DEI can often be annoying and stupid. This version is downright dangerous
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is actively recruiting workers who suffer “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website.
“Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”
The initiative is part of the FAA’s “Diversity and Inclusion” hiring plan, which says “diversity is integral to achieving FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond.” The FAA’s website shows the agency’s guidelines on diversity hiring were last updated on March 23, 2022.
The FAA, which is overseen by Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s Department of Transportation, is a government agency charged with regulating civil aviation and employs roughly 45,000 people.
Obviously, not all will be directly involved with important things like inspecting airplanes, dealing with airplane crashes, and, oh, yeah, working in control towers. Their website states
The FAA carries a huge responsibility – from directing air traffic in and around the nation and helping ensure protection of the public during space launches, to airport safety and inspections, and standards for airport design, construction, and operation; regulating flight inspection standards and advancing satellite and navigation technology, to developing and maintaining the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen).
Such a huge responsibility that they’ll hire people with mental issues
When asked for comment on the initiative, including what roles people with disabilities would fulfill, the FAA told Fox News Digital that the agency thoroughly seeks and vets qualified candidates “from as many sources as possible” for a range of positions.
“The FAA employs tens of thousands of people for a wide range of positions, from administrative roles to oversight and execution of critical safety functions. Like many large employers, the agency proactively seeks qualified candidates from as many sources as possible, all of whom must meet rigorous qualifications that of course will vary by position,” the FAA said.
That they gave a government speak answer rather than truly answering the question should tell you that these unqualified people will be in important issues. Heck, can you imagine being denied a job for not being impaired enough to meet diversity standards?

Ron DeSantis for President!
It’s all part of the commie plot to destroy the Earth-destroying airline industry!!
Trump 2024ever!!
I doubt this is a serious issue. Pentagon has been hiring mentally challenged people for decades. They empty the trash, and clean the bathrooms and hallways. All duties appropriate for their limitations.
Yeah, outside the service, though, most such duties are either handled by existing staff or are subcontracted. So until I see otherwise, my stance – especially given the rampant idiocies of the recent past – is that this is somewhere between brain-dead zealotry and open sabotage. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?!
What could be the outcome when the epileptic dwarf falls off his high chair while controlling airspace over Chicongo.
What would be the outcome when the MAGAt deliberately crashes a jet from the UAE into Harlem???
New FAA motto “we put the ‘trans’ in transportation”!
You seem to have “MAGAt”s confused with moslem slaughterers and killers. You really have some nasty dreams don’t you?
Mr Trump’s lawyer John D. Sauer argued that a sitting President could not be prosecuted for ordering Seal Team 6 to assassinate a rival unless he was first impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate (2/3rds).
This argument allows for President Biden to have Donald Trump assassinated with the only recourse being conviction in the Senate.
How soon they forget. Barack Obama actually did assassinate US citizens with a drone strike while he was president. No one ever considered charging him with a crime. They didn’t get any sort of due process at all. The Founders did not envision men selected to be president would be of such low moral fiber as to be criminals who would attempt to imprison their rivals, let alone kill them. They did however establish checks and balances within the system. Seam Teams are not automatons who would be counted on to murder political rivals just because a president says so. GEN Miley is infamously known to have claimed he would warn the Chinese if Trump looked like he was pushing for war with them. Multiple people inside DOD even wrote books, bragging about how they undermined the Trump administration. But we do know that the men and women of the FBI and DoJ can be counted on to abuse the civil rights of Republicans in order to improve outcomes for the Democratic party. Democrats fear this sort of abuse of power because it is what they would do.