It’s fantastic how the news, which is meant to be stories that have happened, has already decided what they will fearmonger for 2024
The Big Climate Stories in 2024
Last year was the warmest in recorded history. What does 2024 have in store?
For starters, it is almost certain to be another scorcher. The naturally occurring El Niño will push up temperatures in much of the world and humans will continue pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Weird how a natural process can juice the warm weather, but, the rest, or at least most, of the warming is All Your Fault. Then there’s the election
President Biden’s signature legislative success has been the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which turbocharged investment in clean energy. Biden has also strengthened emissions regulations and laid the groundwork for tackling industrial pollution. But more action looks unlikely if he fails to win a second term.
It’s working so well that almost no EV chargers have been built, companies given loans are collapsing, and the cost of energy has skyrocketed, causing problems for middle and working class Americans. Of course, the Fish Wrap is uber-concerned that Trump could kill off Biden’s initiatives.
Pressure has been building on the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to overhaul the way they help developing countries adapt to climate change.
In recent months, the World Bank has made some changes, agreeing to pause debt and interest payments for nations hit by natural disasters, and helping establish accountable marketplaces for carbon credits.
So, giving stupid loans and free money to 3rd world shitholes who won’t actually use the money for “green” stuff, all while China is building coal plants in those same countries.
One of the surprise stories of 2023 was the surge in climate-related lawsuits. Children and young adults in Montana won a victory against the state over its support of fossil fuels. California sued big oil companies, accusing them of downplaying the risks that global warming poses to the public. And municipalities in Oregon, New Jersey and beyond brought cases against companies like Exxon, Chevron and Shell.
Lawfare. Which hurts middle and working class Americans, as pushed by Leftist elites who fail to practice what they preach.
Expect the action and activism around climate issues to keep going strong in the year ahead.
Yet, the NY Times hasn’t given up their own use of fossil fuels nor made their operations carbon neutral. Go figure. That should be the number one story, that Warmists, especially the Elites, aren’t doing a damned thing to reduce their own use of fossil fuels.

Electric costs have as versed 2% increases over the last 20 years
USA oil production has knew as LL time high record production
The cost for oil produced here or anywhere is set by the largest exporters, the Saudis and the Russians. Both countries supported Trump in 2020vand are so uplifting him in 2024.
Teach exactly what are the natural causes that are forcing the Earth to be heating up ?
currently our electric costs in the United states are about three times the amount they were 20 years ago. The cost for oil produced here or anywhere it’s set by supply and demand of the market. Connect two is about 300% more than it was 20 years ago.
Exactly how did Saudi Arabia and Russia support trump in 2020? Did they vote for him like they did for genocide joe? You can believe that neither Russia nor China or any country that is hostile to the United States and no Muslim was for Donald Trump cause Donald Trump takes no crap off of any of them. You must be thinking of that child molester genocide Joe.
Like all leftists you have the ability to hear a lie and stick to it through thick and thin. You expect us to believe anything from people like you who believe men can breastfeed you simple moron?
Genocide Joe the commie: currently our electric costs in the United states are about three times the amount they were 20 years ago.
The actual increase in the cost of electricity is only somewhat higher than the rate of inflation. (Adjusted: Nov 2003=0.15, Nov 2023=0.17)
Genocide Joe the commie: The cost for oil produced here or anywhere it’s set by supply and demand of the market.
Oil prices fluctuate widely, but adjusting for inflation, they are about the same as they were 18 years ago.
“The cost for oil produced here or anywhere is set by the largest exporters, the Saudis and the Russians. Both countries supported Trump in 2020vand are so uplifting him in 2024.”
Here’s their problem.
If we had stayed energy independent they could not have maintained their ability to just name their production level and price.
The United States has imported crude oil for at least the last 60 years. Our imports peaked in 2005 and have dropped about 40%, especially during the Obama terms. US production reached a long time nadir in 2008 and has been rising since and is today at an all time high!!
Today, President Biden is producing record amounts of US crude, so we are as “energy independent” now as under ex-president Trump!!
The Saudis and other OPEC+ nations can produce crude more cheaply than can US producers. If MBH floods the market with crude the global prices drop.
The US does not stand alone. Crude oil is global commodity and US producers sell on a global market.
Chicken Little Man
We also import large amounts of cotton.
Does that mean we couldn’t get new undies if our foreign sources went away??
Today, President Biden is producing record amounts of US crude, so we are as “energy independent” now as under ex-president Trump!!
I didn’t know that Sleepy Joe is in the oil business… I thought he and his family was in the influence pedaling business…
The things I do learn…
If trump can take credit for the fake “energy independence” then we can give President Biden credit for drilling!
We can find substitutes for cotton but not oil, at least for now. In addition, we can put more acreage into cotton if needed. We can reach “underwear independence” if needed!!
Influence peddling is the Trump Crime Family’s scam. The Kushner’s made hundreds of millions with daddy in the WH. Not counting MBS’s $2 billion “investment” in Jared K.
Johnny-the US is still the largest, or close to the largest oil producer. It, along with Russia and Saudi Arabia, would set the price
Just what is climate change supposed to do? Raise Godzilla? Bring on Mothra?
Mad Celt: Just what is climate change supposed to do?
Disrupt agriculture, inundate coastal settlements, devastate ecosystems, threaten widespread extinction, exacerbate human migration, undermine political stability.
So, basically, not Rodan, just the Biden administration.
Or my favorite, Rodan!
It’s “supposed” to do a lot-but only in the future…
It was “supposed” to heat up as CO2 increased, too! Oh, that’s right. It has.
Now, if only you could prove it’s the CO2
Mr Teach either reveals his ignorance regarding El Nino or more likely is again deliberately misleading his hapless readers, topped with his whiny grievance, it’s “All Your Fault”!
El Nino’s and La Nina’s redistribute the retained heat which contributes to the year to year variability in the Earth’s mean surface temperature. You should thank God for the High Specific Heat of Water, as it modulates the Earth’s temperature.
Mr Teach:
Perhaps new President Trump and a Republican Congress can restrain the “news” organizations.
Chicken Little Man
“If trump can take credit for the fake “energy independence” then we can give President Biden credit for drilling”
Hey, if he’s taking time out from his Naval Academy classes and U of Md’ football playing…..yes
H and Chicken Little Man
“Disrupt agriculture, inundate coastal settlements, devastate ecosystems, threaten widespread extinction, exacerbate human migration, undermine political stability”
And man will not change planting from old to new areas??? And man will not build sea walls? And birds and fish and mammals will not find new habitat??? And man has never immigrated?? And man has never experienced political instability??
You Lefties never suggest doing anything to mediate the supposed problem EXCEPT quit using carbon based fuel and depend on “green” energy which doesn’t do the job.
IOW you want civilization to collapse.
How about…
Want less CO2?? Plant trees and green belts. Improve farming by more shallow plowing… Establish zoning laws that stop building on the coast….Build nuclear plants… Dams for hydro electricty generation.. dams for huge man made lakes to absorb CO2……and on and on.
IOW If you believe what you preach….
Get off your sorry asses and DO something besides whining like a spoiled 2 year old.
James Lewis: And man will not change planting from old to new areas??? And man will not build sea walls? . . . And man has never experienced political instability??
There are already huge social and political pressures due to even current levels of migration. Climate change will exacerbate the problem.
James Lewis: And birds and fish and mammals will not find new habitat???
Some will adapt. Others will go extinct.
James Lewis: And man has never experienced political instability??
Sure. Does that mean that avoidable calamities should not be avoided? ‘
James Lewis: You Lefties never suggest doing anything to mediate the supposed problem EXCEPT quit using carbon based fuel and depend on “green” energy which doesn’t do the job.
Adaptation and mitigation are both important. With responsible policies, the problem can be ameliorated in a generation or so. Most infrastructure gets replaced every generation anyway, so upgrading as you go makes economic sense.
James Lewis: IOW you want civilization to collapse.
Well, no. The only viable path to solving the problem of global warming will require continued economic vitality to fuel the development and implementation of new technologies, as well as providing the benefits of industrialization to the world’s people.
With responsible policies,
It’s always about politics for you Lefties…. Never defined technological solutions.
You took issue with our response to Mad Celt’s question about the effects of global warming. Before looking at the details of mitigation and adaptation, do you now accept the problems inherent in unrestrained anthropogenic global warming?
Mr Zachriel answered most of your concerns, but…
More natural forests will help but not stop the continued increase in CO2, but it is not as simple as just planting trees.
How will you force farmers to perform more shallow plowing?
While huge hydroelectric projects can generate some electricity, the lakes will swamp thousands of forest acres, rapidly killing millions of natural trees. Nuclear power is a viable option.
In fact, all these efforts are being evaluated. Coastal cities are building sea walls, “hardening” structures and moving inland.
All of this begs the question: Since you insist that global warming is a hoax/scam why bother with these measures?
Also: Since good Christians don’t believe that humans contribute to global warming, does this prove the Pope is NOT a good Christian?
Chicken Little Man
More natural forests will help but not stop the continued increase in CO2, but it is not as simple as just planting trees.
How will you force farmers to perform more shallow plowing?
Yes, if you and the other Warmists are correct, I understand that just planting trees and shallow farming will not completely solve the problem. The lakes should be in areas that won’t be drastically impacted. Many small dams could be built.
“In fact, all these efforts are being evaluated. Coastal cities are building sea walls, “hardening” structures and moving inland.
And just who is doing these evaluations? The UN? Really???? Where is the political drive for nuclear power?? CA is closing one down. TN’s Hartfield was 90% completed but never turned on. And name me some coastal cities that are building sea walls and forbidding new building on the forecasted flood zones.
Where is the political help from the warmists????? ON SOMETHING TO MEDIATE RATHER THAN JUST DESTROY??
BTW – Shallow farming is beginning in the US. I haven’t the vaguest idea what “no till” means? Maybe punching a hole in the ground and inserting the plant???
It’s cities and states building seawalls. See Miami, Boston, New Orleans, Houston etc. Mr Trump tried to build a seawall to protect a golf course in Ireland because of climate change.
Planting trees in healthy prairies and grasslands is counterproductive.
No-till agriculture.
Who will pay for the dams, lost land and nuclear plants?
The Hartsville Nuclear project was canceled in 1984 during the Reagan administration.
The people studying and taking action are not stupid, despite your feelings.
We humans haven’t the stomach to address this issue.
Again, why are you concerned believing as you do that climate change is a hoax/scam engineered by communists?
Chicken Little Man
Be specific.
The people studying and taking action are not stupid, despite your feelings.
Say what????
What does Reagan have to do with the intense push by the econuts to cancel? Where are the warmists demanding we go nuclear? (Out having a beer with their buddies AKA environmental wackos.)
As usual, all blow and no go.
Is the Pope a good Christian? Be specific.
Here’s Biden’s Office of Nuclear Energy’s discussion of nuclear energy.
It costs up to $10 billion to build a nuclear plant.