I’m surprised it took this long since teachers have been instrumental over pushing Islamist propaganda and hating on Jews and Israel. Probably not as bad as in colleges, more subtle
These Teachers Want the Largest Union in the Country to Rescind its Biden Endorsement Over Gaza
When Israel escalated its military operations against Gaza in October, Rahaf Othman was so distraught, she said, she “couldn’t think straight.” The 45-year-old Palestinian American, who teaches social studies at Harold L. Richards High School in Oak Lawn, Ill., recalled that she “started getting nightmares from my own experiences when I was in Palestine. I was functional at work, but barely functional. My brain was mush. I was getting traumatized every time I turned on my phone.”
Excuse me, “escalated”? Like, they simply decided to attack Gaza for no reason?
“For the first month, people were asking me what we should do, but I couldn’t think, couldn’t focus.” While in this state, she said she discovered that she could lean on some of her colleagues. “Educators rallied together and created this group, Educators for Palestine. I am grateful they brought me along for the ride.”
Asking a person of a group which no other Arab nation will take in what to do is like asking a meth user if you should give up drugs. Doesn’t say much about a teacher if they cannot think, but, hey, social studies is a good way to gently indoctrinate kids into hating Jews.
Othman is a member of the Illinois Education Association (IEA) Local 218, which covers an area to the south of Chicago, part of the 3 million–strong National Education Association (NEA), the largest labor union in the United States. She is now part of a member effort to press the NEA to put real muscle behind supporting a cease-fire, one prong in a small-but-growing campaign within the US labor movement.
But the rank-and-file campaign goes beyond demanding an end to Israel’s military operations, which have killed at least 22,000 Palestinians, 12,000 of them children. Othman and other members want the NEA to revoke its endorsement of Joe Biden for the 2024 presidential race until the president secures a “permanent cease-fire,” stops “sending military funding, equipment, and intelligence to Israel,” and commits “to a fair due process for asylum-seekers and refugees.”
In other words, back the US State Dept. designated terrorist group Hamas and allow huge numbers of Palestinians who support Hamas into the U.S.
The demand is eye-catching, because Biden appeared to really want the NEA’s endorsement: The president addressed the union by video at its last representative assembly in July 2023. And first lady Jill Biden has made her long-term membership in NEA a key part of her public political identity. “You—all of you—make me proud to be a longtime member of the NEA,” Jill Biden said in an August 2023 address to educators.
Oh, please, he addressed them because they always support the Democrat and always give lots of money. When it comes to actually voting, they’ll turn out for Biden regardless.
For members of the NEA who are desperate to stop the killing of civilians in Gaza, making this support contingent on the Biden administration’s meaningful push for a cease-fire is the best leverage they have. The goal, they say, is not to help former president Donald Trump win but the opposite. “Getting President Biden to change his position on Israel will help him to beat Trump,” reads an explanatory document, circulated with the petition. “People who vote Democratic are overwhelmingly in support of a permanent ceasefire and disapprove of Biden’s handling of the situation.” Polling shows the majority of Americans want a cease-fire, including more than 70 percent of Democrats.
So, they’re overwhelmingly in support of a terrorist organization and all the Palestinians (which would be the majority) who support them and/or hate Jews and Israel? Who, in all cases, support the end of Israel as a nation?
It is a very long piece which subtly hates on Israel and Jews, making them seem to be the bad guys, but, this isn’t the first time. Back in 2021 the NEA, as pushed by Rahf Othman and others, were pushing for anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian measures to be a part of the NEA’s agenda. And the teachers, being good little leftists, will take the side of the Palestinians, a group no Arab nation will take in because of their Islamist leanings.
Meanwhile, here’s CBS being shady
Some context that Face the Nation left out: Thasin Sardar is not some random voter off the street. He's an adviser to CAIR, a group that very recently was fired from a hate crime advisory role by the White House over its leaders' explicit praise for Hamas. https://t.co/ED5j4rvZko https://t.co/az8lXXi6l9
— Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) January 22, 2024

Pointless posturing. They are still going to vote for whoever has a (D) by their name.
Anyone who would support Hamas would have supported the Holocaust, Charles Manson, Jack the Ripper, Pol Pot, school Shooters and Jim Jones.
Story: A Palestinian-American social studies teacher says she wants the NEA to pull its support for President Biden.
Big deal.
Desiring a cease-fire and a “two-state” solution is not anti-Semitic.
from the US Dept of State (2022 Report):
Israel conquered “Palestine” (Gaza and West Bank) in 1967, and to the victor go the spoils of war. Is it surprising that Palestinian terrorists exist?
Following Mr Dana’s reasoning, in war, citizen-supporters of the aggressors – in this case the Israelis citizens supporting Israeli atrocities against Palestinians, like the Germans in Nazi Germany – were/are fair game for the Hamas fighters. All is fair in war!!
NuCons: Israelis good – Palestinians bad.
The socialist from St Louis wrote:
This is true only in a vacuum. Desiring a “cease-fire” means, inter alia, that you are supporting the Hamas position, desiring that the perpetrators of October 7th gain some sort of victory, that the terrorists get to survive to fight another day.
A “two-state” solution? The Arabs rejected that in 2000, and they no longer speak of such as their objective. Hamas have said, explicitly, that no two state solution is acceptable, because it would recognize the Zionist invaders as legitimate.
One wonders when these same people will be insisting that the USA cease firing at the Huthis. That, at lease is something entirely under the control of the Biden administration.
It is absolutely necessary to obliterate all Hamas and similar organizations. This scum are not human, just rabid animals. I would opt to eliminate all Palestinians and Iran. This would take care of our carbon eliminations. This has nothing to do with Islam, unless the remaining Islams can not understand they must conform to Western morals.
The fascist from Fayette opined:
The continued indiscriminate bombing, per consequentiam immediatam, condemns thousands of innocents to death. (We disagree with the fascist from Fayette’s position that there are no “innocent” Palestinians).
In the early 20th century, as Russian and Eastern European anti-Semitism was on the rise, Jews migrated into Palestine reaching some half-million by the time the nation of Israel was created as an official Jewish homeland in 1948. It was believed that the only answer to the increasing European Christian anti-Jewish violence was Zionism – that European Jews needed a Jewish homeland for protection. Who could blame them? But to accommodate the creation of the homeland, nearly a million Palestinians were forced out of their homeland between 1947 and 1949. Thousands were killed.
But all is fair in war and invasion. The Palestinians lost in the late 40s, again in 1967 when Israel conquered Gaza and the West Bank of Jordan.
Does Mr Dana REALLY believe this is over when Israel ethnic cleanses Gaza? There are over 400 million Arabs in the world. And they have most of OUR oil!!
Everything including the history “lesson” Rimjob wrote to justify Hamas killing Israelis is bullshit.

Our ideal8ist from west of Illinois wrote:
There are innocent Palestinians in the way that there were innocent Germans and innocent Japanese when we bombed them back to the Stone Age: some, certainly including the younger children, had nothing to do with politics, but if we let them being killed when the adults started a war force a stoppage of the war, then no war can ever be won.
Well, we know that it won’t be over if Gaza, Judea and Samaria remain populated by the Arabs. Regardless of how many beatings the Israelis have inflicted on them, they come back more vicious than ever once the current group of 8 to 10 year old boys grow into fighting age.
We do know that shortened, more defensible borders will increase Israel’s security.
I really don’t know what your definition of a nucon is but I know I’m not one because you’ve never called me one and you apparently think there’s something bad with being a nucom but I do agree with Israelis good-Palestinians bad. By that comment I assume you think Palestinians good- Israeli bad. But we already figured that out you Jew hating son of a gun. You can’t love moslims and not hate Jews and you love you some Muslim so…
NuCons are the primitives that devolved into MAGAts. Traditional conservatives (cons) were Republicans such as John McCain, Dick Cheney, George HW and W Bush, Reagan, Romney etc. NuCons consider those Repubs to be RINOs and squishes. NuCons tend to be white Christian nationalists but a bit less authoritarian than their progeny, the MAGAts.
So what else is new?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Why the NEA cannot be taken seriously.
my guess is that the NEA is a bit upset over all those kids being blown up by bombs. Teachers like kids.
As I said before I am always a bit surprised over the support that conservatives give to the state of Israel since they
have state paid for abortion
state paid for transgender operations
prostitution legal even for 16yo kids
like the Saudis no visas for evangelicals hoping to save Jews from hellfire and bring to Jesus
opposite of Hamas on those positions.
As I said before I am always a bit surprised over the support that conservatives give to the state of Israel…….
The thing is Israel isn’t trying to force everyone else to become Jews….. Whereas Muslims wanna kill everyone who won’t worship Alla….
A somewhat important difference.
MAGAts want the mayhem to continue. At the border, in Gaza, in cities, in Ukraine, in Iraq, Red Sea.
The MAGAt King is the king of chaos. “Keep ’em fighting!”
And Brandon says what?

“My guess the NEA is upset over all those kids being blown up by bombs..”. Really? My guess is the Israelis are, too. And guess who started it? The IDF has tried to minimize civilian casualties. Hamas, on the other hand, deliberately tries to cause civilian casualties. As to genocide, Hamas has the destruction of Israel in its charter.
But here’s the worst genocide strategy ever: Send 15 million text messages
Conduct 12 million pre-recorded phone calls
Conduct 45k individual phone calls
Airdrop 4.5 million leaflets…..
“MAGAS want the mayhem to continue in Gaza, in cities(?) in Ukraine in Iraq, in the Red Sea..”. Nice nonsensical, unsupported rant.
By the way, the “mayhem” will continue in Gaza unless Hamas is totally defeated.
Autophagy can be a beautiful thing.