Surely, as they are declared sanctuary cities, they can find room for the illegals, right? Kick people out of their apartments, put the illegals up in nice hotels, force citizens who vote Democrat to house illegals in their own homes, put them up in Air B&Bs and such
Chicago, New York, Denver mayors say cities are almost at capacity amid migrant crisis
The mayors of three of the biggest cities in the country – including Chicago – met Wednesday to discuss the migrant crisis each is facing.
As CBS 2’s Marybel González reported, Mayor Brandon Johnson on Wednesday said Chicago is almost at capacity with migrants, even as more asylum seekers were making their way to the suburbs and other towns and villages in the area.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston both said they will take a page from Chicago’s book, as the leaders of those cities likewise said they are at a tipping point.
Not only are they running out of housing and resources, but they are still dealing with unannounced buses arriving every single day – and more expected to come.
“All of our cities have reached a point where we are either close to capacity, or nearly out of room,” said Mayor Johnson.
To beat a dead horse, this is what they wanted….well, really, they wanted this Somewhere Else. It’s super easy to make declarations, a whole lot harder to actually be forced to practice them, right?
All three cities’ mayors issued a call to action to the White House.
“Without significant intervention from the federal government, this mission will not be sustained,” Johnson said Wednesday.
What they mean is lots and lots of federal cash, along with the Biden regime stopping Texas from shipping all those illegals to declared sanctuary areas. Out here in the Real World, it means shutting down the border as much as possible, ending the ability of migrants from showing up at the border and declaring they want amnesty, then letting them in where they won’t have a hearing for 8 or more years, during which time they will have anchor babies so of course Democrats won’t allow them to be deported. It means putting any illegal caught right back across the border and banning them.
If the mayors want to complain, complain to Biden for his horrendous border policies.

Ya. The rest of America came to this conclusion 8 years ago. America does not need any more immigrants, legal or otherwise.
the total population of NYC is decreasing even with the migrants.
America DOES need new workers and also needs an increase in population. Boomers are already dying off and no longer working. Social Security needs more young workers to support retirees, without them it will go broke. are The USA has a lack of younger people willing to work hard. Migrants want to do those jobs.
Rural populations are deceasing every year especially among young people who move to more urban areas for better social, educational, and job opportunities.
But exactly IS the reality of migrants in NYC
I mean who would bother to check primary sources when there are so many posts showing people “facts” to support what they already want to believe?
Since the Spring of 2022 more than 150000 migrants have arrived in NYC OMG IT IS AN INVASION!!
Today’s daily population count in NYC shelters
Total shelter census
Adults 56000
Minors 33000
Total. 89000
Single adults
Men 16000
Women 5000
Total 21000
Families with children 19000
Adults. 30000
Children 33000
Total individuals 63000
Adult families with out children
Adults 22000
Individuals 4500
These figures include American citizens
Migrants apparently cycle through the shelter system quickly
Teach’s military aged (sin to le men) are a small fraction of shelter residents. Most are able to find some job that allows them to move out if a CM shelter quickly
Families have a much harder time moving out. The single men can keep on the floor and still be able to work
Funny-Carbon boy thinks he knows more than the mayor of N.Y. “OMG It’s an invasion”.
Yes, it is. Carbon boy-why don’t you just call Mayor Adams and set him straight..I’m sure once he hears your figures he’ll be begging for more buses…
Mayor Adams must not be aware that immigrants are a net benefit to the city and that his city NEEDS more workers because old people keep dying.
I had not heard that the approved Democratic party means of fixing a Ponzi scheme is to ensnare more victims. Makes sense to me. Especially the math of how many low wage workers need to enter the system to help pay the social security benefits of all those retired boomers who left the workforce as upper middle class and low-tier wealthy. Good job, Democrats. Way to bring back wage slavery.