But, we have two different situations in a state that is a de-facto sanctuary state, since Governor Polis signed a bill stating that the state would not cooperate with federal immigration officials in certain circumstances, such as detaining someone with an immigration detainer, nor can any state or local officials provide information to federal immigration authorities
Democratic leaders in sanctuary states and cities are pleading for help as record-breaking numbers of migrants are entering the country.
Denver Mayor Mike Johnston is the latest sanctuary city Democrat to speak out. Though he proposed a number of solutions on “America’s Newsroom” Friday, Johnston ultimately echoed calls from other Democrats, insisting “more federal aid” is urgently needed.
Johnston previously warned that the border crisis will “crush city budgets around the country,” as he expects 10% of Denver’s entire budget to go toward aiding migrants.
“I have called the White House,” Johnston told hosts Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino. “We’ve told them we need more federal aid. That’s why there’s dollars in that supplemental budget to do that.”
No, what’s needed is for the border to be secured as much as possible and every illegal and asylum seeker without a rock solid case be sent packing. And that asylum seekers apply outside the U.S. and wait. And, really, immigration needs to be shut down for a few decades to allow assimilation, and this includes bringing in refugees.
‘We can’t handle more’ | Carbondale mayor shares update on migrant response
Carbondale’s mayor stressed they have reached their limit to help unhoused migrants. Over the last few months about 125 people have arrived into town, many with no place to stay. The migrants increased the unhoused population by 500% when they began arriving looking for work.
A nonprofit initially created a shelter within a community center but since then plans have changed. Mayor Ben Bohmfalk said they do not have any more room for any additional migrants. He spoke to 9NEWS about their latest humanitarian efforts to keep people out of the cold.
Carbondale is a small community of about 6,400 way west of Denver, out in the mountains just to the north of Aspen. The county it’s in, Garfield, just barely went for Biden over Trump in 2020. There’s only about 30K residents in the county. Who sent those illegals there? It wasn’t Greg Abbott. Was it the mayor of Denver? Or did Biden send them? Think about it, just 125 pushes them over the edge. What do border towns have to deal with? If they have complaints, they should address them to the Biden regime, which is leaving the border open as much as possible.
These migrants appear to have better rides than some Brooklyn families they’ve been hitting up for cash, food and clothes.
Authorities on Friday night towed at least five unregistered vehicles apparently being used by migrants that were illegally parked outside the city’s controversial tent shelter at Floyd Bennett Field, according to Assemblywoman Jaime Williams (D-Brooklyn)
The wild scene – which Williams caught on video and shared on Facebook — included a white pickup truck with no plates being towed from a grassy lot that is federal parkland to the dismay of at least one migrant seen pleading to gain access to the vehicle.
Where did they get the cars? Where did the money come from? Almost no lenders will lend to an illegal/migrant. Do they have a driver’s license? They surely have no credit. Do they have earnings? Can they provide stips (documents like proof of income, residence, insurance)? Who’s going to give them proper insurance? Where’s the money coming from?
Over the past few weeks, residents in Marine Park – a predominantly working class, blue-collar neighborhood — have openly complained about asylum seeker families showing up on their doorsteps asking for spare change and other aid. Some previously told The Post they fear for their safety.
How many people in that neighborhood voted for Biden and other Democrats?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Some principles democrats just cannot learn. For example, it’s easier to avoid a problem than to allow the problem to exist and then try to figure out how to solve the problem. FJB, close the border.
The Wylie One wrote:
That’s just it: for all of these Democrats in ‘sanctuary cities,’ it was easy to ignore the problems of illegal immigration because it wasn’t their problem. The illegals were festering in Texas and Arizona, where the left figured that they’d eventually become Democratic voters, and turn those states ‘blue.’
Then came Governors Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott, who loaded up the illegals and shipped them into those ‘sanctuary cities,’ making it the Democrats’ problem, and, all of a sudden, the Dems became aghast! Why, now they had to deal with the illegals, and they don’t like it, don’t like it one bit.
That’s all OK because soon the Democrats either by cheating, lawfair, or throwing Republicans off of the ballots will control a super majority of the states and therefore have a one party state which is all they ever wanted. It is after all the natural state of affairs with communists.
Then they’ll drive the United states into bankruptcy by spending money on all kinds of nonsense that shouldn’t be spent and all the ones that are so very big loving the constitution we’ll put the constitution through a double shredder and that’ll end that problem.
You see how Elwood treats every thought of some states not accepting 100% abortion 100% of the time? Where do they apply that same philosophy to voting rights, gun ownership, EV’s, gas stoves and other appliances, and just about every other doctrine regulation or rule that they wanna pass. They cannot sleep at night if anybody in any one of the 57 states is doing something they don’t approve of. As a nation we are doomed.
Just remember: money that gets spent goes somewhere. It doesn’t just evaporate. With Democrats, it always goes into the pockets of their friends. All those activist groups that helped get Democrats in office are getting their payback. All those people who have been volunteering at activist groups are now all paid staff with jobs they barely even have to show up for. Just like the space program. Not one dime gets spent in space.
There is no credible evidence that there was/is significant cheating in elections.
Dem candidates for President almost nearly always carry a majority of votes, which Republicans now attribute to rigged elections. Our founding fathers did not trust a simple majority of voters so they built in a check, the electoral college.
In fact, the Republicans are still dominant in most states. For example, here in Missouri statewide votes typically go 55-45% for Republicans yet with state level gerrymandering, we have 6 Republican Reps in Congress and only 2 Dems.
The Supreme Court has a solid conservative majority.
US governors, elected by popular statewide vote, are about equal, 26R to 24D.
Repubs completely control 22 states (House, Senate, Governor), Dems control 17. Another 6 have Repub legislatures and a Dem Govvernor. The rest (5) are divided.
Although they are an electoral minority, the Repubs have systematically been taking control. How? They are relentlessly smart at the local levels. The Dems are naive polyannas.
Regarding spending, the Repubs are as guilty as the Dems. St Reagan doubled the national debt. George HW Bush made it a triple. Clinton kept the debt level. GW Bush expensely invaded Iraq and Afghanistan AND left the Great Recession for the next administration to pay for. Mr Trump added to the debt.
Regarding abortion, it’s the far right wanting a 100% ban. Under Roe v Wade there was never 100% acceptance of abortion 100% of the time. That’s a lie. Over 90% of abortions were performed in the first trimester (12-13 weeks gestation). In most states they were only allowed in the 3rd trimester for the health of the woman.
Every punk, thug, mugger and buttwipe has a semi-auto handgun, and most mass shooters holding a grudge have easy access to an assault weapon, Our Supreme Court has made it abundantly clear that Americans have a Constitutional right to personal firearms. While it’s possible that limits could be placed on assault weapons, that’s as far as it goes.
If a right-wing minority once again elects Donald Trump, the US could be doomed.
Chicken Little Man
Regarding abortion, it’s the far right wanting a 100% ban. Under Roe v Wade there was never 100% acceptance of abortion 100% of the time. That’s a lie. Over 90% of abortions were performed in the first trimester (12-13 weeks gestation). In most states they were only allowed in the 3rd trimester for the health of the woman.
All the SC did was return it to the states. You know, the 10th.
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”