Do they think they are winning friends and influencing people with this?
Hateful anti-Israel protesters yelling inflammatory chants snarled traffic and caused chaos as they descended upon John F. Kennedy International Airport Monday – creating a nightmare on one of the busiest travel days of the year.
The Belt Parkway — a major thoroughfare used by vehicles to travel to the airport — was temporarily blocked off by police near Exit 20 as they tried to stem the flow of the “Flood JFK For Gaza” protest, which was planned by Within Our Lifetime, a Palestinian-led activist group.
“NYPD, KKK, IDF you’re all the same,” protesters inside an SUV screeched through a megaphone, according to video posted to X.
Other footage posted to social media showed more than a dozen cars waving Palestinian flags and honking car horns on the gridlocked parkway shortly before the planned rally at 2 p.m.
Terrorist supporters yelling horrendous things about Israel and Jews, disrupting the operations of an airport
Seven protesters were issued summons, sources said, and 60 flights were delayed at JFK on Monday, according to FlightAware, a flight tracking service.
It’s typically a misdemeanor to interfere with airport operations, both at the state and federal levels. Now, just imagine it was a bunch of Trump supporters: they’d probably be charged with terrorism.
Pro-Palestinian and Hamas Supporters at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City reportedly launched a Ballon earlier tonight near a Runway in an attempt to Halt the Arrival and Departure of Flights.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) January 1, 2024
The FBI is investigating, but, most likely will arrest no one, as they weren’t wandering around the Congressional building. Letting go of balloons which disrupted planes, and could have taken one down, is no big deal for the FBI.
Then the terrorist group supporter, wearing their Intifada keffiyehs, attempt to go to La Guardia and disrupt that airport. How did the US end up with so many Islamic terrorism supporters?

Massive problems!! A nightmare according to the NY Post!!
ZOMG!! 60 flights delayed out of some 700 takeoffs. No flights were canceled.
John F. Kennedy Airport
On most days at this airport 9.19% – 24.32% of flights were delayed and 0.31% – 1.76% of flights were canceled.
The data suggests the protests REDUCED delays!!
What? -it’s not the delayed flights, which technically wouldn’t be affected by a road blockage to the airport, but rather passengers not getting to the gate on time
Support for Israel is decking daily.
Support for Palestinian grows daily.
It is now equal in the USA. Definitely divided by she with the old people more supportive of Israel Lol it was the old people who also were the most enthusiastic about the ears in Iraq and Afghanistan. Never forget how those turned out
Dec 20 2033
Ed Yokley
Mass Media is failing to be the main voice of the Gaza conflict.
Social media individual with cell phones are giving a more believable view.
In which Mr H celebrates anti-Semitism and stupidity!
Here you go: video of a pro-Hamas demonstration, with women in the front, yelling “Shame on you!” at the people defending against the Hamas rapists!
How utterly f(ornicating) stupid do leftist women have to be to defend Hamas, which deliberately used rape as a terror tactic?
Mr Dana is correct that some of the pro-Gaza demonstrations are pro-Hamas. But not all.
Some anti-Gaza Americans support the annihilation of the Gaza Palestinians, not just the vile Hamas murderers and rapists.
Supporting Palestinians is not necessarily anti-Semitic, but can be anti-Israeli policies.
Chicken Little Man
“Supporting Palestinians is not necessarily anti-Semitic, but can be anti-Israeli policies.”
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
That old Shakespeare dude knew some stuff.
The distinguished Mr Dowd just doesn’t get it. He, seemingly desperately, wants to take a distinction between Hamas and the Gazan Arabs in general, but very much like the distinction between Nazis and Germans in general, it has become a distinction without a practical difference. Like the Germans who never voted for the Nazis — and the Nazis never got more than a third of the vote — the Germans nevertheless worked for the Nazi government, in manufacturing munitions, building tanks and warplanes, sewing uniforms for the soldiers in the field, growing food for the soldiers, making boots, processing fuel, shipping supplies, virtually everything the Wehrmacht needed for the Nazis’ war effort. Ordinary chemical plants in Germany produced Zyklon B, which was a pesticide of many years’ use, in many countries, including the United States, for fumigation and delousing of clothing. Railroad workers were just earning a wage to transport goods, but those ‘goods’ were used in the war effort.
Hamas depended upon the Gazan civilians for all of their needs; that’s what fighting forces, whether regular armies or guerrilla units, have to have, to survive. All of those tunnels which the Israelis have now shown us? Those were significant efforts to create, and civilian workers had to have been heavily involved.
After World War II, the Allies occupied Germany, took over all government, and imposed serious ‘deNazification’ efforts aimed at educating the survivors about how bad the Nazis were; the Israelis would need to do something similar with the Arabs, if they allow any of the Arabs to live in Gaza after all of this is over.
I get it. Mr Dana repeats his claim that killing civilians is a legitimate approach to waging war.
He believes that Israel is entitled to kill every Gazan child, woman and man to assure Israel’s security or maybe for vengeance. Certainly, killing every Gazan will not make Israeli’s safer. In fact, it will have the opposite effect.
The Nazis terrorized the German citizens. Obey or be killed. Yes, yes many Germans cooperated with the Nazis out of fear, or even inertia. There were resistance cells in Germany and nearly 1 million Germans were arrested. Tens of thousands were executed.
Allied bombings of Germany killed about 1% of the civilian population, similar to the results of the American bombings of Japan. Germany surrendered with the Russian army made it to Berlin. Japan when Fat Man was exploded over Nagasaki.
Israel has reportedly killed 1.1% of the Gazans. Gaza has already surrendered. Hamas has not.
Carbon boy-“support for Israel is decking daily”. So? I’m sure they’ll listen to those people and pull their troops out any minute…
These are not Islamic terrorism supporters. They are communists using islam as an excuse to try and harm America and Americans. And the FBI will do nothing to or about them because then FBI is RUN BY COMMUNISTS.
The FBI is run by communists?
Mr Trump has proposed that the FBI have a new “spectacular” headquarters built in DC!!!
He may just be sucking up to the FBI, which he once wanted to dissolve.
Chicken Little Man’
“The Nazis terrorized the German citizens. Obey or be killed. Yes, yes many Germans cooperated with the Nazis out of fear, or even inertia.
“Gaza has already surrendered. Hamas has not.”
You just defined the problem.
Civilians in a war zone get killed. No way around it.