Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and a fox walked across the backyard. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- The Lid discusses LA wanting to give illegal aliens badges and guns
- The Gateway Pundit notes how many guns Americans bought in 2023
- The Feral Irishman wonders how many Melrose, Mass residents are opening their doors to illegals
- Powerline covers Jewish students suing Harvard
- Outside The Beltway discusses porn, public employees, and the 1st Amendment
- neo-neocon wonders about the smiley-voice
- Moonbattery highlights stopping abuse of children being abuse
- Legal Insurrection covers Trump now going after Vivek
- IOTW Report features Democrats becoming Independents
- Geller Report notes yet another fake hate crime
- Dissecting Leftism covers the CDC ordered to report COVID surveillance
- Cold Fury discusses Texas seizing a border park and blocking the feds
- Climate Depot shows EV disasters coming in threes
- American Greatness covers Rice U offering and Afrochemistry class
- And last, but, not least, Watts Up With That? notes that embracing your inner communist can help with your climate grief
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader
- Starting with The Daley Gator (back at a new URL), which has Daley Babe. And more Daley Babe. And Linkage (last week’s). And more during the week.
- 357 Magnum has Saturday links. And Friday Links. And good guys 1, bad guys 0.
- 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny has hot pick. And girls with guns. And morning mistress. And way more of all three during the week.
- AcidCow has Acid pic dump.
- A View From The Beach features Rule 5 Saturday Babe. And Palm Sunday. And a floatsam and jetsam.
- Animal Magnestism has Saturday Brunettenarok. And Rule 5 Friday. And more during the week.
- Average Bubba has Rule 5 blonde babe.
- bluebird of bitterness has your funnies.
- Bookworm Room has the Bookworm Beat.
- Bunkerville has passel of fun and mayhem.
- By Other Means has cosplay Friday. And seeing red. And plenty more hotness during the week.
- Caveman Circus has the dumping grounds.
- Diogenes’ Middle Finger has a Good Monday Morning.
- Don Surber has highlights of the week.
- Doug Ross has Larwyn’s Linx. And Friday’s Larwyn’s Linx.
- Evil Blogger Lady has Rule 5 girls with guns. And more during the week.
- Flopping Aces has the Sunday Funnies. And the week in radical leftism.
- hogewash has awesome space photos.(his last one, as he has passed on)
- LMAO has cartoons and memes.
- Irons In The Fire has some babeage, and more during the week.
- Izismile has weekend pic dump.
- Knuckledraggin My Life Away has women who are surely taken. And has a big something to leave you with. And has more fun all week long. (on vacation this week)
- Maggies Farm has Saturday Links. And more links. And does this all during the week.
- Sonoran Conservative has babeage. And fun all week.
- The Feral Irishman has Friday Femme Fatale, and lots more stuff during the week.
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies .
- The Other McCain has Rule 5 Sunday. And In The Mailbox.
- The Chive has wetter is better.
- The Right Way has Friday Babe. And Linkorama.
- The O.K. Corral has Feel Good Friday.
- Theo Spark has pic dump.
- This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week.
- Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage.
- Vlad Tepes has links.
- And wrapping up with Woodsterman, who has Rule 5 Woodsterman Style.
Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?
Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

The afrochemistry class at Rice University actually teaches students how to drop a shot glass (never use a jigger it gets confusing and can start fights faster than an order of cold fries at Mickey D’s) full of four roses into a beer glass full of Ballantine. That creates the afrocentric wedding salutation “fo my ballantine”. For the few that actually bother getting married.
Geno the Communist,
Actually, the class is about inequities in chemistry education and employment for African-Americans.
No one will force white, Christian nationalists such as you to understand anything!
It was just last week that The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on the packed public schools in Northeast Philly. It seems that the good Democrats in that area are really diligent about sending their kids to school, compared to the half, or more than half, empty schools in Strawberry Mansion and the Badlands. The Inky made hints at “gentrification,” but there’s really little of that in that area.
Northeast Philly is primarily a white, working class area.
Mr Dowd wrote:
Here’s what the left seem unwilling to recognize: education is simply more of a priority for white parents than black parents. If there are “inequities in chemistry education and employment for African-Americans”, it starts at the elementary school level, because black families don’t seem, for whatever reasons they have, to push their children in school. And once a kid gets behind in elementary school, that’s it, he’s limited for life, because the kids are almost never able to catch up. If there are “inequities in chemistry education and employment for African-Americans,” it’s because more blacks Americans got behind well before high school chemistry.
Donnie Walnuts demands absolute fealty at all times. On your knees to Lord Donald or fizzuck you. Fat Donnie, capo di tutti capi of the nuRepublican Party, does not tolerate even the slightest perceived slight!
More scientists in Nature “predicting” future events. As Mr Teach often opines, if these events don’t place how will the “predicters” be punished??
The nonlinear sensitivity suggests a “tipping point” where snowpack suddenly deteriorates! Just more communist scientists trying to force patriots into EVs!!
“We attribute”. Good, except attributions aren’t evidence. “I attribute the Bears losing the game because they didn’t pass enough on first down…”. In the end it’s just an educated guess.
Wrong. This is evidence but not “proof”. No, it’s not a guess, but we understand your concern, which we attribute to your denial of global warming.
No, it’s not evidence at all. Can you read? “We ‘confidently’ attribute to human influence”. How much human influence? 10%? 30%? 50%? Gee, they don’t say. And notice, according to their study, that over half of the river basins studied don’t have “human influence”. So that would mean over half their river basins had “natural influence”. And notice “explains the lack of widespread snow loss so far”.. But trust us, it’s coming! The climate circus continues
My mistake, you’re the expert. Thank you for your input.
Mob boss Big Donnie claims that our Presidents have immunity for any crimes committed while in office, but wants to charge President Biden with crimes.
The Big Don is consistently inconsistent!!
Looks like another TTS Sunday from the Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Bias? Perish the thought.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Isn’t VDARE the anti-immigrant, “Jews Won’t Replace Us!”, white nationalist brainchild of immigrant Peter Brimelow? Yeah, it is.
Said Brimelow: “whites built American culture” and “it is at risk from non-whites who would seek to change it”.
Here’s a not-a-white-nationalist take on the recusals and dismissals.
Said Mr Tufts, the relieved Albemarle prosecutor, if the accusation is that he’s being accused of opposing Nazis and racists… “Then lock me up, I’m guilty.”
It was at the Unite the Right “rally” that neo-Nazi James Fields drove his vehicle into a crowd of people, killing counter-protester Heather Heyer and injuring dozens of others. Fields today is serving a life sentence in federal prison in Springfield, Missouri.
You’re not biased are you, Rimjob?

Tell the truth. They were forced to recuse.
Bwaha! Lolgf
When all the newspapers and media have been misquoting Trump about everything he says there’s gonna be a whole lot of bad information and that information makes for people saying stupid things. I mean just look at how many times Elwood has claimed trump praised the Nazis at Charlottesville and told protesters on January 6th to riot at the capitol and overthrow the government. I guess it’s the old philosophy of tell the lie repeated over and over because it does work I mean after a while even people like Elwood believe it. Of course it helps if you wanna believe. How else can communists get people to vote for him if they’re not lying to them?
All these people misquoted Jesus as much as they misquoted Trump everybody would have turned into an atheist like Elwood.
Yes, yes, the media misquote Trump… Geno the commie is a member of the Big Lie nuRepublican who only hears good things about his Lord and Master.
I’m agnostic, not atheist when it comes to God. You can believe whatever you wish but I am not obligated to believe as you do or to follow your rules.
Heckuva job, Joey.
One wonders how much more “fiscal responsibility” the nation can take.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Our socialist from St Louis has frequently expressed disdain that our esteemed host sometimes links the Daily Pundit in these weekend pinup posts:
But, you know what Levi Mikula of The Western Journal did in that GP post? He cited his sources, providing the documentation for what he wrote.
I particularly liked:
“(O)ver 1 million firearm purchases per month” includes “1,775,834 million purchases in December alone,” so it’s clear that “over 1 million” does not necessarily mean the 1,000,753 range.
Think about that: with a guesstimated population of 335,893,238 in 2023, in December alone enough firearms were legally purchased to arm 0.529% of the people, of all ages, in the United States.
As much as the left hate it, Americans support our Second Amendment rights. If only the Israelis had our Second Amendment, there’d have been no October 7th attack.
I object to the Gateway Pundit who seems to be a primary source of right-wing lies. Our generous host once stated he rarely linked to the Pudendum but now seems to link every Sunday.
We’ll take Mr Dana’s word that the numbers are reasonably accurate. So what? We all know the US is awash in Arms, a fact that has not made us safer.
Our fascist from Fayette typed:
and incredibly,
Libs hardly hate the 2nd Amendment, but many do interpret it differently than does the far-right, who believe anyone should be able to keep and bear whatever armament they desire. Our Supreme Court has ruled that Americans have a right to keep and bear Arms to defend themselves, their families and their property. It would take a new Constitutional amendment to repeal the 2nd. Please look up the challenges of approving a US Constitutional amendment.
The 2nd Amendment says: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Almost all my friends keep Arms. My children keep Arms. We have at least a dozen rifles, shotguns and pistols in our gun safes here. Some of my neighbors keep Arms.
Would Hamas have attacked the Israelis if the Israelis had a 2nd Amendment? Would every young adult at the festival have been armed? Doubtful. Would the Hamas raiders have surprised those in their homes? Probably. The Israeli citizens put their faith in the far-right Netanyahu government who failed them, pure and simple.
America and Americans are not safer because of our 2nd Amendment, in fact we’re the least safe of the world’s developed nations. Our 2nd Amendment didn’t stop 9/11 where Osama bin Ladin and 15 other Saudis killed more Americans than Hamas did in Israel.
Israel’s homicide rate is less than 1/3rd of ours. Even if we discount Black men murdering Black men our white guy homicide rate is still double Israel’s.
Here, any aggrieved shit-for-brains with a grudge can buy an AR-15 with a thousand rounds, put on his tactical gear and murder tens of pre-school children, or dozens of diners, shoppers or revelers… Rarely have then been stopped by a “good guy with a gun”. They usually kill themselves when they’ve killed enough kids, or when the cops finally show up. And about half the nation is now aggrieved.
The commenter who got my county wrong wrote:
The kibbutz close to the border had arms . . . locked away in central armories, because that’s what Israeli law required. If those firearms had been in the individual homes, a few would have been caught by surprise, but most would have been able to react to the assault with withering gunfire. Remember: the majority of Israeli adults, men and women alike, have had military training.
No, those at the music festival would not have been armed, but the kibbutzim would have.
Rimjob: Rarely have then(sic) been stopped by a “good guy with a gun”.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Chubby gets dumber as the day goes on.
About that
global warmingclimate change . . . .[…] as always to Flappr, Pirate’s Cove, The Daley Gator, The Other McCain, and Bacon Time for the Rule Five […]