When they start yammering about sustainability they mean ‘climate change’, not real environmentalism
Mission Possible: Greater Cleveland’s sustainability story gets worldwide attention
The COP28 UN Climate Change Conference was held in Dubai last month. it is an international response to our planet’s global warming crisis. A place to set goals, assess progress, and refocus efforts. During the conference, Cleveland shared the spotlight.
“We’re not alone in this urgency to solve climate change,” said Sarah O’Keeffe, the City of Cleveland Director of Sustainability and Climate Justice.
Cool, O’Keeffe took a taxpayer funded fossil fueled trip all the way to Dubai? Huh
The City of Cleveland sets goals through the Climate Action Plan. It will be updated this year to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. That’s in line with COP28 goals.
“What that means is, over the next seven years or so, we really need to work to decrease our pollution and air pollutants, carbon pollutants by about 10% each year,” said O’Keeffe.
So, all they’ve done is set goals, not really taken action?
Increasing use of public transit and a stronger recycling program are just two of the policies in the works. But success requires support from the public and private sectors.
Will the people in the greater Cleveland area be willing to ditch their private vehicles for EVs and public transportation? Will the be good with the sure-to-come mandatory recycling policies?
Cleveland regrettably captured the world’s spotlight when the Cuyahoga River caught fire decades ago. Bot from it came environmental change. Leaders are confident attention will turn toward our region again, due to positive change.
That was actually an environmental issue. Good on them for fixing it. But, instead of focusing on Hotcoldwetdry, perhaps they should focus on their crime rate, which Neighborhood Scout ranks as a 1 (100 is best. BTW, we were looking at cities the other day, and, I forget which it was, but, it was the first 0 I’ve seen). Their violent crime rate is 16.27, over 5 times the Ohio rate. You have a 1 in 61 chance of being a victim. Murder, rape, robbery, and especially assault are well above the U.S. averages.
For property crime, the rate is 44.64, while the state rate is 17.83, which is just below the US rate of 20. You have a 1 in 23 chance of being a victim.
But, hey, at least if they’re banning private vehicles (except for the politicians and bureaucrats, of course) the stolen auto rate will drop, right?

Since 1850 the temp of Earth has risen an a stage rate of . 11F degrees per decade
Since 1980 the temp of Earth has risen .at an average rate of . 36F degrees per decade
That’s more than three and a half degrees. First, prove it. Second, since our world food production has soared 1500% since 1850 and the world population has grown 800% apparently it is good for humanity.
The idea that you ignorant fools are still tabbing this climate hoax after all these years of failed predictions and failed catastrophic events is astounding. Once you get hold of something stupid you refused to give it up, you refuse to admit you’re wrong and you refuse to admit your errors. That’s why they don’t believe anything you say because when you’re proven wrong you refuse to admit it.
It’s Carbon boy-facts don’t matter…ask him about his famous “Trumps trillion dollars permanent tax cuts the elites” fairy tale…
JL the tax cut was one thing that Trump bragged most about. Inseaed of asking me you should first put in a little effort yourself
here is how to do it use google
search for trillion dollar tax cut
here is one result
“Politico analysis: At $2.3 trillion dollar tax cost, Trump tax cuts leave big gap”
David Rodgers.
would you like another slap JL? ask nicely
Nice try, Johnny. The issue was never about Trump bragging about anything. You think he’d be dumb and brag about a tax raise? And you’re conveniently forgetting what you asserted for months. You said trillions for the “elites”, when in fact that was for all brackets. Then you said they were permanent when in fact they were not.
“2.3 trillion cost..” You mean the American taxpayers received an extra 2.3 trillion dollars to spend? The horror!
Next time you “slap” try using facts -it’ll go much better for you
Teach lol
it would be 3.5 degrees IF I had not put a decimal place (maybe you thought it was a period?) in front of the 3
Do you see the decimal point now ? understand its meaning ? it is a place holder.
Teach do you think that the ONLY reasons food production has gone up is because of temps? The main reasons are better seed, fertilizers, and machines. Please note the dot after the “s” in machines is a period denoting end of sentence, not a decimal point.
shall we continue to chat about that?
Jimmi why didnt you tell him about that?
So Johnny-what’s the problem with the added warmth? Must be why most alarmists stop at “it’s warming!”
Well the problem with additional warmth will not be as great for the 30% of humanity that live north of day 35 degrees of latitude. About as far North as where Teach lives
Most of humanity lives further south and they might not appreciate getting any hotter. Sort of ok for the whites, not so good for the browns and blacks. Can you see any problems for like even people in Arizona with a little more heat?
I can
So your reasoning is they “might not appreciate it”? Very scientific…
Teach aren’t all flights from the USA surcharged for carbon emissions since 2012 by the EU and Americans. The surcharge to offset typically is 3cbuvks. When was the last time you flew?
It doesn’t mean anything that deluded airline management wants to charge more to virtue signal except that. They want to signal. That the signal harms their companies and demonstrates their stupidity escapes them.
the airlines didnt WANT to do it JL, but had to do it. Most people dont even notice it the carbon tax is but only 2% of the ticket.
Management sometimes feels that virtue signaling can make consumers forget that corportate profits are at records highs and a big cause of inflation
Corporate profits are earned H, carbon taxes are stolen. You leftists seem to have a problem with all honestly earned money. The only money you like is stolen money. It doesn’t matter if a person steals 2% of your income or 80% of your income it’s theft pure and simple.
Corporate profits should be in a record high since prices and costs are at record highs. When everything goes up everything goes up whether you like it or not. It’s called inflation.
Our distinguished host wrote:
Which puts them right in line with all of the other activists. Why did the activists decide that they needed COP28 in oil-producing Dubai? Because none of the promises from COP15 and COP26 and COP27 had been met, so more promises to not be kept were necessary.
global warmingclimate activists are like a cheating husband, who keeps promising never to do it again, each time he gets caught.Sustainability and Climate Justice.
Yeah, let’s hear it for Cleveland.

Bwaha! Lolgf
and Teach remember over the last 20 years we have reduced our individual carbon foot print here in the USA by about 1% per year for a total of 25%. better light bulbs more fuel efficient cars, getting rid of 50 year old antique coal fired electric plants. And without the SKYROCKETING of rates that you said would happen or thousands of Germans freezing to death after Putin cut their gas off.
Could you point out to me one prediction I have made personally? I Many people say many things about the future. You seem to always be wanting to do the logical fallacy of the strawman. You point out a position held by few, than apply it to the many.
The fact is the Earth is getting warmer We both agree on that. I say that it is CO2. You say it isn’t. When I ask, why is it getting warmer? You have no response.
You will jump on a reason that you think shows that Tesla’s are not good cars, like the fact that the Teslas being sold by Hertz had to be sold cheaply because they were dumping them because of high repair costs.
But failed to look at WHY they had higher repair costs than expected. It turns out that they were 2 yo cars with very high 80000 mileage, They had been rented out by rideshare drivers because of the EV’s much much lower operating cost.
You have been told over and over that you must prove carbon is a factor. Correlation has zero causation. By the way, have you check the magnetic radiation from the sun, that has increased.
Haven’t checked that . Are you suggesting that is why we are heating up? I have checked the Sun’s irradiance and since accurate measurements made with satellites it has shown a slight decrease while the Earth has warmed
What do you think about that David
Jl it was a 2 TRILLION dollar tax cut BUT ONLY GOR THE UKTRA RICH
NOW I personally, and many others also, think that the ultra rich don’t pay enough in taxes. So we don’t think they need any permanent tax cuts to make their lives any better.
Now fo you understand ?;do you think the ultra rich like Trump himself should pay less in taxes? Just say so
Ohhh David. The 11 year cycle. Well I don’t def any correlation there, as the Earth seems to be continually warming
Trump has often bragged about his 2 trillion dollar tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. I think they should be paying more . Remember Trump himself has paid either very little, $750 , or nothing in some years. I think he should pay a lot more than me.
I think since you support all these cockamamie ideas that you should pay more taxes than trump pays. See you’re one of those people who wants to tell everybody what else what they have to do and what they have to pay but you don’t wanna pay it yourself you just admitted it. You’re a typical greedy socialist you want everybody else’s money to pay for the things you want greedy disgusting thieving self-centered narcissistic filthy socialist. Move to Cuba you commie.
Somebody ran off with johnnie boy’s hookah.