Say what you want about Trump, there were not a constant litany of international threats and issues
Iran threatens to close Mediterranean Sea citing US ‘crimes’ in Gaza
Iran threatened Saturday that the Mediterranean Sea could be “closed” if the U.S. and Israel continued “crimes” in Gaza, state media reported, according to Reuters.
The Iranian government has showed support for militant group Hamas in its war against Israel, while the U.S. has strongly backed Israel — despite growing criticism of the Israeli military’s war effort.
“They shall soon await the closure of the Mediterranean Sea, (the Strait of) Gibraltar and other waterways,” state media Tasnim quoted Iranian Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi as saying.
Iran has accused the Israeli military, and the U.S. as its close ally, of committing war crimes in Gaza. Over 20,000 Palestinians have died in the conflict since early October, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.
It is unclear how Iran would follow through on such a threat, as the country has no direct access to the Mediterranean Sea and no major naval presence outside the Persian Gulf.
Naqdi referenced attacks on Gibraltar would be an escalation of Red Sea attacks on shipping from Houthi rebels in Yemen. The Iran-backed rebel group launched attacks on cargo ships and U.S. warships near the Horn of Africa last week, stepping up operations in the years-long Yemeni Civil War.
Who’s up for the time of Mean Tweets? And this is the same country Biden wants to negotiate with over their nuclear program, even knowing they will cheat, just like they did when Obama initiated the Iran deal.

[…] Pirates Cove has your daily Fuck Iran post […]
Time to reduce Tehran, Masdad and Qom to glass-surfaced parking lots.
One Solitary Life – – “All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the kings that ever reigned, put together . . . ”
There’s no threat quite like an empty threat!
Either Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi is an idiot, making a threat that he knows cannot be carried out, or American intelligence has completely missed Iran developing and deploying nuclear weapons aboard ships or long range ballistic missiles.
This is where President Carter f(ouled) up in 1979. He should have told Iran, when the ‘students’ raided our embassy and took hostages, that either those hostages would be released, unharmed, within three days, or they would be declared the unfortunate American casualties in the attacks which turned Tehran and Qom into radioactive black holes in the ground . . . and meant it. President Carter’s weakness enabled the regime of the mad mullahs to continue with some measure of success in their own minds.
Mr Teach typed:
Screwed the pooch on the Iran agreement. Jared Kushner’s famous Middle East peace plan was neither a plan nor peaceful. But HIS investment firm did “earn” $2BILLION from Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. TrumpCo made millions from foreign payments to his hotels. He wanted (wants) the US to leave NATO.
IF trump had any coherent foreign policy at all it was to withdraw America from the world stage driving nations to align with China… or worse. He alienated allies… European nations, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Canada etc. Loosened sanctions on Russia. Trump became a useful idiot to Kim, Putin, Xi, bin Salman, Erdogan, Duterte… He reduced our global stature. Trump destabilized the entire fizzucking world.
You should try being informed instead of confident in your derangement. You’re just making shit up and pulling it out of your ass.
Rimjob: Trump destabilized the entire fizzucking world.

Another reason to vote Trump in 2024.
#Trump 2024
exactly how was having no new wars and ending the existing ones destabilizing the entire fizz ucking world?
Nobody was dying in the Ukraine or in Israel our trading partners we’re doing just that trading. I guess you figure since Jared Kushner had a business that succeeded somehow that’s bad but it’s OK if hunter Biden didn’t have a business and just took money?
Your close minded partisan communist view is always welcome here especially around Christmas because then i get because then I get to say to everyone here except you have a Merry Christmas
If Rimjob hadn’t been so naughty maybe Santa might’ve brought him a clue.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Blinken and the Biden administration should have timed their wars better. or maybe just not have given all that money to Iran.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed in 2016 that Iran was adhering to the tenets of the original agreement between the US, Russia, Germany, France, UK, China and Iran (the EU also had input). Some restrictions on trade were lifted. That all ended in 2018.
Conservative former Gov Nikki Haley is sneaking up on Trump. Nearly even in NH. Super Tuesday is Mar 5 where some 15 primaries are held.
Do you believe Ms Haley would be a credible US President? She’s conservative and smart, has executive experience, has global political experience and respect, is not in her 70s, she is NOT a lawyer, and is pro-life. Ms Haley was the bookkeeper and CFO of the family business. Disadvantages vs Trump. She’s a woman, her parents are Sikh immigrants who look Muslim to some Americans, both parents have advanced degrees, her birth name is Nimarata Nikki Randhawa. Haley has walked a fine line on abortion since the brouhaha erupted over Roe v Wade. And maybe she’s just not “American” enough.
But enough about Trump et al.
Merry Christmas to all!! Enjoy the holidays! Expected mid-60s today here in the midwest.
if democrats were smart, they would all vote for Trump. If Trump wins, that would guarantee he could never run again. Dems should take a lesson from the last Trump administration. Their insider allies in the administration will undermine anything trump tries to do. Their allies in both parties in congress will undermine trumps agenda and there is no second trump on the bench. After 2028, it is smooth sailing with nothing but business as usual on the horizon.
Bologna! Trump Unchained in 2025 will insert men as vile as himself throughout the! Trump has but two objectives, 1) stay out of jail and 2) vengeance against those who said mean things about him, including the United States government and foreign countries.
Mike Flynn will be Chair of the Joint Chiefs or Sec of Defense. Steve Bannon as Sec of State. Tucker Carlson to handle press relations. Rudy as AG. Don Jr is available. Alex Jones too. He can replace all the departmental Inspector Generals and obviously all the US attorneys. Special prosecutors can be removed by the AG!
Trump would leave the House and Senate alone to keep whatever majorities he could, but by pardoning ALL the Jan 6 insurrectionists he has a complete potential retinue of angry, America-hating loyalists from which to choose. Henry Tarrio, Stewart Rhodes, Ethan Nordean, Joe Biggs, Zach Rehl, Pete Schwartz, Meggs and hundreds more! He’ll choose a Veep but not from the current candidates. Maybe a Governor like Abbott or Youngkin. Big Donnie will replace all Department heads and juniors with loyalists.
Anyway, our Constitution doesn’t apply to Trump. He doesn’t satisfy the qualifications now, but is still running! Must be 35 or older. Must be a natural born citizen. Must have lived in US for 14 years or more. Must not have taken part in an insurrection or rebellion while a US gov officer. Must not serve more than 2 terms. Four outa five ain’t bad, but it’s still not good enough for America!!
Besides being psychologically and emotionally unfit, he is also unqualified according to the Constitution.
Chicken Little Man
Mike Flynn will be Chair of the Joint Chiefs or Sec of Defense. Steve Bannon as Sec of State. Tucker Carlson to handle press relations. Rudy as AG. Don Jr is available. Alex Jones too. He can replace all the departmental Inspector Generals and obviously all the US attorneys. Special prosecutors can be removed by the AG!
And DeSantis as VP.
We should be so lucky.
What constitution are you reading from? The key tenant in law is: innocent till proven guilty!” To the best of my recollection Trump has not been charged with insurrection, much less be found guilty of same.
This forum is an echo chamber for those who suffer from Trump derangement syndrome (TDS), a group who has no understanding of the events taking place, and even to a greater degree having an understanding of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
No a single one of you have ever asked the question of yourself: why do the corrupt political class so despise Trump so much? Could it be because he poses an existential threat to the status quo of the existing state of corruption within our government, the corporate world making decisions that we are quite capable of making for ourselves. Ending the imposition of the WEF, WHO, FDA, & CDC on human sovereignty. The debt slavery of our fiat currency system, and the Federal Reserve. Do I need give you more examples of topics none of you have the mental ability to comprehend?
Commenter asks: why do the corrupt political class so despise Trump
He is unfit and unqualified to lead this great nation. On top of that he’s an asshole. Yes, he does present an existential threat to the United States, now more than ever.
The 14th Amendment banned those who “engaged in insurrection” against the United States from holding any civil, military, or elected office without the approval of two-thirds of the House and Senate.
There is no mention of requiring conviction of a crime. In fact, a convicted mass murderer can be qualified to be our President.
People such as you wish to destroy America so that you can rebuild it to suit you. Trump is your vehicle as he’ll do whatever the mob wants. We’re surprised that so many “patriotic Americans” believe Trump is good for America.
You ignorance is only outwitted by your arrogance!! Have yourself a very Merry Christmas!!
As pointed out before you haven’t a clue, chubby.
Now go assfuck your grandson.
There is so much wrong with that ridiculous comment I don’t know where to begin but I’m gonna throw my hand into the ring here:
you’re talking about a man who has built up a multibillion dollar empire who has run dozens of businesses who has more common sense in his little finger than you have in your entire fat body and you’re saying he’s unfit and unqualified to lead? But the fukin senile old pedophile who has lost five bids to be president previously and who is a known liar and never ran a business of his own you think is qualified? You’re not even qualified to vote you fukin fat moron.
What the hell happened to you that burned down all your circuits and made you such a narrow minded dope? What incident occurred in your life that made you hate Donald Trump so much? What has he done to you? You’re talking about a man that never even took a salary as president plus gave millions to the poor and the struggling. But he’s not the guy you love the guy you love takes 10% off the top is corrupt is a plagiarizer lies about everything from his college credentials to his alleged bravery with the black cornbread or whatever his name was. He’s a degenerate.
You guys are gonna have to steal a whole lot harder this time to take this election. People have wised up. And when we see corrupt judges like the ones in Colorado trying to steal an election by not even allowing the chosen candidate of 80 or 90 million Americans to run then we know that the fix is in. You’re just too fukin dumb to realize or maybe you want the fix because you’d rather be corrupt and win than be honest and lose. That might be why it refused to review the previous election and just kept repeating over and over everybody found that it was reviewed and that trump lost. It was never reviewed it was never audited every time it was brought up people were told that they had no “standing”.
You’re a liar you’ve always been a liar. You always will be a liar. Your hate jealousy and narrow mindedness are your three biggest assets next to your gigantic fat stomach.
“14th Amendment banned those engaged in insurrection..” Yes, and we’re still waiting for evidence that Trump “engaged in insurrection”. Any time now..
The civil war was an insurrection, January 6th was a protest with a mini riot. If you can’t tell the difference you’re an uneducated moron.
even knowing they will cheat, ….
What greater compliment could our Marxist administration ask for? Insert
Birds of a Feather
Genocide Joe the commie: Nobody was dying in the Ukraine or in Israel
Well, that’s not true.
Dennis: The key tenant in law is: innocent till proven guilty!”
That’s the tenet in criminal law, not civil law, which is typically by a preponderance of the evidence.
Genocide Joe the commie: you’re talking about a man who has built up a multibillion dollar empire
Trump got rich the old-fashioned way — he inherited it.
Jl: Yes, and we’re still waiting for evidence that Trump “engaged in insurrection”. Any time now.
In Colorado, pursuant to statute, a five-day trial was held wherein Trump was found to have engaged in insurrection by clear and convincing evidence.
Genocide Joe the commie: The civil war was an insurrection, January 6th was a protest with a mini riot.
In the aftermath of J6, people were convicted of seditious conspiracy for attempting to stop the peaceful transfer of presidential power.