…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles which will make coffee a thing of the past, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on the models being wrong yet again.
It’s Asian ladies week.

…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles which will make coffee a thing of the past, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on the models being wrong yet again.
It’s Asian ladies week.
I again note that this young lady,like many of her peers, can’t afford jeans that aren’t worn out. I think it is a shame……I would be happy to help her get out of them and into a new pair from Walmart.
Everything old is new again! Those ‘distressed’ jeans were in style a couple of decades ago, finally went out of style, and are now back in style again.
And you know what’s coming back into style? Bell bottoms!
We’ve pretty much reached the point at which every possible configuration for clothing has been tried, and all designers can do is recycle older stuff.
I’m still waiting for the women’s wear from Logan’s Run to come into style!
The only way to assure fair and honest elections.
Paper ballots and one day elections, motherfuckers.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Kentucky has what I see as a pretty good system: early voting on the Friday, Saturday, and Monday prior to election day, at the county courthouse or sheriff’s office. With regular polling place hours set from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, some people can’t get off work to go to the polls. Nurses, for example, work 12½ hour shifts, 7:00 AM to 7:30 PM, and if a nurse is scheduled to work on election day, and works too far from the polling places, she won’t get to vote.
The Bluegrass State uses paper ballots read on optical scanners; the paper ballots are stored for use in a recount, if necessary.
Does Mr Dana agree with the Trumpists that the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump?
About 2,000,000 votes were cast in KY for president in 2020.
About 626,000 were absentee ballots mailed in.
00.4% of the absentee ballots were rejected.
Are you now on record for approving elections where 1/3 of the votes were absentee mail in ?
Trump’s Mini-Me, Ron DeSantis, just dropped out of the primary race. If the most popular governor of all time can’t compete with Donnie, who can? All the candidates were so afraid of Donnie. Ron couldn’t out Trump, Don!!
For his part, candidate Trump blamed Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley for turning down “10,000 people… soldiers… National Guard” on January 6. Although no one turned down 10,000 on January 6, he meant “Nancy Pelosi”.
The Biden campaign said, “We don’t agree with Nikki Haley on much, but we do agree that she is NOT Nancy Pelosi.”
The nuRepublicans don’t want policy, they want the excitement, the bluster, the F*ck You Libs!, of Big Don!!
Chicken Little Man
What we want is America returned to the people.
Trump offers the best chance of that happening.
Trump – DeSantis in 2024
Hail to the Chiefs!!
And congrats to the Lions!
As an Oakland — never Las Vegas! — Raiders fan, I say, “Fie on the Chiefs” May they be not just defeated, but ground into the dust by the original Cleveland Browns!
Of the four teams left, yeah, go Lions!
Yeah, I’ve been a Browns and Lions fan, and was a fervent Chiefs fan back in their AFL days… Len Dawson, Otis Taylor, Mike Garrett, Buck Buchanon, Fred Williamson. As a kid the Browns were my favorite – Jim Brown, Frank Ryan, Lou The Toe Groza, Paul Warfield.
But have always hated the Raiders!!! Boo, Al Friggin’ Davis! Boo Jack Assassin Tatum. But John Madden was all right. As an announcer whenever a D-back dropped a potential easy INT, he would say, “If he could catch the ball he’d be on offense!”
Lions vs Chiefs would be tough for me.