How dare you!
A major winter storm bringing heavy snow and freezing rain to some communities spread across New England on Sunday, sending residents scurrying for their shovels and snowblowers to clear sidewalks and driveways.
Winter storm warnings and watches were in effect throughout the Northeast, and icy roads made for hazardous travel as far south as North Carolina.
The Northeast snow came as a Sierra Nevada storm packing heavy snow shut down a stretch of interstate Saturday and briefly knocked out power to tens of thousands in Reno, Nevada.
More than 11,000 electric customers in California were without power Sunday afternoon.
Some communities in Massachusetts had recorded more than a foot (30 centimeters) of snow by Sunday afternoon, according to the National Weather Service. Nearly 13,000 electric customers in the state were without power Sunday afternoon.
The entire article by the Associate Press, all 26 paragraphs, is primarily just reiterating what happened with the storm, except for
“I think it’s funny because everyone’s been freaking out about it,” said Alison Conley, 26, a consultant. “We’ve been betting as to how much snow we’re actually going to have and it’s looking like not that much is going to stick.”
Conley, who was out walking her dog Sunny, said the possibility that climate change is contributing to relatively warmer winter days in the region — the temperature in Boston is expected to be in the 50s on Wednesday, melting much of the snow — is a concern.
That’s it. This is the AP’s proof of “”very weird” winters”. Because science.

here in NYC we are approaching 2 years without any snow accumulation. That certainly is an anomaly. Sort of like when 15? years ago Teach reported snow on the top of a mountain in Abu Dhabi as indicating that the Earth was NOT warming.
So are you saying that this is absolute proof of climate global climate warming change? Because it’s not. It’s just the weather you should know that you’re an adult.
Looks like secretary Austin went awol. It’s interesting when the president’s own cabinet doesn’t have enough respect for him to even tell him what they’re doing. That shows you what a piece of crap is president is no respect. The man should be dragged that office right now.
There can be no absolute proof of a scientific theory. All one can do is evaluate evidence against the theory’s predictions. The increase in the Earth’s surface temperature is commensurate with the rise in atmospheric CO2.
Secretary of Defense Austin is not responsible for global warming.
Are you suggesting the President should be dragged that office right now? Based on what Constitutional provision??
Chicken Little Man
For a theory to become a Scientific Theory it must be testable and predictable. Man Made Global Warming if not testable in any controlled test and all of the predictions you Warmist have made has failed.
Has the earth warmed? Perhaps. Cause? No one knows.
BTW – CO2 quantity LAGS temperature. So it being the cause is nonsensible.
My favorite now is sun spots. So says NOAA.,true%20during%20minimum%20sunspot%20activity.
Really? I thought “the science was settled”.
Really? The predictions for the last 30-plus years have all failed, but the Climate Cult will not change their stories. Of course, big money is involved, and what’s left of their reputations. They can’t admit that they have no clue NOW.
Sorry; it’s not. Keep trying.
Keep up the “really”, it’s the only cogent portion of your rant.
I am not responsible for what you “think” is settled.
Failed predictions? Global warming theory predicts that the Earth’s temperature rises as CO2 rises. Sorry, it is. Stop denying, keep trying.
Snow is beautiful, and I will love it much more when Mrs Pico retires next December! I can really appreciate a nice warm house, a fire in the fireplace, plenty of food in the house, and no need to leave for anything.
Winter storms in winter. What will they think of next?
“Huge storms highlight ‘very weird’ winters in climate change era.”
Really. And not long ago, we were assured by Top. Men. that snow was a thing of the past.
Almost as if they haven’t a clue.
Chicken Little Man
“Failed predictions? Global warming theory predicts that the Earth’s temperature rises as CO2 rises. Sorry, it is. Stop denying, keep trying.”
That’s what is called an “Observational Theory.” What that means is that the testing of the theory can’t be controlled but depends on uncontrolled observations.
Using the Observational Theory warmists have made prediction after prediction of dire results. All have failed.
Do you have a citation for “Observational Theory”?
All predictions have failed? I suspect you refer to individual opinions, e.g., English children will no longer see snow!
Confirmed predictions resulting from increased atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases
Mean surface temperature is increasing
Ice sheet volume is decreasing
Glacier volume is decreasing
Ocean pH decreasing
Sea ice volume decreasing
Ocean volume increasing
Ocean heat content increasing
Average ocean surface temperature has increased
Chicken Little Man
The theory is that CO2 is the cause of the increase. Remember that CO2 LAGS temperature.
The increases/decreases do not prove the theory. They may just as well be caused by cosmic rays, sunspots, volcano dust or minute changes in the earth’s tilt. Remember that the Medieval Warming Period, which now has shown to be world wide, occurred when there were no cars.
Observational theory is the name given to theories developed by observation of certain things/groups. Since they cannot be tested in controlled environments they cannot be considered Scientific Theories.
My favorite is that COVID deaths per million are less in countries that have historically worn masks, say Japan, versus, the US (600 versus 3500) who has not embraced masks because masks reduce the spread from the infected person.
The difference between us is that I am happy to admit that I may be 100% right or 100% wrong or any point between AND I AM NOT DEMANDING EVERYONE CHANGE THEIR LIFE BECAUSE THE WORLD WILL END IF THEY DON’T.
BTW “Many activists and journalists warn that rapidly melting Himalayan glaciers due to global warming will have catastrophic consequences. The glaciers have been melting since the end of the last ice age 11,700 years ago, but the melting has not worsened recently. Satellite studies suggest that the vast majority of glaciers in the Himalayas are stable, a minority are shrinking, and a few are advancing. The retreat of the Gangotri Glacier, the source of the Ganges River, has decelerated in recent decades to 10 meters (33 feet) per year, at which rate it will last 3,000 years.
It’s not as clear as “skeptics” claim. The proxy measures (CO2 bubbles and O2 isotopes from ice cores) “skeptics” trust when they support their claims are difficult to align vs time. In addition, results from Antarctica appear to show CO2 lag, but not so from other records from around the world.
There is little doubt that a positive feedback loop exists where an increased temperature causes oceans to release some CO2, but note the CO2 levels in the oceans continue to increase.
Theories are not proven.
Except for the lack of evidence supporting these other mechanisms…
As has been explained ad infinitum, CO2 is not the only mechanism for warming, but is the mechanism causing the current warming. Neither the MWP nor LIA were global and uniform. It’s likely the North Atlantic warming resulted from changes in volcanic activity and/or Atlantic Ocean currents.
This is untrue. I’m only 95% certain that CO2 is causing the Earth to warm now. Is that enough of a probability to slow CO2 emissions? Yes, in my opinion.
There is variability among glaciers regarding rates of receding as it’s a balance between snowfall and melt. Unfortunately, the “article’ from the Cato Institute is not a scientific review but a political one.
from King et al 2019:
Our results clearly emphasise the strong impact of glacial lake development on glacier recession along the Himalaya since the mid-1970s, alongside atmospheric warming9. Over this period, lake-terminating glacier mass balance was substantially more negative than that of land-terminating glaciers, and lake-terminating glacier termini retreated at twice the rate of their land-terminating counterparts. Although lake-terminating glaciers make up only a small portion of the total glacier population (~10%), they are responsible for a disproportionate share of intra-regional ice mass loss.
Chicken Little Man
Theories are not proven.
Which is why you Lefties should not be trying to destroying western civilization.
We know that… “Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Periods in Eastern China as Read from the Speleothem Records…”,ended%20in%20the%20mid%2D1800s.
Theories should be falsified to be rejected which is why you Righties should not be continuing to destroy human civilization.
From the unpublished report you cited, they looked at a total of three stalactites.
Here’s a better reference to support your point.
Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 29, Issue 9, CiteID 1324, DOI 10.1029/2001GL014485
Chicken Little Man
No, the studies are germane. China, which is halfway around the world enjoyed the MWP.
Theories should be falsified to be rejected which is why you Righties should not be continuing to destroy human civilization
The problem is that you Lefties keep on forecasting dire happenings with no attempt at mediating the happenings except for destroying civilization. Know this, CLM, petroleum is in almost everything… gasoline, lunicrants, fertilizer, drugs, etc., etc., etc.
Face it. Your leaders aren’t interested in putting together a plan. They just want to scare us into doing what they want.”
And the so-called green replacement, wind and solar, aren’t reliable and can’t perform in super cold weather… We’re forecasted -1 next Monday…. Last year it was rolling blackouts in the SE, and Texas wound up in deep dodo.