Annoying Climate Cult Group Wants Everyone To Go Vegan

Why are this people so irksome?

This group has an idea to help save the planet: Everyone should go vegan

One group says there’s a straightforward way to make big progress in the fight against climate change: Everyone, everywhere should just stop eating meat. And all animal products.

The “Plant-Based Treaty,” first proposed in 2021, is a self-described “global movement that seeks to restructure the entire planet’s food production systems away from animal agriculture.”

The group released its “Safe and Just” report at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai earlier this month. The report featured some of the best practices being rolled out by climate leaders such as New York City, where Mayor Eric Adams has made vegan the default in hospital menus and introduced “Meat Free Mondays” and “Plant-Powered Fridays” in schools.

So far, the Plant-Based Treaty has been signed by several cities — including Los Angeles — and tens of thousands of people. The movement says the world could combat human-caused climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that food production currently creates.

Well, if climate cultists want to do so, go for it. Otherwise, just leave the rest of us the F alone. Stop trying to force your Beliefs on everyone. Bunch of little Fascists.

Oh, and notice that the wacktards took long, fossil fueled trips to Dubai.

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4 Responses to “Annoying Climate Cult Group Wants Everyone To Go Vegan”

  1. alanstorm says:

    Stop trying to force your Beliefs on everyone. Bunch of little Fascists.

    Yep. Let me guess: “indigenous peoples” would be exempt from this, as its part of their “cultural heritage”.

    My cultural heritage (Western/Northern European) includes meat-eaters. Therefore I can eat meat.


  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Said climate scientist Michael Mann (Penn): “it’s certainly helpful for people to make voluntary lifestyle changes that reduce their own carbon footprint, and this is one way to do it.”

  3. unklc says:

    Understandably, these nutjobs have no concept of how “plant based food” is produced and the energy consumption [diesel fuel] it takes. Feeding large our populations requires an enormous amount of energy in today’s society. Not one or two people and a mule. Besides, different cultures have different diets and not everyone wants to be told what to eat by some nutjob.

  4. JimS says:

    Veganism is the actual threat to the planet. Consider… vegans eat plants which sequester CO2 and release oxygen. Omnivores at least take out some of those evil farting cows. :-)

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