I’m seriously hoping he is against it because doing comprehensive immigration reform and giving Biden lots of Ukraine money would be giving Biden two wins
Johnson Digs In Against Border Deal to Unlock Ukraine Aid, Defying Biden
Speaker Mike Johnson on Wednesday threw cold water on the idea of striking an immigration deal with Democrats that could revive stalled legislation to send aid to Ukraine, hours before a meeting in which President Joe Biden planned to make a renewed push for the plan.
“I don’t think now is the time for comprehensive immigration reform because we know how complicated that is,” Johnson said Wednesday morning before an afternoon meeting at the White House. “You can’t do that quickly. I do think it’s past time to secure the border.”
Johnson said he told Biden on Thursday during a 30-minute phone call that he was dug in on the matter and would deliver the same message face to face later Wednesday. Biden has summoned Johnson and other congressional leaders as well as the top-ranking national security committee lawmakers in Congress, in an urgent bid to break a monthslong logjam over military assistance for Ukraine and the border security policies Republicans have insisted are a requirement for the aid.
“I’m going to tell the president what I’m telling all of you, what we’ve told the American people: border, border, border,” Johnson said. “We have to secure our own border before we talk about doing anything else. And that’s the message I’ve had since Day 1.”
Yes, we do. If you do CIR what ends up happening is that tens of millions of illegals/migrants will be given some sort of legal status, all the way up to free, unearned citizenship for a promise of securing the border and other measures to stop illegal immigration in the future, which never appears. We saw how Reagan was duped on this, and how Democrats and squish Republicans, such as Bush 43, McCain, and Graham, tried to push during the later years of the Bush 43 years. That’s what Bush tried to use his capital for winning in 2004 on, and, yes, I did blast him and other Republicans. Many times
A group of Senate Republicans and Democrats as well as Biden administration officials have made substantial progress in recent weeks toward a compromise that would clamp down on migration at the southwestern border and unlock support for a fresh round of money for Ukraine. But House Republicans have stood against the emerging deal, which has infuriated the party’s hard-right base, arguing that a more severe crackdown is needed.
They’ll never get the border measures and such, and should not be giving any sort of pathway to citizenship for people who came illegally. What should be done is boot all illegals out when caught. No hearings, gone. Cross the border? Sent packing. Asylum needs to end, and any here now need to have their cases adjudicated within a year, and all those who do not qualify are sent packing. No more refugees. Other than the standard, legal pathway to citizenship, no one else should be allowed in. The US has shut down immigration many times to give those legal immigrants time to assimilate. And those who won’t should be booted.
If you reward law breaking you get more law breaking.
Johnson suggested that a border deal, even one that met all the Republicans’ demands, might not be enough to win their support for funding Ukraine’s war effort against Russia. He insisted that the administration provide other guarantees and accountability measures.
“What is the endgame and the strategy in Ukraine? How will we have accountability for the funds?” Johnson asked. “We need to know that Ukraine will not be another Afghanistan.”
What is the endgame? It seems like just a dump for US money and arms. There needs to be reasons to continue providing support. Anyhow, as we see from all the sanctuary cities and states whining about illegals being sent to their areas should prove that it’s time to shut it down as much as possible.
BTW, that headline from the NY Times about “defying Biden”? Is he now a dictator? NY Times needs a refresher course on Constitution 101.

It doesn’t matter what border security measures Congress passes: the dummkopf from Delaware won’t execute them.
We already had strong border security measures in place, under the Master of Mar-a-Lago, measures which significantly reduced, though sadly did not completely eliminate, illegal immigration, along with putting greatly reduced caps on acceptance of refugees and asylum seekers. We don’t need immigration reform or new immigration laws; we simply need to enforce the laws already on the books. President Trump was doing that; President Biden is not.
More aid to Ukraine? We all know the truth: there is no amount of aid we can give Ukraine short of soldiers on the ground and fighters and bombers in the air that could allow Ukraine to win. And that kind of aid means direct war with nuclear-armed Russia. F(ornicate) that!
Agreed. Immigration “reform” is just another Charlie Brown football moment for Republicans. They either never learn, or they secretly want the same thing as democrats, but can’t tell their constituents for fear of losing power. Only one candidate has been consistent in taking on this issue. All the forces of the federal state and local governments including the courts stood against him the last time he was president. I hope he learned from that experience.
A clear majority of Republicans and Democrats in both the House and Senate, and President Biden favor this bill that would address immigration and Ukraine funding. So what’s the hold up?
Speaker Johnson won’t allow a vote because: Marjorie Taylor Greene threatened his speakership AND importantly candidate Trump, who benefits from America’s collapse, wants no legislation to pass.
Give Trump complete immunity because only he can fix it.
Nobody outside wants it, though. No intelligent person, anyway.
Somebody’s got to do it. It’s high time GOP cowards paid a price for finking on their voters time and again.
Shut down the goddamn government until it gets OUR border secured. It’s absolutely inexcusable that this continues to go on as these cowards, traitors, and thieves in DC continue with their bullshit political theater. The Ukrainians are fucked either way; no longer our circus or monkeys.
Mr Teach tells the truth!! I’m seriously hoping he is against it because doing comprehensive immigration reform and giving Biden lots of Ukraine money would be giving Biden two wins
Any wins for the American people are losses for the Flatus from Florida, i.e., Orange Jesus.
The only way America could lose is if there is a continuation of the neo naziism that now runs Washington DC. If we keep putting people in power that wanna close our businesses raise our taxes, censor our speech, try and take our guns away, try and tell us we can’t protest, tell us what cars we can drive, what stoves we can use what heaters we can use and drag us into endless wars that America will be no more. These people are not patriots they’re neo Nazis. They have spent three years now trying to convince Americans that a protest at the capitol was an insurrection. Insurrections require guns and bullets not American flags and 21 year old dead women. And whether you realize it or not the people who are at the capital probably own more guns then Ukrainian military and they didn’t bring them with them because it wasn’t an insurrection it was a protest.
Peto Joe and the elwoods that follow his every word are in for a rude awakening if they don’t start listening to us. We’re not gonna beg you for our rights. We’re not gonna have another election stolen from us. And we’re not gonna tolerate lawfare against us or our leaders. It’s time to fight back folks or else the fight will be over but Nazis will have one
We’re having a second revolution in this country now either we can go back to dictatorship with people like Biden and Elwood and all those kind of mindsets and power trying to tell everybody else what to do boss everybody around and put their boot on our neck. Or we could vote for the guy who stands up for the people and who these nazis like Elwood and the state have been trying to crush for seven years now because they’re scared to death of them.