticizes the cowardly, vile and perverted drownedpuppy for accusing others of pedophilia.
MyLilStalker: So Rimjob is that Aidan Maese-Czeropski your grandson getting assfucked in that video? Apparently you taught him well.
We don’t criticize the cowardly, vile and perverted drownedpuppy’s proclivities, only point them out. Don’t start none, won’t be none.
His cowardice, vileness and perversion have nothing to do with his homosexuality. We note how the distinguished Mr Dana, like so many on the right, view homosexuality as an insult.
At least the gay sex was consensual. In contrast, Fat Donnie raped a woman in a Bergdorf-Goodman dressing room.
Rimjob: At least the gay sex was consensual.

Well okay!
Guess your perverted grandson shouldn’t have been fired then.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Trump reiterates anti-
immigrant rhetoric at New Hampshire rally
I could see some editing was required.
I mean, he’s not entirely wrong, but, this is the kind of incendiary language that turns middle ground voters off and even drives them into the arms of Let’s Go Brandon
I read this somewhere.
The Left and RINOS think Trump is telling us what to think. That’s wrong. He’s just saying what we think.
Il Douche knows his audience, AND the words to signal he’s one of them. Nothing new here.
The US DOES have a problem at the southern border, with migrants fleeing Venezuela (most), Guatemala, Honduras, Columbia and Mexico. The percentage of families at the border, as opposed to individual males, has shot up. The Biden administration struck a deal with Venezuela whereby the US deports Venezuelans here illegally and Venezuela accepts them.
The legal process for legal refugees/asylum seekers is backlogged resulting in more illegal crossings.
Hispanics are Caucasians, so they are hardly “poisoning right-wing blood”. True, some have native American blood, but that makes them MORE American!! Anyway,Il Douche’s</em grandpa Friedrich Drumpf/Trumpf (likely changed to Trump earlier) was a sickly Bavarian draft dodger who came to America in 1885 and built restaurants, hotels and brothels in the northwest US and Yukon to support the "needs" of gold miners. In 1901, and wealthy, he returned to Bavaria for a bride but as a draft dodger had lost his German and Bavarian citizenship and was deported to America and New York in 1905.
Says Il Douche.
If you can hear the dog whistles…
Chicken Little Man
he percentage of families at the border, as opposed to individual males, has shot up. The Biden administration struck a deal with Venezuela whereby the US deports Venezuelans here illegally and Venezuela accepts them.
Really?? Got a link to show that?
And who cares? You have a problem, fix it. Don’t think you can run away and let the US take care of you. We’ve problems of our own.
According to the linked article, Quoting Putin (Who is correct about Brandon, BTW) is somehow praising him. Not sure why, but it’s CNN. Logic is not required when innuendo is sufficient, apparently.
“I mean, he’s not entirely wrong, but, this is the kind of incendiary language that turns middle ground voters off and even drives them into the arms of Let’s Go Brandon.”
LOL! This kind of truth turns people ON!