…is snow that will soon disappear for good, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on Hillary not being a lizard person.

…is snow that will soon disappear for good, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on Hillary not being a lizard person.
When I see pictures like that, I suspect there is an assistant just out of frame holding parkas.
Well, I wouldn’t be all that sad if we got zero snow until Mrs Pico retires next December!
I just finished reinstalling the space heater in the crawlspace, to protect the plumbing, and a heat lamp in the chicken coop, because we’re forecast to see lows near 0º F. Even with a (supposedly) freeze-proof exterior hose bib, I cut off the water to the hose bib and completely drained the line, because that’s easier than having to fix stuff if it does freeze.
And just when Deobra was beginning to turn his life around.
Along with facing a dozen other charges.

Chris Christie just dropped out of the GOP race adding about 10% points to Ms Haley.
When will deSantis fold?
Heckuva job, Joey.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Fat Fani be flaunting her fat ass.
You go gurl.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Mr Trump has never read the Constitution.
You have no clue whether or not trump ever read the constitution. Your beef is that you disagree with his interpretation.
Of course you’re a guy who believes that the constitution gives the federal government the right to set states rules and regulations on voting. Without the constitution states in there somewhere that the federal government gets to regulate abortions. Or for that matter that the federal government gets to regulate half the crap that it now regulates unconstitutionally I might add. If you actually read and understood the constitution you’d be a conservative. In fact you might even be an “insurrectionist”.
You have no clue whether or not trump ever read the constitution. Your beef is that you disagree with his interpretation.
Of course you’re a guy who believes that the constitution gives the federal government the right to set states rules and regulations on voting. Without the constitution states in there somewhere that the federal government gets to regulate abortions. Or for that matter that the federal government gets to regulate half the crap that it now regulates unconstitutionally I might add. If you actually read and understood the constitution you’d be a conservative. In fact you might even be an “insurrectionist”.
No. His “beef” is that he was told to oppose Trump using a specified list of talking points and totally ignore the fact that Trump is more liberal than Bill Clinton in policy. He hasn’t even been told who he is supposed to support yet in this election but, when the time comes, will loyally proclaim he was always a supporter of “candidate to be named later”. The guy literally has no thoughts of his own that in any way diverge from the party-approved message.
The perfesser becomes more reactionary (and kinda crazy) the more beat up trump gets. Who sends out the talking points for demlibs? I’ve blocked all the money requests from the DNC and Dems, but they keep trying.
Trump may be more liberal than Clinton on policy but Clinton was an American, whereas Trump loves only himself.
I opposed the unfit, inhumane, cruel, immoral, unAmerican trump from the first moment. That said, I at first thought trump was a joke, but it turns out he was and is dangerous.
The perfesser literally has no thoughts of his own that in any way diverge from the trump-approved message.
Another attack of TTS (Trump Tourettes Syndrome).