…is a ski resort that will soon have no snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on COVID for the 2024 election.

…is a ski resort that will soon have no snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on COVID for the 2024 election.
should all US Presidents receive blanket immunity for all crimes committed while in office? Or just Your Dear Leader Trump?
Good question H, should we US presidents who are pedophiles get like an immunity or gesture one and only God pedo Joe?
President Biden can be brought up on charges of pedophilia after he’s out of office. Or the House could impeach him now! All they need is evidence.
Trump was accused in a lawsuit of raping a 13 year old girl. His own teenage daughter used to sit on his lap!
Just President Trump, moron.
It seems that the City of Brotherly Love, which is pushing mass transit to get more people out of their cars, has cancelled some regional rail trains due to the “impending weather.” And now I’ve gotten a report that an outbound commuter train for this evening will be cancelled due to the weather, stranding people at their jobs.
DC METRO has been experiencing delays also due to some trains single-tracking and rerouting around flooded areas. It happens every time there are heavy rains in this area. I’m just glad no one died this time.
“DOJ sues Texas saying it’s against the law to pass a law to enforce the law” BB
Thanks, Brandon!
Your tax dollars at work for Brandon.

Bwaha! Lolgf
We’re doomed! 5th Circuit trashes Brandon’s dishwasher rules..
Fat Fani be gettin’ some. You go gurl!

Bwaha! Lolgf
“Romantically involved” is code for She gives him money from the local taxpayers and he uses it to take her on expensive vacations.
They will be missed.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Meanwhile, blue states are failing.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Trump on the Stump:
He wants to end the ACA
He wants to ban abortions
He wants a recession
He wants a government shutdown
He wants to pull us out of NATO
He wants to abandon Ukraine
He says he’ll be a dictator
He wants to end the FBI AND build them a magnificent new facility in DC so they can end crime there
He wants total immunity for American Presidents regardless of crimes committed
He wants to pardon the Jan 6 criminals
Early morning TTS attack, hey Rimjob?

(Trump Tourettes SSyndrome)
Bwaha! Lolgf
S-S-SSyndrome, LOL. Stutter much!
Which things on the list are incorrect? Thanks!
Pretty much everything.
You did get the pardon for the J6 demonstrators partially correct.
Ah Rimjob still the spelling Nazi, huh chubby?
Has the SEC contacted you yet?

Yes, they want me to coach Alabama…
Courageous President Trump is turning up the heat!!
Last Saturday in Iowa…
Haha! Good one.
President Trump is also finally lashing out at candidate Nikki Haley for NOT being a “natural born citizen”!! Her parents were immigrants from India!! Go Donald!!
The Constitutional requirements to be President are to be at least 35 years old, not to be an insurrectionist, to have lived in the US at least 14 years and to be a natural born citizen. That’s it!
Let Donald be Donald!!
You do realize that Donald Trump is not an insurrectionist correct? He has never been charged with nor has he been convicted of insurrection. Therefore every time you state that you are a freaking liar and you are bearing false witness against another American.
In other words if you were under oath you would be charged with two counts of perjury. But you’re not a perjurer now because you haven’t been convicted of perjury just like trump has not been convicted of insurrection.
You are however still a big fat liar. I don’t think you’ll ever not be a big fat liar. The nature of your politics requires you to like constantly.
In my opinion President Trump is an insurrectionist based on his actions up to and including Jan 6.
The grand jury charged him with conspiracy to defraud the United States, witness tampering, conspiracy against the rights of citizens, and obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding.
Let’s say a jury of his peers convicts him of even one of the charges, e.g., witness tampering or conspiracy to defraud America or obstruction, would you still think he was the best person to be President?
How awful is Trump? So far, the courts have found him guilty of sexual assault, defamation and of business fraud. Now they’re deciding how many 100s of millions he owes the sexual assault victim and the people of NY. So far.
I’m sorry that he is so awful. But he is. And I kind of understand why his supporters find him so appealing. He’s glib, a TV star, brash, irresponsible, a genius at psychological manipulation, the projection of “strength”, and most of all an “all of you against us” worldview: the Dems, communists, illegals, Muslims, media, wokes, scientists, foreigners are in cahoots with China, Mexico, Palestinians, the Pope, all of who want to destroy what’s left of American greatness.
Yes, totally insurrectionist- Trump: “Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. We need to have peace. We need to have law and order. You need to go home”. Add to that some of the Capital guards opening up the gates, and a former Capital guard LT. saying it was a set-up. Then there’s a picture of the “insurrectionists” calmly walking almost single file between the velvet ropes in one of the rotundas..
We’re certain that Mr Trump’s attorneys will relay this to the jury.
Woman judge asked Trump attorney if a President has immunity if he orders Seal Team Six to assassinate a political opponent. Trump attorney replied, Yes!, unless he was first impeached and convicted!
If Trump valued America, if he cared even one nano-iota about America, he would stop this nonsense.
This morning a Congresswoman asked Hunter Biden as to his surprise appearance:
Then Hunter hauled ass.

Bwaha! Lolgf
So the House Committee on Oversight, chaired by Rep Gomer (R-KY) met to hold Hunter Biden in contempt for not showing up to testify. Unfortunately, and to the surprise of the “do nothing” Republican House, Mr Biden SHOWED UP. He was right there with his lawyers, willing to be questioned! LOL.
Sputtering Karolina Karen Mace (R-SC), obviously running for Vice President on the Trump ticket, was flummoxed but plowed ahead anyway!! She claimed Hunter Biden had no balls but Rep Greene (R-AL) had pictorial evidence of his balls during an earlier hearing! Classy “woman”*, that Greene. Mr Biden should have leapt to his feet and shouted, “That’s not true, Representative Greene has proof!”.
Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) countered with the defied subpoenas of Representatives Jordan (R-OH), Brooks (R-AL), Perry (R-PA), Biggs (R-AZ) and Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to answer questions about what they knew about the Jan 6 storming of the US Capitol. OMG, what a laugh riot. The DOJ did NOT prosecute any of those Trump supporters for defying a Congressional subpoena.
Political theater and Hunter Biden won this round, bigly.
It made the House Republicans appear as the clown show they are. Immigration, Israel, Ukraine, healthcare, election security, government shutdown all pending but are being ignored by Republicans so they can show dick pics of Hunter Biden!!
Mr Biden left the hearing just as Representative “Marjorie”* Taylor Greene (R-GA) was starting her rant. Maybe she had more pictures of Hunter Biden’s junk!!
* There was a Martin Taylor born in Milledgeville, Georgia, on May 27, 1974. Coincidence?
As stated earlier, Hunter hauled ass when it looked like the committee was going to vote to hold him in contempt. (If you watched it live you would know.)

Bwaha! Lolgf
Actually Mr Biden left when it was “Marjorie” Taylor Greene’s turn figuring she was going to show dick pics of him. In addition, it was clear the Three Stooges weren’t going to let him testify.
It was a clown show.