The Credentialed Media and their authoritarian lockdown Comrades are still trying to make this happen
Why fears over a ‘tripledemic’ are surging
Cases of three major respiratory viruses — the flu, COVID-19 and RSV — are surging in the U.S., pushing the country toward a feared “tripledemic” during its first post-pandemic respiratory viral season.
Optimism was high this autumn as the U.S. headed into the viral season. The national arsenal against these viruses had vaccines against RSV for the first time, newly updated COVID-19 vaccines, and the flu “immunity debt” that plagued children in 2022 was history.
But now, confidence is waning. Accessing the vaccine for RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, has been a struggle for many, and enthusiasm for the new COVID-19 vaccines turned out to be abysmal. COVID-19 hospital admissions have been rising since November and wastewater detection indicates most sites — 69 percent — are seeing large increases in virus levels.
Flu activity across the country is currently “elevated and continues to increase in most parts of the country,” according to the latest update from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And vaccine uptake for the flu seems to be lagging, with the CDC saying nearly 8 million fewer people got the shot by mid-December compared to the same period in 2022.
Most do not care. COVID was just the flu for most people. The flu happens. RSV is a concern, but, because of they way The Powers That Be pushed COVID vaccines there is low trust in them. Most are not getting the COVID vaccine, because it doesn’t work. It does not stop people from getting COVID, which is the point of a vaccine. I get the flu vaccine every year (I got the RSV one at same time, giving it a shot, no pun intended) because it stops me from getting what they think will be the prevalent flu versions. COVID is no big deal for most people, just like the flu is no big deal. You feel bad for a time, then move on. You are more likely to spread the flu or a cold from touching stuff than COVID.
Only about a fifth of U.S. adults say they’ve received the newest COVID-19 shot, according to polling from KFF. Uptake for the previous bivalent shots was similarly low and many Americans likely haven’t been immunized since receiving their first doses in 2020 or 2021.
I suspect the actual numbers are lower. They should ask those some people around 6 months later if they contracted Wuhan Flu.
And RSV vaccine uptake among seniors appears rather lackluster, with CDC data suggesting only about 10 percent of nursing home residents had gotten immunized against the virus by mid-December.
“The numbers are not looking good,” said Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, of the three circulating viruses.
People do not trust it, because the Bat Soup Virus “vaccine” destroyed trust. I only got mine because I was getting the flu shot because I was at the doctors for what turned out to be a ear and chest infection, they had RSV, I said “why not?”
Masking has also become rare once again, though Plescia noted many hospital systems are bringing back mask requirements amid the rise in respiratory viruses. These hospital-enacted requirements may be more easily accepted by communities than those issued by the government, and Plescia expects to see more like them in the future.
Even though they know that the masks make little to no difference. How do we trust them? But, folks will still try and scaremonger, because scared people are easily controlled by government.

Typical cult article from The Hill – cases are “surging”, but no numbers (number of cases, percent increase, nothing relevant) are given.
Who out there is shocked that flu cases are increasing during what is frequently referred to as “the cold and flu season?
You with your hands raised, PLEASE don’t vote or breed. Feel free to operate dangerous tools, though, as long as you’re alone.
Those numbers probably are high. Every time someone in the medical trades asks, I say YES, I’VE HAD ALL MY SHOTS AND BOOSTERS just to get them off my back.
One of the lasting consequences of Government-Pfizer collusion about COVID vaccines is the lack of trust the general public now has for the entire medical community including the entire vaccination paradigm. Even people who used to be ardent vaccination proponents are now more skeptical and automatically distrust any announcement by the CDC, HHS, or a pharmaceutical company. Oddly enough, COVID vaccine defenders seems to skew strongly to members of the Democratic party. This should be a totally non-partisan issue since Trump was an early advocate for the Vaccine program but now it is seen as a loyalty issue for Democrats. CDC is using your tax dollars to promote COVID, RSV, Flu and Pneumonia Vaxes… but not Measles, smallpox, or any of the cheap vaccines that have long histories of proven effectiveness. The flu shot, which used to be an automatic thing for people to get annually is now a marketing casualty of COVID vax reputation. People everywhere are questioning just how many vaccines were ever as effective as we were told.
Personally, I would never use another vaccine produced by Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J for fear they try to spread their MNRA style toxins. It should be considered criminal child abuse as well as malpractice to give any of these to a child under 18.
The Professor wrote:
In their efforts to get as many people as possible to take the vaccines, which were, at the time, approved only on an ’emergency’ basis, and the long term effects of which were unknown, the government and the drug companies told us things which they hoped would be true, but did not know to be true.
We were first told that, 14 days after the final dose of the vaccines, we would not contract COVID-19, period. Yet, once the vaccines were available to everyone, we started hearing about ‘breakthrough’ cases, cases in which people had been through the vaccination regimen, yet contracted the disease anyway.
We were told that, if a person had been vaccinated, even if he did contract the virus, he wouldn’t spread it to others. That, too, was false.
We were told that the vaccines mostly prevented contraction of the virus, and that people who went through the vaccination regimen were then as fully protected as could be. Then, six months later, we were told that sorry, we needed to take regular booster shots to keep up the protection of the vaccines, first every six months, and then every four months.
We were told that natural immunity among those who had previously contracted the virus was a myth, and that they needed to take the vaccines anyway. Yet there was no greater immunity from the vaccines than natural immunity.
Almost everything we were told was incorrect. Now, I am not saying that these people were deliberately lying, but that they were telling us things that they did not know to be true, but hoped would be true.
What effect could all of these untrue statements have had but to persuade many people that the “experts” were lying through their scummy teeth?
I got my last booster on June 16, 2022. On December 9, 2023, 1½ years later, I had to take an Army buddy of SSG Pico’s to Kroger, because she was out of everything, and the rest of the family were in Europe. Yup, she had COVID, something she had previously contracted while in Kuwait, despite the Army’s requirement of vaccinations, and, for her, COVID had a harder impact, not hospitalization-serious, but still pretty sick.
I was around her, as in grocery-shopping close, for a couple of hours, and never got sick. SSG Pico, who had been vaccinated, tested positive for COVID in March of 2022, and had to spend five days in Army isolation, but she was never seriously sick. I contracted the virus last winter, and it was nothing more than a day-and-a-half cold.
COVID is certainly out there, but at least in our experience, it’s the strength of an individual’s immune system that counts, not he vaccines. I doubt that our experiences have been unusual.
It is almost as if the agenda of the government was to encourage maximum vax participation, regardless of risk, need, or effectiveness. It is incomprehensible that any rational government employees who were not personally profiting from Vax stock sales would take this path. They not only overstated VAX effectiveness and safety at every turn, they suppressed valid medical information about reasonable alternatives and risks.
The good Professor wrote:
It was a simple calculation, a risk/benefit analysis: the government ‘leaders’ believed that that the vaccine would do more good than harm, and therefore it was a societal good overall, even if negative to some people individually. Every medicine and every vaccine will have some individuals who have some individuals who experience harmful reactions; we know this, and that’s why there are FDA-mandated warnings for all of them.
The difference with the COVID vaccines is that, unlike other approved medicines and vaccines, there were no long-term reaction studies, because those take years, and the government were determined to get these things out to the public as quickly as possible. And, despite the horror stories out there, there weren’t that many negative reactions. For most people, the vaccines appear to have done no obvious harm. How much actually good they did is unknown.
Eventually, some scholar will get the research done, to tell us what the negative reaction rate was, and quantify a spectrum of how serious the reactions were, but the vaccines are only three years old, and there could still be longer-term negative reactions.
There will also be studies to determine how much good the vaccines did, but that will have an internal, positive bias, because we cannot know how many people took the vaccines, and either did not contract COVID or, if they did, had only mild or no symptoms at all, but also would not have contracted the virus, or had mild or no symptoms if they had not been vaccinated. It will be assumed that the vaccines did them some good. Some inferences might be drawn based on how many unvaccinated people never contracted the virus, but inferences will be all that there are. And among the unvaccinated, there will be those who did contract the virus, but had few, if any, symptoms, and never tested positive because they didn’t get tested at all.
Certainly it is comprehensible, because to have expressed differences from the Official Government Policy is to have fired yourself. Add that to the admitted government repression of negative information — the Feds pushed social media outlets to prohibit as much negative information as possible, as both Facebook and Twitter have admitted — and we don’t know how many “rational government employees” simply kept their mouths shut. And remember: all of them took the vaccines, or they’d have been fired.
Huh? Like any vaccine, these vaccines significantly reduced the likelihood of contracting Covid.
Huh? If you have the virus you can spread it. Milder cases (as seen in most vaccinated) are less likely to spread the virus.
Huh? Throughout the pandemic, medical scientists were making real-time observations on the effectiveness of the vaccines. When facts change, so should the response. Some viruses mutate more rapidly than others. For example, the measles virus is genetically stable and the vaccines are more durable. Cold viruses mutate rapidly and vaccines are ineffective. Covid and influenza viruses are highly mutable and the vaccine effectiveness wanes with time.
America has a right-wing falsehood industry whose objective seems to be to destabilize society (besides to take money from their followers, and to gain attention). They spread mis- and dis-formation about medical science and climate science.
The vaccines kill people! The vaccines change your genetics! The vaccines don’t work! Hydroxychloroquine prevents/cures Covid! Ivermectin prevents/cures Covid! Masking doesn’t work! Masking is dangerous! It was the flu! It was a fake epidemic! Covid is spread by 5G network! Bleach or UV light can cure Covid!
Study after study demonstrated that vaccination reduced the mortality rate by some 80%. Now, that doesn’t “prove” that the vaccines were the reason for saving lives. Perhaps those who get vaccinations are healthier to begin with (eat better, better hygiene, have better doctors, exercise, don’t smoke).
Conservatives have been too critical of President Trump’s handing of the pandemic which killed over 1 million Americans.
Stay with “Huh?”.
Those were the only valid and coherent parts of your rant.
Oh, Stormy. Bring back that sunny day!
Remember, during the COVID period, lots of governments all over the world were introducing tracking mechanisms to prove you had a valid vaccine. It was never applied to the entirety of vaccination schedules. Nor was it ever applied to illegal border crossers into the USA. It seems government agencies already knew that some people would lie about this and wanted to rpevent that from happening. I even remember radio ads reminding people that false COVID cards were a federal crime since they were an official federal government document.
Joe Biden won in 2020 because so many places sent out ballots in the mail, and many people who normally don’t bother to vote did so the easy way: mailing in ballots in the handy, postage-paid envelopes. These were the ignoramuses and the mostly uncaring, but they gave the Democrats — the party of the ignorant and uncaring — a huge advantage.
And so the left want to find someway, anyway, to scare the low-information, low-concern population to vote for them again. This might not work, because the winter “tripledemic” will be long over before election day, but the left will still press for anything possible to get hose too stupid and too lazy to cast ballots anyway, because they know that they are the party and the choice of the stupid and lazy.
Mr Dana makes a surprising admission:
We were under the impression that you believed President Biden won by Dem cheating??? No?
Mr Dana decries more voting, realizing as he does that many people will cast votes of which he disapproves. Make voting more difficult for minorities and the working poor!!
He prefers highly motivated mis-information voters over high activation energy, “low”-information voters. They’re all citizens, BTW.
Our esteemed host wrote:
The vaccines didn’t come out until December of 2020, and then were available only to health care workers. As more were produced, those 70 and older became eligible in mid-January 2021, and it was March of 2021 before they became available to the general public.
The actual question should be: how many of the original vaccine-takers only did so because they would have lost their jobs if they hadn’t taken the jab. Federal, state, municipal, and county workers across the United States were required to get the jabs, or lose their jobs. Many, though certainly not all, private industry workers, were required to get vaccinated.
“We were first told that, 14 days after the final dose of the vaccines, we would not contract COVID-19, period. Yet, once the vaccines were available to everyone, we started hearing about ‘breakthrough’ cases, cases in which people had been through the vaccination regimen, yet contracted the disease anyway.”
“We were told that, if a person had been vaccinated, even if he did contract the virus, he wouldn’t spread it to others. That, too, was false.”
I keep hearing that claim but I do not remember reading or hearing it. Indeed, with an announced efficacy of around 92% for the vaccines it was expected that the effective rate would be, at best, in the 90% range. No claim was made to how long the protection would last but in the March time frame a lot of information was out showing that the people with “breakthrough” cases had greatly reduced symptoms and hospital admissions were plunging. A very good reason to take the vaccines.
I have had the vaccines and all boosters. I never huddled in my home, traveling when and where I pleased. I’m 85 and as such a strong candidate for the long sleep if I caught the disease. Which I did, twice. Both times very mild.
The vaccines, like the flu, tetanus and others, need changing as they weaken and the virus mutates.
Like all vaccines there have been some side effects. Unfortunately the Internet has provided a huge amplifier for “I heard this from my sister’s hairdresser who got it from her bartender boyfriend.” VAERS is near useless because it has no real guidelines and no real oversight.
That said the government and the talking heads did a very very very poor job of telling us what was going on.
Your right. The real targets were/are the elderly and anyone with diseases and obesity. In TN the death rate for the non vaccinated 70+ age group who caught the disease was 30+%.
Over 400 million shots have been given. If that many people started walking through my front door I expect that some would die inside.
Actually Teach, most people had no symptoms of being infected with covid. However over 1 million died from it and a further 1/2 million survived near death exprrience
You guys keep repeating the bull crap and I’ll keep correcting it.
Over 1,000,000 died with the Covid not from the COVID. We will probably never get a true accounting of this because the left has made it into a political cause celeb just like they have with climate change. As soon as the left convert something into politics it loses all truth. Truth is the first victim of political crap. Which is why believing anything that Democrats say at this point is like chasing your own tail. They have more reason to lie than to tell the truth about any given subject. And unless they wanna come clean about everything starting with Russia Russia Russia I’m moving on to COVID in the Ukraine they have to keep on lying. Just like they had an opportunity to get a federal investigation and audit into the election of 2020 but didn’t do it and now it’s too late because it would show that they’ve been lying all this time and they can’t do that. So they have to perpetuate the lie indefinitely.
Just like now and forever more men can become women men can menstruate and killing a baby in the world you’re not killing your human you’re killing a bunch of turtle cells.
One lie at a time, Geno.
Yes, over 1,000,000 Americans died with AND of Covid-19. Just because you can’t understand something doesn’t mean it’s untrue. I can’t explain how OLED TVs work but I believe they do.
Have you ever heard of the medical statistics concept of excess deaths? During the Covid pandemic an extra 1 million Americans died that one wouldn’t have expected. The Americans deaths were not from more cases of cancer or heart disease.
Your obsessions with trans persons, menstruation and turtle cells are noted, but obviously irrelevant.
We get it. The capstone of MAGAtism is to doubt everything. Trump can’t lose, therefore the Dems cheat!! Rinse and repeat.
Genocide Joe:
“Over 1,000,000 died with the Covid not from the COVID.”
No. The Cause of Death – COD – works like this. If the patient has a disease and is being successfully treated for that disease and if the patient then catches COVID and dies the COD is COVID. The other disease will be listed as Contributing on the Death Certificate.
Much has been made of the claim that the health community made false claims to receive additional funds from the government.
A false diagnosis of Covid to allow the hospital to receive additional funds requires:
The admitting ER doctor to agree.
The lab technician who does the blood analysis to agree.
The floor/patient nurses who see the patient’s daily records to agree.
The patient’s assigned doctor to agree.
And, in case of death, the charged/observing doctor to agree.
All of these people must jointly cooperate to defraud the government.
Plus, in case of death, issuing a false death certificate carries very stiff state penalties.
A minimum of 4, maybe 5, health professionals who could lose their licenses/jobs just to help the HOSPITAL make money, must agree to lie. I don’t think so.
Did the Left use every trick possible to scare the nation into an unneeded lockdown? Yes. But they couldn’t fudge the numbers.
Are people now saying that Trump LIED about the effectiveness of his vaccine that he pushed through at “warp speed” Was that what he was impeached for?
Genocide Joe or whomever
The number of excess deaths during the covid epidemic has been over 1 million. If you had tested positive for covid and were killed by a bullet, you would not be counted as death by covid. If you had tested for positive for covid and been hit by a bus your cause of death would not be listed as covid. If you had cancer or dandruff or were morbidly obese you death certificate would indicate cause of death covid only if it was the major and immediate cause of death.
I remember when they were masking and taking temperatures at the hospital. I asked, “if someone has a fever, are they allowed in?” The answer was no, they went in a different building and got tested for Covid. So then I asked, “so no one in the hospital has Covid?” the answer was they didn’t let anyone showing signs or self reporting that they were near someone with Covid.
Ideally it means that the place was Covid free. So I then asked, “if people with Covid cannot come in, why do we need to wear masks?”. The answer was, to protect from Covid. “But if you don’t let people in who have Covid, AND you test for it, how could someone come in with Covid? If no one has Covid because you test for it, again, why do we need masks?”. Usually by that time the person was speechless and would just say they were told to take temps and ask questions; they were just told to do screening.
The same type of people will collect clothing jewelry eyeglasses hats and choose when you walk into the gas chambers. Just doing their job.
Your personal experience aside..
“Not true ! the CDC said just this week cloth mask have no proven Efficacy”
No, that’s not what the CDC said. From their 1/21/22:
“While all masks and respirators provide some level of protection, properly fitted respirators provide the highest level of protection. Wearing a highly protective mask or respirator may be most important for certain higher risk situations, or by some people at increased risk for severe disease.”
You should also understand that “efficacy” refers to how well something performs in a controlled environment, such as a trial. It is not the same as effectiveness.
“Efficacy is the degree to which a vaccine prevents disease, and possibly also transmission, under ideal and controlled circumstances – comparing a vaccinated group with a placebo group. Effectiveness meanwhile refers to how well it performs in the real world. Although a vaccine that has high efficacy – such as Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine with 94.5% efficacy and Pfizer’s with 90% efficacy – would be expected to be highly effective in the real world, it is unlikely to translate into the same effectiveness in practice.”
All masks utilize woven material that allow gases, air, to flow in and out through the spaces between the weaves. Depending on the construction a certain amount can enter/leave around the edge of the mask where it contacts the face.
As made plain in the CDC article, various types work in various ways and with various effectiveness.
Paper is the worst followed by simple cloth. Very few people can afford N95 masks on a daily basis, so the question becomes this.
If it isn’t 100%, why mess with it?
To answer this, we need to think of those metal grid fences that enclose many back yards and other private areas. The weave of these are about 1 inch square. Now, visualize having a hand full of marbles, walking up to the fence, and toss them, using an underhand throw, at the fence.
Many will go through. Some will hit the wire and remain outside, or inside if breathing out.
That’s how a paper/cloth masks work.
So we now have an element of chance. SOME viruses got through. Some did not.
Now, for the ones that got through, how long will they survive outside of the body? That will depend on the ambient temperature and if the virus lands on a solid surface, the type and temperature of the object.
The chance element is further expanded by how far apart is the source person and the receptive person is, various studies say 6 feet, others more/less, and the amount of the virus that got through and the IMMUNE system of the receptive person.
Less immune, greater chance of infection. That’s why the vast majority of known infected people are the elderly and/or people with serious diseases. Or both. (Over 30% of the unvaccinated elderly who become infected die.) The obese are also a favorite target.
This doesn’t cover the number of otherwise healthy people, young and old, that develop lifelong health issues. Plus, it doesn’t cover the sometimes-high costs that destroy a person’s financial position, perhaps into bankruptcy. Medical care is expensive.
So, there hasn’t been a study on the efficacy of wearing masks. It would be impossible to control.
But you can use what is called an observational study. Just looking at the results of actions by very large groups of people.
For example, how many Covid deaths per million in the US compared to countries that have historically worn masks in crowded conditions.
Say US vs Japan…….
US 3500; Japan 600
That should tell us something. And no, I’m not saying that there aren’t other factors, but when you see 20 to 1, 5 to 1, etc., ratios something is there.
You should listen to Mr Lewis when he discusses Covid.
But not when he discusses elections.
Chicken Little Man
Thank you for your endorsement.
Pity that you are only 50% right.
Chickenshit Lewy,
You’re a bit less than 50% right.