Things are going so well In Biden’s America
Yeah, chaos of Afganistan withdrawal, war in Ukraine and Middle East, Iran getting frisky, China close to invading Taiwan, Jew hatred, high food prices, etc are so much better
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) January 17, 2024
So, yeah, the guy who Obama picked as VP because of his vast foreign policy experience and who said Trump was a bull in a china shop has seen Russia invade Ukraine, with no end in sight. Iran backed Hamas committing a mass terrorist attack on Israel, resulting in Israel hitting the FAFO button, Iran backed Houthis getting friskier than ever which has the US, UK, and others launching attacks and Biden designating them a terrorist group, China seemingly making moves towards invading Taiwan, and now Iran firing missiles into Iraq, Syria and Pakistan, resulting in
Pakistan launches retaliatory strike on Iran, raising tensions
Pakistan launched counterstrikes on Iran early Thursday, allegedly targeting a militant group’s hideout in the country just days after Tehran conducted airstrikes within its borders.
Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry said it conducted “a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision military strikes” against Baluch militant locations in the Siestan-o-Baluchistan province of Iran.
A local Iranian official said three women, four children and two men were killed in the strikes near the town of Saravan, along the border in Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan province, according to reporting from The Associated Press.
“This morning’s action was taken in light of credible intelligence of impending large scale terrorist activities by these so called Sarmachars,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “This action is a manifestation of Pakistan’s unflinching resolve to protect and defend its national security against all threats.”
The AP also reported that Pakistan’s military said it used “killer drones, rockets, loitering munitions and standoff weapons” in its strikes Thursday.
Pakistan labeled the action as “Operation Marg Bar Sarmachar.” The AP noted that “marg bar” means “death to” in Iranian Farsi and “Sarmachar” means guerrilla in the local Baluch language and is used by militants in the region.
Well, this sounds like it will go well, right? “Death to”?

Evidently, every Islamic country is harboring rebel and terrorist camps across the borders from their neighbors.
Say it ain’t so professor!
Any chance that all of their missiles could strike Crawford, Texas? Or at least just one ranch there?
1% of the dead in Afghanistan occured during the chaos of withdrawal Trump promised to pull the troops out, he had 4 years to do it. Biden did it in 9 months.
Wages are now increasing faster than inflation
Jew Hatred? It exists. But more on the rightwing than the left. Who controls our media? Who controls Hollywood’s, s making of films that corrupt Christian America? Who used space based lasers to start the Cali wildfires? Who are the international financiers who control the world’s economy?
These have been rightwing talking points for decades.
The left wing…..? Anti Zionist includes many Jews. Especially the most Orthodox conservatives who point out that their ymessish must come before the state of Israel
What kind of dressing do you serve with that idiotic word salad?
You are once again ranting like a lunatic. A bunch of unrelated complaints it’s not a valid argument. You honestly sound like an insane lunatic. Are you taking Elwood lessons?
Wages are increasing faster than inflation? Increasing wages cause inflation you freaking moron. You notice the increase in all the prices? Have you ever considered the relationship between that and the increase in wages? How about the increase in taxes? You’re ranting like a insane man.
I don’t know how many orthodox conservatives you know but I know a whole load of them and they’re all pro Israel every single one of them. It’s the communists and the Nazis like you guys that hate the Jews. You always have. Do you think that it was orthodox Christians that were putting Jews in ovens in Nazi Germany or murdering them in Russia?
None of your so-called right wing talking points are. They are lies about the right which the left spreads constantly. All you do is lie. You lie about elections you lie about diseases you lie about the Jusse smollett’s or whatever he is you lie about riots you lie about insurrections you lie about everything if it weren’t for lies you people couldn’t even talk. You can’t even tell me what a woman is. Nor could your great wonderful intelligent black Supreme Court judge. that’s how smart that black broad was she can’t even tell you what a woman is and she is a woman. You people are morons. 2017
No, no ….increasing wages doesn’t cause inflation. Inflation is the loss in purchasing power of the currency, or the loss of its value over time, and that is caused by one thing and one thing only: overspending by government and the resulting printing of money by central banks.
That aside, ‘h’ is a lunatic and is barely coherent, so he deserves everything you throw at him.