What could possibly go wrong with lots of outside chargers in cold weather areas and power generation that is insufficient?
Study forecasts challenges of electric vehicle chargers on northern power grids
A study is revealing some of the challenges that electric vehicles will pose to northern power grids — and it’ll likely be revised now that Canada has a plan for phasing out the sale of gas-powered cars and trucks.
“At no point in our studies did we consider 100 per cent electric vehicle adoption,” said Michael Ross, a researcher at Yukon University who is leading the study.
Ross, an industrial chair in northern energy innovation, said his research is looking at slow to high adoption rates of electric vehicles in Dawson City and parts of Whitehorse and Yellowknife. So far, it’s showing some of the ways residential power grids will be strained if people in those neighbourhoods add Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations to their homes, he said. (snip)
Ross said the study, funded by power utilities in all three territories, won’t just outline all the challenges that may arise as interest in electric vehicles — and the means to charge them — grows. It’ll also contain solutions or ways to mitigate those issues.
Of course, since Government is heavily involved (though most in government who are forcing this on the peasants aren’t actually driving EVs themselves), any solutions will be barely operational
Jay Massie, the vice president of northern development and Indigenous relations for ATCO Electric, said ATCO already has a “good understanding” of what electrification will do to northern power grids.
“The fast chargers … are significant electrical loads on the grid, so it’s just an increased demand and strain,” he explained. “The faster they charge, the more electricity they need.” (snip)
The challenge with electrification will be balancing the demand for power while keeping the supply on the rest of the system stable and reliable.
Transformers, the big green boxes you see in a neighbourhood, increase or decrease the voltage of electricity flowing through an energy grid. Ross said some transformers are “underrated,” meaning they weren’t designed to have a lot of electric vehicles integrated into them.
They’ll be adding a ton of electricity into the grid. Where’s it going to come from? How will the grid handle it? How will it handle it in cold climates? This is going to get ugly. And that’s not even accounting for that gas and diesel vehicles already have a hard time in that kind of cold.

Well duh.
Who would have thought that adding all those EV’s would strain the system or that being a gummint program, it wouldn’t work well?
The northeast has the most acceptance of plug-in electric vehicles, and therefore the highest demand on the grid, but the northeast also has an electric infrastructure which sees more severe winter weather, which means more powerlines going down during the coldest months.
Fortunately, people in the northeast primarily use natural gas and heating oil to heat their homes and businesses, so many are in a position to keep their homes heated with just small generators, so few are likely to freeze to death this winter.
Teach has failed to give us his oft repeated earnings about “skyrocketing” electric costs.
Tesla also has a new adapter for powering your hide with the Tesla battery.
I don’t know where about where you live what about two weeks ago I received a notice in the mail to expect my electric bill to increase by $242 a month to $268 a month this year. Considering I’m on a pay plan and pay $568 a month right now seems like a shit load of money to me. So of course over the last couple weeks I’ve had all kinds of letters from outside electric companies trying to get me to sign up with them. The only problem with that crap you’re gonna watch them like a hawk cause they change their rates at a heartbeat.
Oh, I was also informed that my gas rates will be going up this year. By how much I don’t know. They’re keeping it a secret so that they can surprise me in the spring.
You’ll be happy to know that at this point almost everybody in my black Protestant church is set to vote for Trump this time. Some for the first time in their lives voting republican. I’d like to be able to say I helped that in some way but I’d rather think it’s them reaching their own conclusions about the corrupt Democrat machine. Also they’re getting a really hate Biden and the entire corrupt Democrat party.
Good on you and your fellow church members for realizing the evil of the Brandon mal-administration.

Will the black women who traditionally are the cogs in the wheel of the Democratic party machine also be a little less enthusiastic about their party activities? A real question. Among tight communities, potential shame is a strong motivator. It is a really hard sell to get party faithful to ever admit they were wrong and change. And the Black community has been the most faithful sector of the Democratic party.
As an aside, All the people I asked about why they hate Trump so much, none can give any reason based on truth. Only reasons based on narratives and propaganda.
It’s the same among my people too. Not one can give a good reason why they don’t like trump and if you discuss it for more than a couple of minutes they all end up mentioning things that they actually like about trump. One thing is for sure none of us buy the BS narrative of the leftists that trump is a racist. We all know by his past actions his donations to black causes his friendships with black people his hiring of black employees and his promotion of black supervisors that he is neither racist nor is he sexist in any way. We may be black but we’re not totally stupid we realize as to some of the people here that Democrat leftists basically are projectionists. Whatever hateful and despicable traits they have they project on everyone else. That’s why it’s so easy to laugh at people like Elwood.
Professor I have to disagree with you about black women being the cogs in the wheel of the Democratic Party. From my point of view it seems to be the college educated white women from well to do families with minds that are very easily brainwashed for some reason that are those cogs. You’ll see them out and about at every riot and march, rally and protest. They have shown themselves to be narcissistic self-centered white bitches carrying only about how much money they can make, how many abortions they can have, how many they can increase their body count by and generally how much they can virtue signal everyone. They care not about their children, their families, their race, their country. They care only about their reproductive organs how to use them how to abuse them. And for that they think they’re well educated enlightened and above everyone else. Even their own manhood. White women treat their white men like dogs black men would never take that.
Trying to get the party faithful to admit they’re wrong is hard in any party, in the Democrat party it’s near impossible. There is something about liberal leftist philosophy that binds them together like iron. You can see it even as far back as the Nazi loyalists Soviet loyalists they’re all like that you can’t change their mind you gotta kill them. I mean look at Elwood. We’ve shown him videotapes of people cheating in the election and he still won’t admit it. We have shown him the transcripts of what trump said on January 6th and he still won’t admit he didn’t call for an insurrection. We show him evidence an FBI influence at the capital and he insists that 74 million American Republicans all aligned two overthrow the government by demanding a recount in order of the election that was obviously stolen.
Now independent’s, standard Republicans, trump supporters, and even Green Party advocates do not March in lockstep like Nazis on a Berlin street. They will hold together only until they’ve shown enough evidence that there’s a possibility they were wrong and then they will at least investigate changing their mind. Nothing can change the block of rock that is a leftist mind and that includes black leftists.
But when you consider then after the civil war blacks were loyal to the Republican Party and now they’ve made a 180 and firmly support the Democrat party you can see that their minds are changeable at least they were when they were republican minds.
It amazes me how in the face of all the bigotry and hate racism and even slavery that we as a race of faced because of the Democrat party and the people in the Democrat party remember it’s the people that supported it and yet today we overwhelmingly vote Democrat.
I mean when you have bare knuckled racist Democrats like Biden telling a black man that the Republicans are gonna put you all back in chains and not getting stoned or booed out of the room and telling people if you vote republican you ain’t black obviously they have a certain way of conning people that is fantastic. Puts the Stalinist and the Nazis to shame. I think that it’s because at the beginning the Democrat big guys discovered that if they control the community organizers yhey control the people.
Black women are much more likely to vote than are Black men, and Black Americans vote 80-90% of the time for Democrats.
Why do you think this is? It’s long held conservative dogma that Black men and women are neither smart enough nor have the integrity to vote in America’s best interests.
The current Caucasian, conservative, Christian party espouses white superiority. Even conservative, Christian Black men and women recognize that.
Another persistent Republican myth is that Black Americans changed their party allegiance, ignoring the fact that it was the parties that changed. Southern racist Democrats became Republicans because the Democratic Party abandoned them, and over the decades the Republicans have become regressively more conservative.
Mr White is a caricature of what Caucasian, conservative, Christian men imagine a good Black man to be. Subservient to white men, denigrating of women, supporting of trump and even calling other Black men, “niggers”.
Rimjob’s a racist.

Who could’ve guessed?
Thanks for the response.
I agree that White women run the Democratic party. I still see though that the black women are the ones turning up in the big cities to get out the vote, manufacture votes, etc. Perhaps it is just a matter of that it is just where they live and who they hang out with.
So Professor feels Black women “manufacture votes”. Rudy Giuliani agreed and it cost him $148 million.
And white women, especially those brainwashed college-educated white women who abuse white men, prefer Democrats too!
Perhaps MAGAts, who do exist of one mind, attribute that same tendency to those they view as the enemy. But it’s MAGAts who are predominantly white, straight, Christian, rural, male and less-educated than the general population. Your “enemies” are diversified, equitable and inclusive.
I have no idea what that comment means but if it’s coming from a slob like you it must be nasty. And you don’t have to put manufactured votes in quotes since we posted several videos of black women stuffing ballot boxes.
No they don’t. They prefer cuckold men Which happens all be Democrats. Do you like the intermix their races which does nothing for either race. They prefer weak men that they can dominate and that’s a description of a Democrat. They’re like they’re men to have less hair in their armpits than they do. By the way most of the Democrat women I see around are ugly as balls.
once again you project because you failed to see the truth. Your brainwashing runs deep. What do you snidely refer to as MAGAts are just open minded free people who vote for Donald Trump. For some reason that seems to make you crazy. And all the rest of your lunatic Democrats socialists and communists. Unlike you communist we never viewed you as the enemy before just as the loyal opposition. You’ve proved you’re not loyal when you stole an election that’s when you became an enemy. You should know that you’ve been posting here long enough to know that we’ve moved from being political rivals to being mortal enemies. After all it’s you who are trying to get are candidate removed from the ballot. You don’t even have the balls to let him run against you and see how the votes actually go when you’re not cheating. Or maybe you just think you can’t cheat enough this time around the win.
You do realize that’s a description of the founding fathers and every patriot that’s fought for this country since. You are white although one wouldn’t know it I assume you’re straight but there’s no proof that that exists. You stated that you’ve denied Christ and you are a male. I find it amusing that left us like you consider people with DEI degrees and people with humanities degrees to be educated when they’re not educated at all, their degreed. They couldn’t survive 10 days on their own in the wilderness. In fact they probably couldn’t survive three days. These are educated? They’re so educated they think men can become women, menstruate and have babies? They’re so educated they think cow farts can change the weather? I could go on about the stupidity of those you considered educated compared to those of us who you consider ignorant I guess and who will survive but you know the answer to that I need not bring it all up.
I’ve watched you for years come on to this site and argue with teach, Dana, Kye etcetera and never once have you taken the side of America or Americans.
Your “enemies” are diversified, equitable and inclusive.
White men “identifying” as Black men, men “identifying” as women, gay men “identifying” as straight… Elections “identified” as theft!!
What a world!!
Only MAGAt cultists feel that Trump won the election.
Only hate filled communist believe that Making America Great Again is a bad thing.
MAGAtism is a threat to American freedom. Only hate-filled fascists are trump cultists.
You could have learned that in college.
Who knew?
Funny that.