Apparently, we’re now going to change to something new really fast, unlike the rest of human evolution. But, then, this is a doomsday cult which thinks a slight increase in global temperatures over 170+ years is a terrible thing
Human evolution may prevent us from solving climate change, UMaine study finds
A new study led by an evolutionary biologist at the University of Maine has come to a grim conclusion: The very traits that have allowed humans to dominate the globe might prevent us from solving global environmental threats like climate change.
Since the origin of our species, humans have developed a keen ability to adapt to our environment, creating better and better technology – from primitive fishing weirs to the modern oil well – to exploit our natural environment, the study says.
When a resource starts to run low, or a method threatens our health or home, humans have a track record of moving to the next resource-rich area or fighting on the battlefield or boardroom over the scraps that remain rather than coming together to solve the problem.
“We’re entering a new era of the human relationship to the environment,” UMaine Associate Professor Tim Waring said. “Climate change is a global crisis. We can’t just move on or fight amongst ourselves. If we do that, it won’t go well for us. The nature of human evolution has to change.”
I’m thinking what they mean by “evolution” is really adaptation, which humanity has done for thousands of years, particularly through the Holocene
Humans have overcome environmental threats before, Waring noted. Throughout his career, he has found examples of communities, regions, nations and even groups of nations coming together to successfully address overfishing, whaling and acid rain.
Such successes usually had three things in common: the scope of the problem was smaller than the group of collaborators coming together to fix it, some external pressure existed to implement the solutions and something had happened to highlight the danger of doing nothing.
Sigh. These people really are a doomsday cult.
The global climate crisis is different, Waring said. The size of the problem exceeds the size of the group trying to fix it. The United Nations lacks the authority to enact or enforce solutions. And until recently, the bill to be paid for rising emissions seemed like it would never come due.
Humans must solve the climate problem before Earth reaches a tipping point, Waring warned.
OK, so, every Warmists needs to stop using fossil fuels, give up eating meat, only buy used clothes, live in tiny homes, and give all their money and freedom to government. That would solve what they’re pushing, right?

Saying that every warming must immediately stop using fossil fuels is like saying that every one who is anti abortion must immediately burn down every place where abortions are performed. For all your “caterwauling” about abortion is murder I can’t recall you ever actually taking time out of your life to say actually stop any of these murders.
I again ask you for some suggestions on ways that we can mediate the predicted terrible effects besides stopping use of carbon fuel and rushing into a “green world” using what we know is generating devices that are unreliable and costly.
On our present track we cannot sustain western civilization yet I see no plans to do otherwise.
Really now.

Bwaha! Lolgf
BREAKING – Jeffrey Epstein list: Unsealed documents in Ghislaine Maxwell lawsuit released | LiveNOW from FOX
Wonder how much more Bidenomics will cost the taxpayers.
White House said now-canceled project was proof of ‘Bidenomics’ succeeding

Bwaha! Lolgf
Planning ahead 100 years is not programmed into animal DNA.
Chicken Little Man
Planning ahead 100 years is not programmed into animal DNA.
You have heard of the pyramids… Haven’t you??
James Lewis: You have heard of the pyramids… Haven’t you??
The pyramids each only took 20-30 years to build, and they were built for the current Pharaoh as a tomb, so were meant to be completed by the time of the Pharaoh’s death.
They were built to be used by the Pharaoh when he was dead.
No time limit was stated.
James Lewis: No time limit was stated.
We grant your point. The Egyptian tombs were expected to last eternity, even though the construction lasted only for the reign of the pharaoh. Religion, in particular, allows for much longer planning, such as Muhammad’s belief that Constantinople would eventually fall to Islam—and did fall centuries later.
As whether that applies to human DNA is not something with a definitive answer. It appears to be more a feature of abstraction, culture, and belief; but that’s also appears to be part of the human DNA.
This twaddle from the U of Maine is considered, by contemporary standards, to be scholarship. Tells you all you need to know about the current state of academia.
alanstorm: This twaddle from the U of Maine‘
What a powerful refutation of the study. Now do Einstein.
Humans have a propensity to acquire resources even at the expense of other humans. Indeed, either grabbing the resources before other humans, or simply taking what others have acquired.
The problem is the tragedy of the commons. A limited resource that is public will tend to be depleted due to human nature. That’s because as the resource is taken by some, there is an increasing incentive for others to grab theirs before the resource is gone.
More ChatGPT twaddle from the kiddieZ.

We humans will eventually deplete the oil and gas resources and as the costs of extraction make it too expensive, we’ll transition to non-fossil fuel based sources. Not before. All Dr Waring explained was why.
Our decisions will be based on contemporaneous events not on future projections. It’s human nature.
Elwood P. Dowd: All Dr Waring explained was why.
Environmental meltdown has sometimes been avoided in the past when a group-level culture reacts to the problem. According to the study, responding to the problem of global warming will require the cultural evolution of global cultural traits.
Perhaps it’s my age and/or psychic scar tissue, but I have little optimism that we humans are up to the job until it’s an absolute crisis.
Yep-the “crisis” is always years away..