These supposed Christians really should check out the 1st Commandment
Nativity-themed climate protest in National Gallery
Five Christian women held a Nativity-themed climate change protest inside the National Gallery in London on Friday. The members of Christian Climate Action stood in front of a 15th-century Filippino Lippi painting of the Virgin and Child which depicts Mary seated in a landscape feeding Jesus. They held a poster of the painting altered to show a climate-ravaged landscape and handed out postcards with this image and some facts about the impact of the climate crisis on the world’s children.
The women, all members of Christian Climate Action, began their protest by singing Silent Night with altered words. They then spoke for the world’s children as victims of war and climate injustice and held a silent, prayerful presence. They didn’t touch the actual painting.
Sue Hampton, 67, a Quaker, writer, mother and grandmother, said: “As Christians we celebrate the birth of Jesus, born in poverty as a refugee, to show us the way of love and peace, and justice which is love in action. Christmas is still for the children. But today, world leaders are failing them. Babies born in the Global South still waiting for climate reparations and most at risk of unliveable heat, hunger, drought, flooding and displacement. The altered image we held beside Lippi’s painting shows the terrifying reality children face. Sentiment, tradition and festivity won’t save us. The science is clear that new gas, oil or coal will accelerate climate breakdown. We can’t serve God unless we serve that truth, unless we work for life, justice and peace – with love.”
Funny how they always call for Government to force citizens to live a certain way, but, never call for all their fellow cultists to practice what they preach
Today we were at the @NationalGallery
We stood in front of a painting by Filippino Lippi called The Virgin and Child. We held an alternative version, which included a climate-ravaged landscape.
Climate change is stripping a future from young people
— Christian Climate Action (@CClimateAction) December 15, 2023
Petroleum based clothes, phones, eyeglasses, shoes, the banner itself.

This entire generation is ruined. I’d say we need to clear the slate and start over, but there are still plenty of people over 50 running around with their underwear on their faces.
If only there were a way to hold the propagandists responsible…..
Commenter: This entire generation is ruined.
That’s what the old-timers said in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s etc… Yet, here we are in 2023 fighting the same battles.
We should be pleased and proud that the younger generations are concerned about the world we old-timers are leaving behind. Anyway, these activists are not the mass of this generation anymore than the MAGAts are the mass of Americans.
Righties. Let’s talk. We understand your minority FEELS oppressed, suppressed and repressed. But are you really? Has the modern US government (Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden…) taken away your Constitutional Rights? Are you prevented from making an honest living? To grown-ups it sounds as if your throwing tantrums because you don’t always get your way! There are Americans whose existence offends you! Fags, trannies, atheists, Muslims, Hispanics and negroes have the same rights as white, Christian patriots, Oh my! Yet you’re getting to ban abortions in many, many states. You can still buy your “Army guns” for fighting the oppressive government. The Supreme Court is the most conservative in over a century. You have a far-right media infrastructure that often overwhelms the Mainstream Liberal Media. You’ve had a far-rightish prezzy and likely another in 2024.
So… right-wingers need to lighten up, and actually help with the world rather than destroy, destroy and destroy some more. Cheers, lads!
Aside the “Jesus was a refugee” trope, I don’t think these people are any worse than other religious zealots. They may have screwed up a few tourists’ art experience a bit but at least they didn’t wreck, spray paint or super glue themselves to anything. I still doubt very much that they had permission to be there. Still, progress in a way.
So, they altered their own print and the lyrics to a Christmas carol, I wonder if they have altered their lifestyles to match their belief system. Something all climate “activists” are welcome to do anytime. Or is it just the usual “protest” to demand that .gov steal more money and liberty from the citizen and mandate that everyone lower their standard of living with a statistically zero percent chance of having any effect upon climate?
This is all just more typically non-thought-out nonsense, but at least nobody got hurt.
We’ve seen this fairly consistently: the (purportedly) Christian left find it being far more important to be leftist than Christian.
One wonders: how many of these Christian leftists did something really radical and went to church on Sunday?
Well Dana the left always makes everything into a religious experience and a crisis. The “Christian left” is no exception.
With the left everything they believe in is the paramount importance to everything else. You see it at this blog. They turn everything into a cult. You have your abortion cult, your climate cult, your COVID cult, your Ukraine cult, you’re insurrection cult, your trump is a Nazi cult etcetera.
And whether it’s a cult or not it’s always an “existential crisis”. Right now they’re trying like hell to have a guy who’s running for president of the United States thrown in jail so they don’t have to run against him. That’s how terrified they are this man.
They cheated in the last election and stole it and they know they’re gonna have to cheat even bigger this time and they know that there’s no way to hide from it.
The only existential threat in America right now is that the Democrat party has gone full blown communist on us and still try and act as they’re a legitimate party.
The same people who think that a man can become a woman just by changing his clothes and his pronouns also believe that if you use electric cars you’re gonna change the climate of the earth. These people live in a world of nonsense. They make up crap as they go along Mr. reality hits them they ignore it or deny it. Ask him to explain how an unborn child is not a human being but if somebody kills a woman that’s pregnant he gets brought up on two charges of homicide. Ask him how my body my choice is legitimate except when they wanna give you a shot of medicine that you don’t want. The whole left platform is nothing but lies, deceit and an attempt to force others to do what they won’t do themselves.
There can be no such thing as a leftist Christian if for no other reason than the first commandment.
On the right, you have your abortion cult, your climate cult, your COVID cult, your Ukraine cult, you’re insurrection cult, your trump cult, your civil war cult, your Biden is a communist cult…
Fat Donnie is NOT a Nazi, he’s a wannabe fascist, a wannabe right-wing authoritarian and in reality, someone who will do anything and be anything to stay in power and out of jail.
The hallmark of the Nazis was not just the oppression of non-Christian, non-Aryans, but the systematic murder of non-Christian, non-Aryan children, women and men, especially Jews, but also atheists, Roma, LGBTQ, disabled, “swarthy” types. Not even Fat Donnie is that vile. But make no mistake, Il Douche is preaching white, Christian nationalism, just without the murder.
Some right-wingers say such nonsense as, “There can be no such thing as a leftist Christian if for no other reason than the first commandment”, which is “You shall have no other gods before Me.” It would be funny is not so stupid. So right-wing Americans get to dictate who is and is not a legitimate Christian?
Howsabout the rest of the Commandments:
If a far-right “Christian”, even one of “convenience” like Fat Donnie, violates ANY Commandment are they no longer a Christian?
nobody said anything about right wing Americans dictating who is legitimate Christian. You people just can’t keep it real you gotta get all emotional about everything don’t you and blow it all out of proportion. First of all God dictated who was a legitimate Christian with the first commandment. Got a problem with that you’re not even a Christian So what do you care?
once again you’re just making shit up. In what white Christian nation are they going around murdering people? Please I’d like to know.
since you are not a Christian you would not understand. You’re a communist even you believe in force and murder. Trump is a Christian and just like every other Christian he sins. Committing a sin does not make one “no longer a Christian”. Repeating the same sentence over and over again without remorse or contrition is where the problem comes in. If you just stayed a Christian instead of turning into a communist heathen you would know that by now. And once again you’re chiming in on something you don’t know anything about. Reminds me of the time you tried to tell L’roy what a black person is that was funny.
You’re a very hateful and ignorant man and you deserve nothing in life. The very fact that you’re a 350 LB ugly pig shows that. You don’t even have respect for yourself let alone anybody else. Otherwise you wouldn’t look like that. I know that’s why you keep calling president Trump fat Donnie. Because it makes you feel better but he’s not half as fat as you are you big tuba puss. You really are putrid and a total mediocrity.
Perhaps you forgot what you typed.
Or what Teach typed:
Many of my friends and relatives are Christian AND liberal – including Catholics, Lutherans, Mormons, other Protestants. Are you claiming these good people are not real Christians? And if so, because they don’t worship Fat Donnie as MAGAts do.
Can you or Teach explain that bullshit?
Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Remember?
I’m the same height and weight as your Lord and Savior, Fat Donnie.
Anyway, Fat Donnie and I can always lose weight, but you’ll need cosmetic surgery to correct that face and a soul transplant to fix your “personality”.
Go knock up some more teenagers so they can get abortions so you don’t have to use daddy’s money in child support.
You really are putrid and a total mediocrity.
I can’t imagine the sheer audacity of some people trying to force their fellow citizens to live by their own moral code.
Only about 25 million Americans attend church on any given Sunday
Some christians never go, like Trump who envisions himself as your new American Messiah.
44% of American Muslims go to a mosque at least once per week, versus about 12% of people who self identify as Christians.
Any ideas on how we can achieve blood purity like Trump is worried about? Only 8% of migrants are obese. Will these military aged men be gathering children with “tainted, impure blood”? And then become anchored here as fathers of American kids?;
And yet there you are telling all of us how to live according to your religious beliefs about abortion, climate and all your other leftist religious superstitions. Look in the mirror you self righteous fool.
If abortion is against your religion, don’t get an abortion!
And don’t practice irresponsible unprotected sex which can lead to abortion. If your contraception fails (which does happen) you have a religious dilemma!!
It’s probably a good idea to discuss this with your sex partner before you do the deed. If she gets pregnant are you in agreement about rearing the baby or having an abortion.
If slavery is against your religion, don’t own a slave! If rape is something you find reprehensible, don’t rape anyone!
It’s hard to have a discussion about morality with a person who has none. As a communist and an atheist it’s a guarantee that the big talking Elwood has no morality or if he does it’s the kind that bends over little boys and rams them from the back. He get along well in a Democrat Senate office.
Just look at his past history, he supports abortion to make it easier on the mother and the father just kill the baby. He supports pedophilia, homosexuality, and every perverted ramification of homosexuality. He supports the Nazis in the Ukraine he supports the Muslims in the Middle East. Basically he supports every low end immoral idea and people. Basically he’s a moral washout which is why he is and will always be a mediocrity.
But he is always there to put in his crooked Bony finger at everyone else. You must wake up in the morning and think to himself how can I further screw up America and the world today.
Mr Teach whines when the global warming crowd damages property and Mr Teach whines when they don’t!!
Mr Teach whines.
From the New Yuck Times: Bleach consumption is down 93% since mid 2020!!!
Funny-“stripping a future from young people….a climate-ravaged landscape” As always, drama, but how so?
would you Messiah Trump consider your blood to be tatinted?
Johnny-would your Messiah “Carbon credits” consider yours?
From the New Yuck Times: Bleach consumption is down 93% since mid 2020!!!