USA Today is super excited about this being a bad thing for Donald Trump, coming from third least diverse state in the U.S., one which is not being over-run by illegal aliens and crime like other Democrat run states
Exclusive: It’s not the economy, stupid. In NH, democracy is the top issue for Dems, independents
For Democratic and independent voters in New Hampshire this year, the most important issue facing the United States isn’t the economy, the sort of kitchen-table quandaries that more often than not determine presidential elections.
It’s the future of democracy.
A new USA TODAY/Boston Globe/Suffolk University Poll two weeks before the Granite State’s pivotal primary finds half of Democrats (49%) and nearly three in 10 independents (29%) rank that solemn and even philosophical issue well above such concrete concerns as health care or crime ? defying the conventional political wisdom of decades, “It’s the economy, stupid.”
The survey was taken amid a series of stress tests for the nation’s democratic institutions, including a federal appeals court hearing slated for Tuesday to consider whether Donald Trump should be immune from criminal prosecution for actions he took while president. A few weeks later, the Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments in a case that considers whether Trump can be bumped off state ballots because of a constitutional ban on insurrectionists.
On Monday, President Joe Biden delivered his second speech in four days on concerns about democracy and freedom, speaking from the pulpit of the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., site of mass shooting by a white nationalist.
Democracy is doomed is Biden’s theme for the election, provided he doesn’t get replaced, because he looked lost before, during, and after the speech. And then he left in his 28 fossil fueled vehicle motorcade.
“It’s really just all morphed into saving democracy,” Christine Hayes, 50, a nurse from Rochester, N.H., said in a follow-up interview after being called in the survey. An independent, she plans to vote for former UN ambassador Nikki Haley in the Republican primary and then President Joe Biden in the general election. “We need democracy to be protected in this world, and so that then we can fight for reproductive freedom, so that we can work on climate change, so that we can have conversations.
Well, it just shows that there are a bunch of morons who vote Democrat, not know we are a federal republic, and advocating for ever increasing governmental power, especially at the federal level
Overall, from a list of nine issues, democracy was chosen by 30% as the most important, followed by immigration by 24% and the economy by 17%. No other issue broke into double digits.
Realistically, Trump will not win New Hampshire for the general election. Not even close. Democrats have won the last 5, and 7 of the last 8. Though, Trump did make it close in 2016. New Hampshire’s motto is “Live Free Or Die”, yet, they are advocating more governmental control over their lives. What Trump needs to stop doing is his revenge tour schtick, drop the smears and insults, and focus on the issues. Focus on solutions. And turn the “democracy is doomed” meme from Biden and his Democrat Comrades around. Tell people how Biden’s version of Democracy means more and more governmental control of their lives.
Take EVs, for instance. Trump could talk about how they are the future, but, that it should be the choice of individual citizens to get one, not the federal and state governments forcing citizens to get one.
But, Trump won’t. Which is the danger. He hasn’t changed his campaign style since 2016. He hasn’t learned.

Trump must keep his rabid base emotionally on a short fuse. Transgendered college athletes (38) taking over women’s sports!!! Millions of babies being murdered while still inside!!! Windmills causing cancer killing cute birds!!! Dyke drill sergeants emasculating our brave military men!!! Invasion of the USA by military aged migrate men!!!! Chinrde soy balloons!!!! TikTok poisoning the minds of our youts !!!
Unfortunately none of that shit wind in NH
are you saying none of those things you listed are true?
Transgendered college athletes (38) taking over women’s sports!!!
So 38 cases of fraud is okay? 39 bad??
38 transgendered student athletes out of 388000 competing in the NCAA is less than perfect, close but now perfect 99.99% perfect. As dana would say “suck it up” Remember my guess is that 1/2 of those transgenders are “girls” who want to compete with boys.
Genocide J alter ego of……… I am saying that if you choose to run on those issues you don’t win in NH. But by all means do not give up the fight especially on ABORTION which you I mean Teach, used to say was THE most important issue for conservatives. Calling 1/3 of women, the largest voting block, murderers may not be the best route to victory. look at how the last 3 elections went: Ohio voted amendment enshrining abortion as a right in their state Constitution. What say you about that ? VOTER FRAUD ?????
Carbon boy-why should any male compete in women’s sports? Why discriminate against women in women’s sporting events? This should be good, too…
See a doctor. You might be having a stroke.
Democracy is always at stake because men with selfish interest always pose a threat.
“I, for one< am glad these children were here to hear this authentic leftist gibberish."
H/T to Mel Brooks
Nothing says “I love democracy” like locking up your political opponents and using your official offices to harass his supporters.
Nothing says democracy like a small group of political insiders determining who the opposition party is allowed to run against them. But then, the Democratic party doesn’t even bother with primaries anymore. Their system of “superdelegates” ensures that no matter who wins their primary, the party bosses will pick their candidate. Just like all the other communist countries do. It is the only way to explain how Joe Biden was their nominee in 2020 instead of one of the tens of thousands of better qualified and not-corrupt or senile alternatives in the Democratic party.
Brandon Logic

Nothing says “I love democracy” like losing decisively in Nov 2020 and then conspiring to invalidate, decertify, overturn the election. Nothing says “I love democracy” like having your supporters attack the system, the judges, the courts.
Trump can afford the world’s best attorneys, who are defending against a host of charges. Only the Trump camp has asserted the charges are not legitimate. Either we’re a democratic republic, a nation of laws, or we’re not.
Nothing says “I love democracy like the 2 year fake “Russian collusion” conspiracy to try and remove Trump from office.
But the real love of democracy is colluding with tech companies to censor the speech of conservatives……
But the Trump campaign did collude with Russians. Mr Mueller deferred any prosecution of Trump to the political process of impeachment. Trump was impeached for his actions against Mr Biden regarding Ukraine.
Trump was further impeached for his conspiracy to overturn the election, but his lawyers argued he couldn’t be impeached but should be handled by the DOJ. Now, his lawyers say he can’t be prosecuted since he wasn’t convicted by the Senate and has presidential immunity (as if insurrection is a Presidential action, LOL).
You know how we know he didn’t collude with the Russians? No charges . “As if insurrection..”. What insurrection? Still waiting
Rimjob left out the criminal fake elector conspiracy he whined about the other day.

The losing decisively was happening in the days and weeks leading to Nov. 2020. The conspiring took place overnight.
It’s sad what Trump hatred does to people. It makes them senseless, stupid liars.
The only evidence is Trump’s belief.
It’s sad what Trump worship does to people. It makes them senseless, stupid liars.
Dems have nothing to worry about.
Just ask Joey.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Remind me, I don’t have my reference material handy, where in the Constitution does it mention that our government is a ‘Democracy’ or the Declaration for that matter? I was taught that our government was a representative republic, not a democracy.
That Damn Constitution !!
The US Constitution determines who can and cannot run for POTUS. The Constitution says insurrectionists not eligible. The Supremes will decide. Trump is supported by Russia China North Korea, but not me!
In latest NH poll Trump 39$ Haley 32% could be interesting.
You really ain’t real smart are you? Hailey isn’t anywhere close & never will be president.
ckc2000, you hit that one into the cheap seats. It was a CNN poll, of dubious reliability. Not to mention that the ChiComs, Ruskies, and NorKs are Brandon supporters.
Actually, he pulled it foul.
It’s quite possible that Ambassador Haley could win NH. If Christie drops out of NH she catches the odious Trump.
And the bad guys around the world hate America and support Trump.
In the past 50 years, only once have Iowa caucus members selected a non-incumbent GOPer who went on to win. In 2000 they selected George W. Bush! Recently they haven’t even selected the eventual GOP candidate.
2016 Ted Cruz
2012 Rick Santorum
2008 Mike Huckabee
It’s been posited that the caucuses have become dominated by far-right evangelicals, as has the party.
It’s Johnny speaking.. most times the opposite is true…