It’s just Iowa, there are lots of primaries still to come, but, it’s looking inevitable
Trump Wins Iowa in Historic 30-Point Landslide at 51 Percent; DeSantis 2nd
Former President Donald Trump secured a resounding win in the first 2024 Republican presidential contest in Iowa on Monday, asserting his command over the party despite facing scores of criminal charges as he seeks an election rematch with President Joe Biden.
Trump took over half the votes, propelling him toward what looks set to be a close and deeply acrimonious election campaign against Biden, a Democrat, in November.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, 45, finished well behind Trump in second place in Iowa, edging out former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, 51, as they both failed to emerge as the chief opponent.
Trump garnered 51%, DeSantis 21% and Haley 19%, with 99% of the expected vote tallied, according to DecisionDeskHQ. That victory margin far surpassed the previous record of 12.8 percentage points for Bob Dole in 1988.
Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out immediately after, with just 8% of the vote
The candidates immediately move on to New Hampshire on Tuesday. The state’s more moderate Republicans will choose their nominee next Tuesday and polls show Trump with a smaller lead over Haley there, and DeSantis far behind.
We’re all looking forward to Trump vs Biden, right?

Vivek was the guy I like. He was nice and conservative he checked all my boxes for me but he wasn’t as crazy as Trump. Or as self-centered and egotistical. But it seems if we wanna get rid of these communists we have to stay with Trump.
They’ll figure out a way to rig the election somehow. I figure they’ll have some sort of a national emergency right before the election say sometime in September. That way they can mobilize older nefarious forces and put out fake drop boxes ballot boxes and all that kind of nonsense and steal another. I’m wondering if they would go as far as to start killing Republicans. They’ve made the statement more than once by any means necessary and that means nothing’s excluded and nothing is considered out of bounds.
I forgot to add for elwood’s benefit that even knowing that Vivek is a Hindu I supported him. Even though he’s a colored person I supported him. It’s hard to build a white racist Christian theocratic state with these damn Republican racist people. Ohh, and by all accounts Vivek is also a straight guy. Everything elwood hates. LOL.
Indians are considered Caucasians.
Biden was elected by independents solely because he was NOT Trump
The GOP nest worships Trump. Many would/will vote for no other Republican.
Remember in mail in voting no envelope can be even opened unless 2 people agree that the signature on the outside of the envelope matches that on the voter registration card on file
Ahhh, but you’re forgetting today’s classifications. In todayspeak, Indians are “brown”, and different from whites. Hispanics are now “brown,” as are Arabs, and — sometimes — Asians, though, depending upon how useful it is, Asians can also be “white-adjacent”.
Caucasian is a pretty broad term.
According to President Trump, Ramaswamy, like Nikki Haley, is not a natural born American citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president.
Ramaswamy is a grifter, and according to another commenter here, has embezzled millions from pharmaceutical investors.
While campaigning, Ramaswamy called himself a “scientist” and said, “I developed a number of medicines”, neither true.
Politically, he is more reactionary than even Donald J Trump.
Ramaswamy said he would rule by executive fiat; would fire 75% of federal employees; would abolish the Education Dept, FBI, ATF, IRS, NRC, USDA, and would “expose and ultimately gut” the FDA. He claimed that the president has the unilateral power to abolish agencies by executive order. He called for an eight-year term for all government employees and would revoke gov’t employees right to collective bargaining.
He supports repealing our 26th Amendment and raising the voting age to 25 years. He would end birthright citizenship (which would make him a non-citizen). He would eliminate Juneteenth.
He would use the military to eliminate foreign drug cartels. He wants to end the Fed’s dual mandate, i.e., control inflation and keep employment stable.
Ramaswamy falsely claimed private social media bans on Trump violated the First Amendment. He claimed the J6 storming of the Capitol “was an inside job” and said “big tech” stole the 2020 election. He said the Democratic Party’s platform contains the “Great Replacement”.
Rimjob: According to Trump… blah, blah, blah..

More TTS.
So what, fat boy?

Bwaha! Lolgf
It looks like you’re Elwood has brainwashed himself into a ranting lunatic with psychotic trump dementia syndrome. His raving lunatic comments have become amusing I actually read them to friends. They get a kick out of them. Sadly it sounds like he could be coming dangerous to himself and those around him. Is irrational rantings of a demented buffoon are no longer as amusing as they used to be they’re starting to sound dangerous he’s blaming innocent people for things they haven’t done and allowing the guilty to go free because they agree with them you know Nazi style.
The socialist from St Louis is campaigning for Mr Ramaswamy:
Good Lord, that sounds like a man for whom I could happily vote!
The President could not abolish agencies by executive order, but he could fill all executive appointee ranks with people committed to not allowing any actions to be taken, and put a hiring freeze on for every civil service position, and transfer all civil servants who refused to resign to janitorial duties, to keep the facilities from degrading while nothing was being done.
The fascist from Fayette is encouraged to vote for his fellow fascists such as Ramaswamy and trump!
Of course the Fayette fascist self-identifies as a small “L” libertarian, with an inexplicable Chinese menu of beliefs.
Unfortunately for our Fayette fascist friend, Mr Ramaswamy has given up, “suspending” his quixotic campaign in the face of 7% of Iowa Republicans inevitably approving Mr Trump as their candidate!
BTW, court identified sexual assaulter, Mr Trump, was back in NYC yesterday for jury selection for his second defamation trial filed by his sexual assault victim. Whew. What a fine man he is. How many millions must Trump supporters relinquish to Ms Carroll to stop Trump from defaming her? For the odious Trump this is just another campaign and fund-raising stop.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dude. What sort of man runs for President of the USA? What sort of person thinks that the whole country can’t get along without him/her?
It’s baked into the cake. Some do a better job pretending at humility, but only the egotistical self-centered types try out for that job.
At least Trump comes by his honestly. You want to see real self-denial? Look at everything Trump has been through and everything he has lost and everything he has personally risked by being President the first time. And He is willing to go through that again? The establishment wants to put him in prison, destroy his entire net worth, ruin his family and jail everyone who publicly supports him.
Your boy Vivek has a long history of not supporting Israel
Advocating for no military or financial assistance to Israel.
Advocating that free speech on campus allows pro Palestinian rally
Go ahead and Google him
Israel is not important to me I’m an American. If our borders are secure which your president can’t seem to be able to do because he’s senile or because he’s a commie infiltrator then what difference does it make what we do with Israel? If our own country has open borders and no law what difference does it make what Vevick says about Israel?
Free speech on campus does allow for pro pro Palestinian rallies don’t you think it does or it’s free speech only for you? I remember when left this actually believed in free speech, when the ACLU actually defended KKK and the American Nazi party not anymore now freedom of speech is only for people who agree with Elwood and H the rest of us are insurrectionists and deplorables.
You’re not allowed to support Russia in the Russia Ukrainian war why is that? Are we at war with Russia no are we at war with Ukraine no?. Then we should be free to support anybody we want. I don’t happen to like the Ukrainian government, too many Nazis. And I admire the way that the Russians are proud to be white. Something you would never understand.
Well the Ukrainians are getting ready to come to a ignoble and anyhow soon. And you can support anything you want with your money but when you start throwing my money at it then you should need to get my permission.
By all means, support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine! It’s your right as an American. But the 1st Amendment doesn’t immunize you against criticism. Russians are proud to be white!!
And YOU claim YOU should be able to personally dictate the fate of each and every one of your tax dollars!! Man up and stop paying taxes until your man takes over.
I never said it did. People like you and the Democrat party are the ones that are always trying to censor us when we exercise our First Amendment rights. You’re the ones who are always looking for new ways to have the government join forces with private companies to silence and censor anybody to the right of Karl Marx.
Does that statement bother you? I sure hope so. Millions of us are not ashamed to be white, not ashamed to be the creators of the western civilization and of the greatest nations on earth. And I’d like to point out to you that we’ve been here for hundreds and hundreds of years so we are now the indigenous people. You’re bringing in all these colored people from all over the world. They are the invaders. They are the colonizers. It’s our country not theirs. And we have just as much a right to be proud of being white as all you’re corrupt democratic “leaders” have of being black.
Is that twisted bit of logic which you get out of my statement? My point isn’t that I should be able to dictate the fate of my tax dollars but that the fate of my tax dollars should be dependent upon constitutional basis not on the whims of Democrat fascist and what they wanna spend it on. You steal our money constantly and give it to Planned Parenthood the murder babies that you refuse to admit are humans. How would you like it if we stole an equal amount and gave it to the National Rifle Association to give guns to every American? Well that’s what it’s like. You left this or nothing but bullies thieves and grifters. That’s why you’ve been preaching that the constitution is a living document because if it’s alive it’s constantly changing and it’s hard to hit a moving target. You’ve been getting away with murder for years it’s time for trump and the rest of us real Americans to stand up to you and throw you the hell out.
You better start stealing the election now cause if you lose this time you guys are in big trouble.
Geno the Proud White Commie typed: You’ve been getting away with murder for years it’s time for trump and the rest of us real Americans to stand up to you and throw you the hell out.
You better start stealing the election now cause if you lose this time you guys are in big trouble.
What do you and your Chosen One, Orange Jesus, have in store for us non-MAGAts once you take over? Throw us out of America? What’s your rationale for deporting a majority of American citizens?
You take pride in something you had no hand in, i.e., your pigmentation? How weird.
Donald J. Trump’s daddy Fred was an anchor baby, so the Trump family is less American than many, don’t you agree? Big Donnie’s mommy was a naturalized US citizen.
Have your 1st Amendment rights been compromised?
White Europeans first invaded the New World when Genoan Chris Columbus, sponsored by Spain, ran into a smaller outer island of the Bahamas in 1492, when “Columbus sailed the ocean blue…”. Their initial landing is thought to have been on the island now known as San Salvador. Columbus kidnapped and enslaved some of the indigenous Lucayans there. The Lucayan people were exterminated in less than 30 years.
So, white Europeans have been “indigenous” in the New World for just over 500 years. The Lucayans, exterminated by the white Europeans had inhabited San Salvador for at least 600 years, and had island hopped across the Caribbean from the “indigenous” New World injun population who had occupied North America for some 30,000 years!! Their 30,000 years may trump your few hundred years of “indigenousness”. Our European ancestors at that time were cave-dwelling hunter-gatherers then too. They were driven south by the last glacial period and returned north as the Earth warmed during the Holocene. Civilizations appeared some 8000-3000 years ago in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Peru and Mexico.
So your claims of being “indigenous” are somewhat hollow, you proud white man, you.
Don’t know about others but I’m getting a kick out Maddow, Tapper, Reid et al totally shitting themselves over the historic Trump victory in Iowa.
Boo fucking hoo.
14% of Iowa Republicans “caucused”, and half “caucused” for Big Donnie. Fewer than 3% of registered voters of Iowa selected the next Republicun candidate. (N.B. – there was never any doubt about next November…)
The nuRepublicuns may be right. Democracy is overrated!!
What do you care you commie? Worry about your own sleazy corrupt party don’t worry about ours. At least we’re not bringing in illegal aliens to legally vote. At least we care enough about America to worry about our borders rather than the Ukraines. We’re trying to figure out ways to get some of you commies on your team to stop ******** and start moving with us to try and fix our cities that you so gently ruined over the last 30 years. But you’d rather call us names then join with us to fix our cities. You’re so intellectually vacant it’s ridiculous. All you care about is power and crushing everybody who disagrees with you.
Even Rimjob’s spouting the losers’ lament straight from Maddow’s taint.
Boo fucking hoo!

MyLilStalker is obsessed with taints!
Relax lil fella. Big Donnie Walnuts will win the nomination and lose again bigly to President Biden. Donnie is even less popular now than in 2020. The nuRepublicans at the state levels are working hard to suppress likely Dem voters, especially in battleground states – PA, MI, WI, OH, NC, AZ, GA etc.
TST you’re obsessed.
Trump Tourettes Syndrome
