I’m highly confident that the people who like mutilating children, damaging their mental health, and forcing women to share locker rooms, changing rooms, and showers with biological males, while letting the males compete in sports and taking wins away from women will sue and some psycho judge will agree with them
Ohio bans gender-affirming care and restricts transgender athletes
Ohio has banned gender-affirming care for minors and restricted transgender women’s and girls’ participation on sports teams, a move that has families of transgender children scrambling over how best to care for them.
The Republican-dominated Senate voted Wednesday to override GOP Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto. The new law bans gender-affirming surgeries and hormone therapies, and restricts mental health care for transgender individuals under 18. The measure also bans transgender girls and women from girls and women’s sports teams at both the K-12 and collegiate level.
The override cleared the chamber 24-8 mostly along party lines, save Sen. Nathan Manning, a Republican from Cuyahoga County who has consistently broken from his party on the issue.
Officials expect the law to take effect in roughly 90 days. The Republican-majority House had voted to override the veto earlier this month.
Two of Kat Scaglione’s three children are transgender, and the Chagrin Falls artist is devastated, but not surprised, by the new law. Her 14-year-old daughter Amity is already receiving mental health services and some medication, and would be able to continue her treatment under the law’s grandfather clause, but she wouldn’t be able to seek anything further, such as hormone therapies, and would have to go out of state to progress in her gender-affirming care.
One has to see the irony of gender confused youths need to see mental healthcare professionals. What are the chances of two children being gender deranged without it being a fad that was pushed on them by adults, be it the parents or teachers? A very dangerous fad that has long term medical and mental implications. These kids cannot drink, join the military, buy tobacco, or buy a gun. But, the unhinged Leftists want them to be able to take drugs and get medical procedures. The want the males with mental issues to compete against women, taking their wins which can lead to scholarships.
Scaglione and her partner, Matt, are even considering moving their family out of state entirely, despite recently buying a house in a school district and community that’s safer for Amity and her 10-year-old sister Lexi who is also transgender. They don’t feel welcome in Ohio, and don’t see that changing anytime soon.
Parents like this should be charged with child abuse. In a sane world that would happen.
At least 20 states have approved a version of a blanket ban on transgender athletes playing on K-12 and collegiate sports teams statewide, but a Biden administration proposal to forbid such outright bans is set to be finalized this year after multiple delays and much pushback. As proposed, the rule would establish that blanket bans would violate Title IX, the landmark gender-equity legislation enacted in 1972.
Somehow, allowing mentally damaged males to compete again real women is “gender-equity” now. Title IX was meant to protect women’s sports, not be used by a mentally deficient man to destroy them. Biden and his Comrades care more about the small number of gender deranged over real women. Seriously, what’s the end game here, Biden and Comrades? How does it benefit anyone by allowing children to have all sorts of life altering medical procedures and males competing against women?

In related women’s news, in the year and a half since Trump overturned Roe v Wade, over 500,000 vaginal rapes of girls and women (age 12 up) have occurred in the 14 states with near total or total abortion bans, resulting in some 65,000 pregnancies!
Some 40% of these rapes and pregnancies occurred in Texas!
Said the scientist-authors:
Conservative men should be pleased to learn that most of these raped girls and women were unable to murder their babies!!
“… in the year and a half since Trump overturned Roe v Wade, over 500,000 vaginal rapes of girls and women (age 12 up) have occurred in the 14 states with near total or total abortion bans, resulting in some 65,000 pregnancies!”
You’re a big fat liar right from the get go. Trump did not overturn Roe versus wade US Supreme Court did. Because The US Supreme Court realized that Roe V wade was bad law. It was forcing federal control on something that should be states rights. Don’t stand there preaching us about our democracy if you’re not gonna listen to what the constitution says. It just makes you look stupid of course that’s easy for you.
I don’t believe any of the facts and figures that you put out here because you are so invested in baby killing that you would never produce any figures that disagreed with you. It’s like trying to get the truth about COVID or the last presidential election. You’re not gonna tell the truth you’re gonna lie to cover your narrative. That’s why people like you can’t be compromised with. You’d rather lie than lose and you’d rather kill us than lose.
I’m sure right now you guys are figuring every possible way you can to cheat on the next election every way. Of course you wish most to just have Trump removed from the ballot because you believe in democracy so much you don’t want people who want a candidate to be able to vote on. Yeah you guys are big on democracy. Maybe you can have him arrested wouldn’t that be nice? Maybe you could arrest all of us?
Geno the proud white commie,
Big Donnie takes credit for undoing Roe v Wade, so take it up with him. Just the other day he was bragging about it.
For 50 years, the Supreme Court believed it was valid law. Once Donnie Walnuts appointed three anti-Roe justices, it became invalid law. The falsehood from right-wing anti-abortion forces that it was only about judicial correctness will be proved as soon as the Repubs ever gain control of the House, Senate and White House – just see how fast they push through a federal abortion ban! And you know it. Are you OK with statewide votes overruling Republican state legislature’s abortion bans – or is that just too much democracy? So far, voters in Ohio, Kansas, California, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana and Vermont all voted in favor of abortion rights on ballot measures. Here in MO supporters are trying to get abortion protections on the 2024 ballot, but our Republican dominated legislature makes it very difficult. Even when the voters pass a ballot issue, as they did authorizing Medicaid expansion, the authoritarian right-wingers just refused to fund it!
You seem upset that we pointed out that you’re stupid. Our apologies- we thought you knew!
I linked to the JAMA article for you to examine the data yourself. Of course you won’t because it’s easier for you to just deny. You deny that Biden defeated trump. You deny any and all charges against Big Donnie. You deny any science behind human caused global warming. You deny that vaccines work.
You Republicans are working hard to “fix” what went wrong in 2020, where Biden received more votes than Donnie Walnuts in GA, AZ, MI, WI and PA. Your best approach is to suppress the vote of traditional Dem voters, women, blacks, the poor, immigrants, urbanites, suburbanites, college educated.
Trump is unfit for the job based on his past performances. We all know it. He is less popular now than in 2020. The Dems PREFER Big Donnie win the nomination!! He’s only intensively popular among people like you.
What crimes have you committed justifying your arrest? Donnie Walnuts, the mobster, has been credibly accused of defaming a victim of a sexual assault (he’s the perp), stealing confidential gov’t documents, attempting to overturn the 2020 election, inciting an insurrection, and of various and sundry fraudulent business and accounting violations. Back in 2019, Big Donnie admitted to using his charitable foundation, the Donald J Trump Foundation, for his business and political purposes and was ordered to pay $2 million as restitution. The foundation was shut down and he and his kids were banned from operating a charity.
Professor Donnie also admitted to cheating his Trump U students and was fined $25 million. Florida AG Pam Bondi announced in 2013 that she was considering joining a NY lawsuit against Trump U, but 4 days later the Donald J. Trump Foundation donated $25,000 to Bondi’s reelection group and Bondi declined to join the NY suit.
No US court including those chaired by Trump appointees has ever found significant electoral fraud.
aren’t you the one who is always saying PROVE IT well go ahead show us the fraud.
you are against mail in ballots. NO voter ballot can be even opened until the signature on the outside of the envelope is matched to the signature on the voters registration form.
Teach you are like a parrot squawking disproved allegations.
lol If we would rather kill you than lose, wouldn’t we be the ones always talking about our guns?
The wokester from West of the Mississippi wrote:
I’m willing to say yes, I am. Rape is a horrible crime, but murder is even worse. The socialist from St Louis would condemn to death not the rapist, but any innocent children conceived from the rape.
Is that yet another tremendous burden on the rape victims? Yes, of course it is, but life is full of burdens, many unfairly imposed.
We’re aware of the Fayette fascist’s position on abortion.
Will the rapist, unlikely as it is that he gets caught, spending the rest of his life in prison be able to support his children or will they become wards of the state? The 14 year old girl that you’ve forced to bear a child has given up her childhood and adulthood, through no fault of her own.
We know, we know, you consider a fertilized egg to be a person and the loss of one amounts to murder (although many more are lost by natural means than by abortion).
Ohio citizens should encourage Ohio Republicans to make all their medical decisions for them.
Last November 57% of Ohioans voted to protect abortion rights for Ohio girls and women, and now abortions are legal there up to 22 weeks gestation. Stupid democracy!!
In several red states, citizens have voted to overturn abortion bans.
Next November expect a public vote protecting medical treatments for transgendered Ohioans.
Question: Should states permit these citizen initiatives bypassing the democratic republic model of governance where elected representatives make laws?
Mr Teach on the parents of transgendered children:
Talk about your authoritarian tendencies!
A conservative estimate of the number of intersex or transgendered in the US is 3 to 6 million. That’s a lot of child abuse charges!
Should the millions of neoNazi, white supremacist, skinhead, Proud Boyz, AtomWaffen parents be charged with child abuse? Nearly 10% of Americans support these beliefs.
The last count I saw was that there were less than 40 transgendered athletes competing in the NCAA out of a total of 388000 student athletes
My guess(?) Is that half, around 30, were girls competing in boy’s sports that didn’t field some s teams in that sport.
In Ohio as of 2033 there were only 29 transgenders competing in Ohio
10 in high school 9 in middle school
There are about 1 million middle and high school students in Ohio
The bill looks to be a great solution to a virtually non existent problem.
Sorry, Carbon, but just 1 male competing in a female sport is too much. “Non-existent problem..”. We’ve been over this before: about 43,000 auto deaths per year are only about 0.01% of the population, so of course using your “logic” those 43,000 deaths are a “non-existent problem. Thanks for the laugh….
JL it is a sad fact that you live in an imperfect world. It is filled with problems. For some any issue concerning TRANSGENDERS is a huge emotional trigger. I my grade school the fastest runner in the school was a girl. I suffered no emotional damage. Did something like that happen to you? In the long long list of problems in our great country many posters here seem to push transgender athletes right to the TOP
JL it looks to me that YOU are the one who for some reason wants to equate the 48000 deaths from traffic accidents to the 38 transgenders competing in NCAA sports. I actually am bothered more by the traffic deaths. Fortunately through federal government mandates that figure has dropped from its high of 56000, although many conservatives and the car manufacturers hated the new mandates like air bags and seat belt imposed by the nanny government of Ronald Reagan.
Indeed so. It is sadder still that so many feel the need to create more where none existed.
For all your downplaying of this question — the answer to which is obvious to all intelligent and honest people, which is why you’re quibbling and justifying it — this puts you at the “this isn’t happening and here’s why it’s good that it is” stage of the propaganda pattern.
The rest of your commentary is idiotic and irrelevant word salad.
Try and keep up, Johnny. “The fastest runner was a girl”. So in other words a real girl? You’re comparing apples to oranges. “I suffered no emotional damage”. What “emotional damage” do you think happens when females train all year for a sporting event only to have some male with a dress on beat them at their sport? Must be a great feeling…You do seem to have some emotional problems, though, with states trying to stop children from irreversibly mutilating their bodies.
Doesn’t matter if there’s one they’re illegitimate and they’re taking the opportunity away from someone who deserves it. They’re stealing the future of an athlete who is the actual sex that they are stealing. It’s just wrong. But then again you guys are never for anything that’s morally right.
says the guy who’s constantly yammering about the cult of climate change.
In Israel transgender surgery is usually paid for by the state. Who is in favor of continuing to give US dollars to subsidize that?
Transgenders are psychotic and it is beyond stupidity to support their delusion. I a girl works her whole life to achieve a goal that might allow her an education, is it really necessary to crush her dreams by allowing a psychotic male to win the prize simply because he has the advantage of life long testosterone. I think not. Maybe you can explain why we must allow psychotic individuals to turn our society upside down. If there are truly only a handful of these mentally ill people, then let them stay in the closet.
lockquote>Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

“Donnie takes credit for undoing Roe Wade.. and appointing 3 anti-Roe justices.” You’re kidding, right? You mean as opposed to libs nominating pro-Roe justices? Got it! It doesn’t matter anyway what Trump said about it-it’s still the SCOTUS that overturned it. Abortion protections have been enacted in numerous states? Good-that’s the way it’s supposed to work.
“For 50 years believed to be valid law…” And for 50 years it still hasn’t been found in the Constitution
Which means that these three children have a delusional, narcissistic imbecile for a mother.
Hundreds of thousands of girls and women are raped every year in the United States, yet conservative men are more worried about a handful of trans-female athletes!
The rates of forcible rape were highest in Alaska (most), Arkansas, Michigan, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, with the lowest rates in New Jersey (least), Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New York.
The recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Society found that the rapes in the 14 states with abortion bans resulted in over 60,000 pregnancies in the past 18 months.
Like Rimjob really cares.
Trump 2024
Our distinguished host quoted:
Transgenderism supposedly affects between 0.3 and 0.6% of people, yet Mrs Scaglione has two transgender children? The odds of that happening are between 0.0009 and 0.0036%. The more probable explanation is that Mrs Scaglione has somehow been influencing her children toward transgenderism.
We already know that math is raaaaacist. I guess it is sexually normative as well.
What if transgenderism is organic, you know with components of hormones and receptors, and gene expression in utero?
The peanut gallery here at the Cove appears not to know much about physiology or development, and more importantly, don’t seem to care.
Rimjob is right, we don’t GAF!

The same what if philosophy could be asked about criminality, lying, sexual perversion, other sexual deviances, and certainly any crime or anything out of the ordinary from societal norms. So what does that all mean? We’re supposed to change society ignore our culture and completely disband what is normal and moral because “what if”?
Does it ever occur to you that what is considered reasonable rational moral and healthy for society for 10,000 years of humanity is suddenly wrong? That’s why personally I believe leftism is a mental disorder it’s a psycho problem and should be approached from that way. If you believe men having their dicks cut off is normal then you really are the peanut gallery here at the Cove.
You know Elwood the only way a person could believe like you do as if they’re nothing but privileged white supremacists and racists. Nobody else could think so twisted. You really need to see a doctor. It’s too late for that you’re too old. But you gotta really stop having the propensity to look for the exact worst option out of every decision you make. Enough people like you and you can bring down civilization itself. I think you’re a Zulu trapped in a white man’s body brainwashed by a gay Muslim.
Transgenderism is not a crime. Do you believe it should be?
Why does it bother you so much? Are you bothered by the hundreds of thousands of forcible rapes that occur in the US every year? Or child sexual abuse? Those are two causes where you could try to make a real difference.
I think you’re a Mestizo man trapped in a Karen’s body brainwashed at Trump University.
Have a good day!!
CarolAnn the alter ego of……….
the past 10000 years of human history has taught us nothing if we fail to accept that their has always been wide disagreements between the boundaries of human experience. The only way a person like “CarolAnn” could believe as she/ does is if she refused to accept that even white western culture has accepted a wide range of “morality” And how telling is it that she accuses Elwood of being a Zulu. She probably still considers it to be the duty of white christians to control the lives of others