This is strange. I thought Canada was accepting of every migrant/illegal who wanted to come to Canada. I remember them giving Donald Trump grief over his attempts to limit people coming across the border. I also remember that Justin Trudeau removed the visa requirement for Mexican nationals, which has helped drive this shady asylum migration
Canada weighing extra border measures for asylum seekers from Mexico – minister
Canada is weighing a number of measures to prevent Mexican nationals from flying into the country to request asylum, a top official said on Sunday, after Quebec’s premier said earlier this week the lack of visa requirements for Mexican travelers meant more refugees were arriving by plane.
Speaking to the Canadian Broadcasting Corp, Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said he and the Immigration Minister Marc Miller were considering visas and other measures.
The two ministers are looking for “the appropriate way to ensure that people who arrived from Mexico arrived for the appropriate reasons and that this doesn’t become sort of a side door to get access to Canada,” LeBlanc said.
“We’re looking at a number of measures that would, in fact, put us in a position to have done what’s necessary to ensure that these flights directly from Mexico don’t become sort of an indirect way to get access to Canada and to claim asylum,” he added.
In other words, they want to stop all those migrants/illegals from flying in with a stated other reason and then declaring asylum, at which point Canada has to spend gobs of money to support them
In a letter last week, Quebec Premier Francois Legault urged Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to stem the flow of refugees into the province and to compensate it for costs, claiming Quebec’s services were close to a “breaking point” due to the rising number.
“Mexican nationals represent a growing proportion of the asylum seekers arriving in Quebec, the possibility of entering Canada from Mexico without a visa certainly explains part of the flow of asylum seekers,” Legault wrote in the letter.
Canada is also learning a valuable lesson on not controlling their border and sovereignty. I’ve been reliably told that restricting migration is raaaaacist and just mean. By the way, where are all these poor migrants getting all the money to fly to Canada? Do they realize it’s pretty cold? Canada has actually been pretty careful as to who they let in, wanting skilled workers who will assimilate, not unskilled who need government services. Further, how many of those unskilled who show up in Canada end up sneaking across the border into the U.S.?

40% of the migrants arriving from Venezuela hold college degrees. In NYC 25% of all construction workers are immigrants.
Historically it was immigrants who built the USA working the hardest jobs that is continuing. And of course capitalism needs new workers. The largest age group the Boomers are retiring, who is going to pick our farm crops or work in our dariesif not migrants? You, Teach ?
Bullshit again. If you’re talking about legal immigrants you could possibly be right . But if you’re talking about illegal immigrants coming over the southern border you are 100% incorrect very few of them have college degrees of any kind let alone any degree of value. You really need to stop making absolute statements cause you’re never right.
In NYC 25% of all construction workers are immigrants. You mean legal immigrants because it would be illegal to hire illegal aliens. Correct? Or are you telling us that is a massive conspiracy in New York to break the law?
Immigrants always contribute their labor at the bottom of the labor force. That’s because most immigrants are illiterate and or unable to speak English. By the way, that doesn’t mean they work the hardest jobs it just means they work the jobs that were available at the time. Cleaning out horse stalls is not hard it’s just dirty.
are you inferring that communism or socialism or any other form of economic or government does not need new workers? Cause you would be wrong. Or are you just trying to cast capitalism in a bad light because they have more opportunity for more people?
Machines moron, or haven’t you ever heard of AI? Man’s ingenuity under capitalism always finds a way to accomplish what everybody said was impossible. Had it not been for white Christian men in a capitalist environment we wouldn’t be flying airplanes.
Why do you leftists always try and down talk all the accomplishments that America has made for mankind in our brief history? You make it seem like every socialist and communist and Nazi country in the world has contributed more to society than we have and you know that’s just not true. So why continue to foster a lie?
You make excellent points to rebut our socialist friend… I would also add, my government is constantly telling us that we need immigration, desperately, so that we can continue to fund our social safety nets and all that entails.
I am expected to believe that people willing to come here illegally are going to then quietly assimilate and take up where we left off? Really? They’re actually going to become Canadian and work and pay taxes and contribute?
What a load of nonsense. The West is paying the shot for the rest of the world, although that is coming to an end very soon. The pillaging will only stop when there is nothing left to steal…
I should point out that other countries look at Canada and say ‘Hey, you could fit a lot more people there! You’re so greedy!’, and then when they get here they all go to Toronto or Montreal because the rest of the country is either racist or lacks anything like a shopping mall…
Such bullshit we wade through.
So why continue to foster a lie?
Because that’s what he is.
foreign born workers now represent 18% of the total American workforce.
May 26, 2023
the top 3 countries sending the most immigrants are
Yes Teach there is a massive conspiracy under capitalism to hire cheap undocumented workers. It exists both here and in NC.
Machines are not currently harvesting many crops. There is a severe need for farm workers here in the USA. Machines maybe be able to do that in the future, but not right now. They might be able to harvest Danas soy but not you strawberries.
The average Venezuealan pays1000s to come here. The ones that are leaving are what used to be their middle class. Lookmit up Teach.
Jan 12 2024
Key facts about Latinos immigrants with degrees.
Teach you really must try to look to other news media besides Breitbart and FoXNews
Sep 21 2023
500000 Venezuelan migrants eligible for work.
in NY migrants without jobs get EBT and 100$ per month cash. Almost all immediately go to look for work. Those “military age men” are here to work and send money back to their families, many of which went into debt to send the members of their families here who had the best chance of success.
Here are the figures for undocumented migrants and education
aug 20,2022
educational achievments of the most highly educated undocumented migrants
3/4s of recent college grads in Venezuelan said they want to leave . Many will come here
Feb 15 2023
Venezuelan immigrants in the USA
“A demographic profile of undocumented women”
Educational achievement of undocumented migrant women
55% have a college degree, some college, or grad degree
NO Teach I was not inferring (sic) that only capitalism needs new workers. Neither was I IMPLYING that. (you infer, I imply) Unemployment is below the ideal despite the millions of new workers. When their is a labor shortage, that drives up wages and increases inflation.
The USA has always attracted the best from other countries: smartest, most ambitious, strongest.
The farm workers that the USA will not be coming from Venezuela.
Carbon boy-you keep speaking of all these alleged college degrees these illegals have, but then you say we need them to pick crops?
And by the way, they’re not needed to do that, we have plenty of legals
Funny how you morons don’t give a soft brown shit about economics when it comes to good tax policy, sound currency, or government spending, but you’re all up in that shit when you’re casting frantically about to defend flooding the country with illiterate hostile foreigners just because they vote Democrat.
My God, what unbelievable scumbags you all are.
Historically it was LEGAL immigrants.
And we don’t give a flip what degree ILLEGAL ALIENS have. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL!
only an immigration judge can determine whether a migrant is here legally, not you. Our country is a nation of laws, not dependent on your personal judgement of legality. Everyone applying for refugee status has a right to a fair hearing before an immigration judge.
Farmers are always complaining that there are not enough field workers. We don’t have enough even though they get 15$ in Cali. ‘
Please reread Jimmi. I did not say that we need college educated workers in our ag fields. You have misread, again.
The strong Biden economy, Dow broke 38000 for the first time. LOL you think young Americans are going to pick your strawberries and arugula?
The US is considering changes in ITS asylum laws as well, but Speaker Johnson was told by Donnie Walnuts not to allow a vote.
What kind of social and political meltdowns are taking place in Mexico, Central and South America to cause all these women, men and children to flee?
LOL. Mr Teach worries about it being cold in Canada… not for long. In fact, over the next few decades US Southerners will be seeking refuge north!
Historically it was LEGAL immigrants.
And we don’t give a flip what degree ILLEGAL ALIENS have. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL!
Chicken Little Man
What kind of social and political meltdowns are taking place in Mexico, Central and South America to cause all these women, men and children to flee?
And if we closed the border these people might fix THEIR country.
JL we have signed treaties pledged by honor concerning refugees. They should stay and fix their own countries? Is that also what you would have said to Jewish refugees seeking aslum from the Nazis in the 30s?
migration IS expensive. Many families go into deep debt at high interest rates hoping that sending the one in their family most likely to do best in the USA (often military aged) and send back to help the family survive/thrive.
Welcoming migrants is a commanded by the Christian bible which says they should be treated the same as citizens.
You don’t give a fuck what the Bible says.
Yes, if many of them are educated as you say, they should stay and fix their own countries. But then one has to ask, why are their countries so bad off that they want to leave? And then you realize they’re probably so bad off because they’re populated by millions of others…. just like them. But yah-let’s bring them here!