This is probably your fault for driving a fossil fueled vehicle, eating meat, and not giving your money and freedom to government. Definitely not because of Democrat policies on taxation, crime, illegal immigration, safety, sanitation, etc
Nolte: Study Blames Flight from Democrat-Run Cities on Climate Change
Far-left Axios is gushing over a new study that blames climate change for people fleeing Democrat-run cities like the “metro areas of Minneapolis, Milwaukee and Washington, D.C. (specifically, Alexandria, Va.).”
“Climate migration is already taking place within American communities, new data finds, as people flee flood-prone areas, and create ‘climate abandonment’ zones,” writes an unquestioning Axios.
“The study constitutes the latest warning sign of the effects of climate change,” Axios continues without skepticism. “Population shifts, and a larger reckoning for real estate, are only expected to worsen as global average surface temperatures rise.”
But then the premise of the study undercuts itself in a big way with the admission that “Americans are leaving the Rust Belt in droves and heading to areas of greater climate risk in the South and Southwest[.]”
What’s more, “cities with high flood risks, like Miami and Houston, are still pulling in more people than they are losing,” the study admits. “But these areas are growing more slowly than they would be if flooding weren’t such a threat, the study shows.”
In fairness, many are abandoning certain Dem run cities, especially in the Northeast, North central, and California for Dem run cities in the South that are not always as wacky, but, they’re not abandoning Dem run cities because of climate. Heck, if you lived in Chicago wouldn’t it be great if winters weren’t as bad? Same with Boston. And neither Beantown nor NYC are going to be going underwater anytime soon.
But, Dems need a reason to Blamestorm people escaping their created hell holes.

Oh Breitbart, LOL.
Obama buys beach front homes in Mass and HI. Snowflakes understand?
Tim, don’t expect reason or logic from the ‘flakes. The ocean levels haven’t changed significantly over hundreds of years. Some islands and coastlines are subject to tectonic subduction, but that subject is probably beyond their comprehension.