Perhaps they should be mad at Democrats, who set the conditions that all illegals would be welcome…as long as they don’t come to Democratic Party run cities
Migrants who spent their life savings traveling from Africa to NYC have complained that they have been sold a dream by Hollywood – but the Big Apple is not what they expected.
Hundreds of homeless expats, mostly young and middle-aged African men, were waiting in line outside a church on East 7th Street in Manhattan’s East Village on Thursday, hoping to find a place to sleep.
Among them was Landry, 40, from Congo, who told he spent his life savings of $9,000 traveling to the US, taking the difficult decision to leave his wife and 14-year-old son behind four months ago.
That’s on him and the others. He made that decision to spend all his money to come to the U.S. without applying correctly.
The military veteran had been hoping to land a job in construction but he’s been unable to find work in the city and ended up sleeping on the streets in sub-zero temperatures after shelters ran out of space.
Conditions in Congo were ‘terrible’ according to Landry, with frequent fights between ethnic groups and oppressive laws – but he said life in the Big Apple has been ‘even worse.’
‘It’s like prison here,’ he said, speaking in French. ‘It’s negligence. We have no access to food, toilets, or anything. Animals live better here – pets in the street are treated better than us.
That’s on you. Did you think you would show up and be given everything to live? Free apartment, food, money?
‘We were sold a dream in Hollywood films and TV, but the reality of life in New York City is not like the movies,’ he said, adding that he had been bussed over from California.
I know many people who came to the U.S. the right way. They applied, were accepted, and went through the citizenship process. They’re all doing well. Because the citizenship process requires that applicants be able to be self sufficient.
When asked how he felt thinking of his family back in Congo, Landry said: ‘I cry and think, why did I do this? But it’s too late. I spent my life savings coming here and now I can’t get a job. What can I do?’
Turn yourself in, say you do not want asylum (which you will most likely not be approved for anyway), and you’ll be flown back to Congo via the U.S. government
Friends Vivienna, 44, and Selena, 22, from Ecuador, were the only two women in the hundreds-strong queue on Thursday afternoon.
And therein lies a huge problem: the massive amount of young males streaming into the country. I hope all those Democrats in SCNY are enjoying their diversity as much as these illegals.

Could this be because we like cute puppies and kittens more than illegal immigrants?
But, but, but, the credentialed media have been telling us that life is horrible for “persons of color” due to the lingering effects of slavery, Donald Trump, segregation, raaaaacism, Donald Trump, ‘redlining’, Donald Trump, cisheteronormative white Christianist supremacists, illegitimate Supreme Court Justices, and Donald Trump, so why are these ‘migrants’ spending their life’s savings to leave those paradisical and noble black nations to come here?
We asked for our pets. They were born here. They have a right to be here.
Nobody asked for the illegal immigrants. And nobody will be upset if they go back where they came from.
LOL! Some of our critters have just plain moved in, without asking at all.
Most new migrants are happy they are in the USA. I think his views are atypical. Perhaps he had unrealistic expectations? The reality of most migrants is that they are happy to be here and they appreciate what we , (some begrudgingly!) Are going for them. Despite the 140000+ new migrants who have arrived in NYC in the last 2 years only about 40000 are in the shelter system today .
About 1 million pets in shelters are killed each year.
But of course it is true that many Americans value their pets lives more than Human lives
It is like they are social to their own species
When illegal aliens are able to provide an equal value for Americans; that our pets provide; then we’ll talk.