I’m surprised it took this long for someone to truly play the Race Card. Here’s Sanctuary City Chicago Mayor Let’s Go Brandon Jr.
Mayor Johnson argues Gov. Abbott is intentionally ‘attacking’ ‘leaders of color’ by bussing migrants
Democrat Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson condemned Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, in a recent MSNBC appearance, arguing he has been “attacking” cities run by Black leaders with waves of migrants.
In an effort to show the seriousness of the border crisis, Republican governors like Abbott have sent buses of asylum seekers to Democrat-controlled states and sanctuary cities. Republicans have argued the action is necessary to show the rest of the country what border states are dealing with due to the surge of migrants. (snip)
MSNBC host Al Sharpton spoke to Johnson about the migrant crisis Sunday, noting that as it goes on it “puts a tremendous burden on [Johnson] and other Democratic mayors, I might add, many Black mayors have been the focal of this. In fact, on Thursday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams filed a $700 million lawsuit against 17 charter bus companies who transported migrants from Texas.”
“What are your thoughts about the case, and is this an action you would consider taking as well?” Sharpton asked.
“You’re absolutely right about the intentions of Gov. Abbott,” Johnson replied. “He is attacking democratically-run cities, and particularly cities that are being led by Black leaders or leaders-of-color. This is unconscionable. I mean, it’s a very raggedy approach. And quite frankly, not only is it reckless and raggedy, but it is evil-spirited.”
Attacking black leaders, folks, attacking! Shouldn’t Johnson be thanking Greg Abbott for giving SCC the opportunity to be beneficial to all those illegals/migrants (who are mostly young, military age males) just looking for a better life?

And here I thought that sending the illegals to “cities run by black leaders” was showing great confidence in those leaders being able to handle the surge of ‘migrants.’