I’m just wondering if those students are paying property and income taxes, along with lots of sales tax, which primarily funds the schools?
Students say NYC school buildings need a climate change
A group of New York City teens are launching a campaign urging Mayor Eric Adams to speed up plans to retrofit school buildings to make them safer, healthier and more climate-friendly.
The teens – part of a student-led environmental coalition called TREEage – are asking peers across the city to post videos to social media about why their schools urgently need green energy upgrades. The group is also asking students to grade how green their school is from A to F.
Zuzu Qadeer, a student at Beacon High School, has already submitted a video highlighting problems at their school.
They said polluted air from a taxi garage next to the school has caused the building’s basement to have such poor air quality that it had to be evacuated 18 times last year. Students have complained of headaches and nausea due to the fumes.
Well, that’s understandable. And has zero to do with ‘climate change’. What do the students recommend be done? They aren’t. Complaining without ideas is called whining.
In October 2022 the Adams administration announced a $4 billion plan to begin retrofitting 100 schools to all-electric heating and build only electricity-powered new school buildings by 2030. The mayor also pledged to end the use of polluting No. 4 heating oil in schools and upgrade hundreds of lights to LED bulbs.
Where’s that money coming from?
Kathryn Gioiosa is a sophomore at CUNY and co-executive director of TREE-age, said those initiatives are “a good starting point … but it’s definitely not enough.”
Before CUNY, Gioiosa attended Forest Hills High School. She said during her time there the school had issues with lead in the water. In the winter, the heat was too high, and in the summer there wasn’t enough air conditioning. She ran track right next to traffic on Grand Central Parkway.
Again, that has nothing to do with climate doom. Perhaps if the city wasn’t spending so much money on illegal aliens and driving away businesses and all their tax revenue?
She noted that students her age and younger have been feeling the climate crisis even more intensely after smoke from Canadian wildfires blanketed the city last spring and torrential rains flooded commutes this fall. She hopes the social media campaign will help students elevate the issues at their individual schools and connect with each other.
It’s always easy to spend Someone Else’s money, eh?

As someone who went to a non-air conditioned high school in the South, my response is, “Buck up, buttercup!”
The whole point of summer vacation was that no public schools were air conditioned and it was too hot in summer to keep kids in classrooms. Most public buildings, including schools, were not air conditioned until windows started getting sealed to prevent crimes. In the Army, we didn’t even start air conditioning offices until computers were installed in the 90’s and we only did that to “protect the expensive machines”, not for the comfort of the troops. The Pentagon used to have windows that would open to let fresh air in.
last year 40% of electricity in USA generated carbon free. Less than 1/2 of that from nukes
Coal generated electric fell to 16% of total.
The last nuke plant built was a financial disaster got state of Georgia. It cost 45 billion. The equivalent solar+storage would be 75% less
So??? You think that’s good?
Power from zero-carbon sources made up a full 41% of the U.S. electricity mix in 2022, a record-breaking number that has increased almost every year since 1990.
That mix includes power from nuclear plants, hydroelectric dams, solar and wind. With nuclear and hydropower relatively unchanged for years at about 19% and 10% respectively, the majority of the increase has come from the rapid build-out of solar and wind power, whose costs have plummeted in the past two decades.
The statistics come from the annual Sustainable Energy in America 2023 Factbook, released Wednesday. The Factbook is produced each year by BloombergNEF, a division of Bloomberg LP focused on the transition to a lower-carbon economy, in partnership with the Business Council for Sustainable Energy.
That means that wind and solar supposedly provided 12% with the remainder being nuke, water, coal and NG.
That amount is frightening, given, as we saw last winter, wind and solar is not predictable and the grid cannot support the demand when they fail. The situation will become worse and worse as you Lefties continue in your efforts to destroy civilization.
HAHAHA. Hairy actually thinks there is something that is “carbon free”. In reality, that is just a label handed out by activists in exchange for a cut of the pie. You can’t build a windmill or a solar farm without Concrete, steel, copper, plastics, fiberglass, aluminum, silica, and silver. None of that can be produced or even recycled without producing lots and lots of carbon.
And that 12% solar and wind of course need fossil fuel back-up. Johnny-don’t forget what your Godfather James Hansen said in 2018
“The notion that renewable energies and batteries alone will provide all needed energy is fantastical. It is also a grotesque idea, because of the staggering environmental pollution from mining and material disposal if all energy was derived from renewables and batteries”.
The problem is they aren’t building a back up system.
We’re flying blind into a super cell thunderstorm.
The results will be very very bad.
We should make certain our schools are safe for children.
Many conservatives support having armed guards at schools, and arming teachers and administrators. Who will pay for that? Many support locked and armored entrances and exits. As children, we didn’t need this as school shootings were so rare.
We should make certain there is no lead in the water.
Summer school should be held in air-conditioned buildings.
As children (1960s, 1970s) we did not have AC in schools but our schools were in session Sep to May.
Chicken Little Man
Many conservatives support having armed guards at schools, and arming teachers and administrators. Who will pay for that?
You don’t know???
Lewy Body Guy,
It was rhetorical, as was Mr Teach’s question.
Chicken Little Man
Since you don’t seem to know… Cancel government waste.
Stat with Kerry’s