Remember, Harvard is being sued for “allowing its campus to become a bastion of rampant antisemitism.” We’ve seen the Jew hatred since the U.S. State Department designated terrorist group Hamas broke the cease fire and attacked Jews in Israel. We’ve seen and heard the messages calling to kill Jews and destroy Israel. We’ve seen Jews harassed on campus. So, what does Harvard do?
Harvard creates task forces on antisemitism and Islamophobia
Harvard University, struggling to manage its campus response to the Israel-Hamas war, announced task forces on Friday to combat antisemitism and Islamophobia.
“Reports of antisemitic and Islamophobic acts on our campus have grown, and the sense of belonging among these groups has been undermined,” Alan Garber, Harvard’s interim president, said in a letter to the school community. “We need to understand why and how that is happening — and what more we might do to prevent it.” (big snip)
Garber said the goals of the task forces are to explore why Harvard is seeing a rise in antisemitism and anti-Arab bias and propose recommendations to counteract it.
“Strengthening our ties to one another will take considerable effort and engagement across the University,” Garber wrote. “I have asked each task force to undertake broad outreach, and I encourage you to share your perspectives and your experiences with equal measures of care and candor. We have before us an opportunity to meet challenges with far-reaching implications.”
Please. They’re trying to equate that Muslims are being abused the same as the Jews, to connect the two, to imply that the issues go both ways. Why? Because the school is scared of the Islamists, knowing that all those groups, and the students who back them, will attack the school and create problems. They see the problem with Jews being abused on campus, but, despite the lawsuit, you know they’ll spend way more time with this task force trying to say that the Islamists are really the ones being harmed.
Can Harvard point to an “Islamophobic” incident since the war was started by terrorist group Hamas? Because there are lots and lots of Jew hating incidents. This is all cosmetic, because they are hemorrhaging donors and being sued. If Harvard was serious they’d simply tell students that the code of conduct is real, and bullying and harassment are grounds for expulsion.
I'm pretty sure this violates the code of conduct at @RutgersU
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) January 18, 2024
They have a code of conduct, as well, about bullying, intimidation, and harassment.

“Islamophobia” and anti-Semitism are not the same. Those who don’t trust Muslims are (mostly) not trying to kill them; the anti-Semites most certainly do want to kill all the Jews.
Islamophobia is a fear of Islam. Which in today’s modern world is perfectly justified for most people. I personally favor Islamomisia which means hatred of Islam. The Islamic so-called religion (but really a political cult) is a threat to civilization and freedom everywhere. And throughout history everywhere it’s gone it has used death and destruction to subjugate people that they came across that disagree with it. Basically it’s a religious version of communism or Nazism which is why it’s so attractive to people like Elwood and those other little neo Nazis in colleges and the communists teaching your children.
Religious fundamentalism is rarely healthy for individuals or societies. Like most Christians, most Muslims are not fundamentalists. Fundamentalism hijacks the human brain by treating religious leaders and texts as inviolate. Psychology does not view fundamentalism as a disease but rather as a “parasite” attacking critical thinking.
At its worst, fundamentalism can result in physical harm to “unbelievers”. We see this today with fundamentalist Islam as in the state of Iran where religion is the law. In the US we have founding documents that disallows any religion from significantly impacting the state. Thank God!
The Crusades, Inquisition, purging Catharism (Gnostics), Naziism and child abuse scandal are examples of Christian fundamentalism. It’s likely that fundamentalist Catholics will separate from the current Church. The history of Europe is the battles for Christian domination.
Yet, in the US we also have remnants of religious fundamentalism influencing state laws. Abortion bans are religious in nature. Anti-LGBTQ statutes are religious. At least part of the right’s antipathy to global warming mediation is religious. Islamophobia and anti-Semitism are religious in nature (btw, Arabs are Semitic).
As a religious agnostic I see no reason to accept the teachings of any religion, whether Christian, Islamic or Jewish, worth consideration. Fundamentalists hate the fundamentalists of the other stripe. And the world turns…
Next thing ya know the Harvardians will start carrying torches and screaming the spittle-stained epithet, “Jews Won’t Replace Us!”
Why did the white, christian nationalists shout “Jews Won’t Replace Us!”??
Much of the right-wing’s hatred of the media and Hollywood is inseminated by anti-Semitism.
The immediate cause of the Gaza war was the brutalization and murder of some 1600 Israelis by Hamas terrorists! The Israelis have the right and obligation for protecting their people. Period. But the treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank has let to continued conflict simmering for years.
This is the genesis of the “Palestinian Movement” seeking a Palestinian state. It is not anti-Semitic, per se, but like to many human endeavors degenerates to the personal. It IS anti-Israel.
Reducing the argument of opposition to Israeli policies to anti-Semitism is lazy but effective. Just ask Representative Stefanik (btw, Elise, Trump doesn’t want or need a Vice President from NY, sorry).
The distinguished Mr Dowd conflates a few idiots into all of conservatism:
Because a few of them are idiots. Now, ask yourself why thousands upon thousands have been demonstrating in favor of Hamas. Haven’t you noticed? The support for Israel in their war against the 7th century savages comes heavily from conservatives.
What part of the “From the River to the Sea” don’t you understand is a call to eradicate Israel?
Oh, wait, I’m sorry, you did realize that. You did not say “It IS anti-Israeli policies,” but “It IS anti-Israel.”
From the River, to the Sea,
Israel shall be secure and free!
“Much of the right wing’s hatred of the media and Hollywood is inseminated by anti-Sematism”. WTF? The “hatred” comes because they’re almost all left-wing. It would be just the same if there were no Jews in the media or Hollywood.
Perhaps you’ll admit to just a soupçon of anti-Jewish bigotry. After all, Jews tend to be left-wing, so you can’t consider THAT smart or ethical. Even Trump prefers Jewish accountants because they know their way around money.
Why do you suspect almost all media and Hollywood are not far-right?
The only thing “created” at Harvard of relative importance was the “The National Lampoon”.

Bwaha! Lolgf