…is an ocean that will soon rise up and destroy all the coastal cities, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on a time of hope and joy.

…is an ocean that will soon rise up and destroy all the coastal cities, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on a time of hope and joy.
Just 0.1º F less than 70, on Christman Eve, and I’m supposed to be opposed to
global warmingclimate change?Mr Dana types: Just 0.1º F less than 70, on Christman (sic) Eve, and I’m supposed to be opposed to global warming climate change?
We’re pleased that global warming suits you, but not all Earthlings have been as fortunate as you. You should recognize that you are just one of 8,080,932,940 people on Earth (with about a 215,000 net gain per day!). Your grandchildren and great-grandchildren might not be as sanguine about global warming as you.
I guarantee his grandchildren and great grandchildren will definitely not be as “sanguine” about poverty, starvation, disease, due to lack of resources because of no energy. I also guarantee that his children and grandchildren are not gonna have any bit of harder life then we are having right now. And I could say that because you guys haven’t been right on one single prediction so far you’re running 0 for 100,000. It’s all phony crap designed to destroy capitalism just like DEI, the COVID “pandemic” was, and your constant attempts to steal elections and keep responsible adults from occupying the seats of power.
Atheist communists have no business running countries. You already got us into two wars since you got into office.
What war is the US in now?
The predictions are 1) that the global temperature would increase as CO2 increased, 2) that the ice sheets would melt, 3) that the stratosphere would cool, 4) that ocean pH would decrease, 5) that distribution of flora and fauna would change, 6) sea level would increase. All true.
Chicken Little Man
Your appear ignorant of the fact that throughout history warm periods were very good for mankind while cold weather killed.
But this isn’t about climate. It’s about power. And if you don’t know that you’re stupid.
Merry Christmas Everyone. Maybe 2024 will have fewer people being murdered in wars started by the Biden Administration.
And fewer poor black, Hispanic and white people murdered in the ghettos of the blue cities created by the faulty socioeconomic paradigm of leftist Democrats and socialists in America.
Oh, and fuk joe biden and his anti American supporters.