The Washington Post has Ideas on how to help save us from global boiling, by appropriating religious beliefs into their cult
Why reviving a 2,600-year-old spiritual practice made my life better
Every Friday around sunset, I close my laptop. For 24 hours, my work is done. No email. No news. No social media. If it’s work-related, it waits.
What I try to do is — nothing at all. Or, rather, I spend time with people I love, usually outdoors. I swim or surf. I share a meal with friends and family. Sometimes, I just lie on my back in the park enjoying the sun.
It has rekindled a sense of joy I last felt when I was a kid with nothing to do, and gratitude for whatever miraculous series of events led me here to this moment.
For years, this one-day pause seemed untenable. For many, it’s virtually impossible to set aside an entire day for rest free from responsibilities to work and family.
Michael J. Coren literally spends a bit of time every week writing climate cult opinion pieces for the Washington Post. That’s it. And, if he wants to do nothing, have at it. However, climate cultists are very fond of telling Other People what to do.
In 2019, Schorsch founded the Green Sabbath Project to incite a “mass movement to observe a weekly day of rest” for the secular and religious alike. This is not a spa day, but a modern version of what the ancients practiced: avoiding work in factories and offices, or even in front of our laptops; opting out of driving or flying, or using engines of any kind for the day; putting off shopping; preparing food in advance; and ceasing incessant doing.
The immediate effect among millions of people, he calculates, could dial back emissions for at least one day a week with no new technology or spending. But the practice of doing nothing, he argues, can make people change the way they live year-round, by appealing to an ancient human ritual, rather than reason or even religion. (snip)
Schorsch is now hoping to find more communities willing to undertake this radical experiment in time together. “Ultimately, as a society, we’re going to need to have ecological practices,” he says. “It’s not enough to impose laws. Do we solve [climate change] through technocratic solutions and policy, or do we solve it through new cultural, even spiritual approaches? One without the other is not going to be enough.”
But, will this happen without Governmental Force? He tried to compare it to yoga, but, it seems more people are interested in wearing yoga pants to show their ass then actually doing yoga. Many are recommending that lots and lots of blue laws are brought back to keep people from being able to do anything on that one day a week.
Seriously, why can’t these people just mind their own business and stop trying to force their beliefs on everyone else?

Hell Yes
Mr Coren wrote:
Every Friday around sunset? That’s one of those Joooo things, isn’t it?
Try to imagine that in Dr Gregory House’s sarcastic voice.
But today’s American left are widely split between reasonable people and the anti-Semites, so the pro-Hamas wing will be appalled!
Me? I have absolutely no problem with Mr Coren suggesting a day of rest and of non-consumption.
Looks like the leftists are about to officially turn the cult of climatology into the Holy Religion of Climatology. God bless the little rascals.
Actually Dana it is also one of those Christian things about not working on the Sabbath.
Growing up in MA in the 50s we had “blue” laws forbidding stores from opening on Sundays. The only exceptions were for items deemed necessities like milk bread and eggs.
American Jews have always voted strongly liberal dem. The American right ? Remember when they blamed the Cali wildfires on “spaced based lasers operated by globalists”? Remember whom the right wing said controlled all the media in the USA?
Polls show a sizeable cohort of American Jews to not approve of the mass killings in Gaza. It freeks of the NAZI excuses they partied.
70% of the dead in Gaza are women and kids. 30% adult males.
Of course I guess those dead women and kids could be justified if for some reason they were “sub human’
The blue laws had very little to do with religion. The purpose of the blue laws was to protect the small business man who could not cover 7 days a week. It was to force a one day closure of the big stores.
It’s doubtful that emperor Constantine was worried about WalMart, Kroger and Target in 321 AD when he proclaimed:
In North America, shutting down activities on the Christian sabbath has been practiced for centuries.
And how does closing ALL shops on Sunday benefit mom and pop shops?
The Supreme Court has repeatedly found the laws constitutional, citing the secular basis for protecting workers and the guarantee of the free exercise of religion.
As a kid in the Bible Belt Ozarks, we always assumed the Missouri Sunday blue laws were to encourage people to go to church.
Again I request that you not address my comments. I do not point out the stupidity of you ramblings, your lack of logic and in this case your complete lack of knowledge.
Blue laws were debated in the 60s and 70s. It was clearly point out that Sunday was given over as a day of rest and some could use it for religious purpose. But intelligent people knew that the day was given to those with smaller staffs. I was a child in Mississippi and Louisiana and obviously your superior in intelligence and thus knew it was a day of rest. No encouragement of religion.
Being a card carrying member of the American right I do not remember when we blamed the California wildfires on space based lasers operated by globalists. I do remember that a bunch of leftists tried to put out the nonsense that we did but liars always lie. Just like you’re doing here repeat the big lie go ahead buddy. You don’t think you can be on the right politically and be a human being and be rational therefore you actually believe that we would say something that stupid. So when one of your commie operatives puts that out there all of you S sniffers run the suck it up like it’s manna from heaven.
You want I should go through the names of the major media ownership and the major media players can you tell me who owns them?
So are American Muslims, atheist, and a lot of other small minority groups. Nowadays American communists are Democrats. As well as American Nazis. In fact the only people nowadays who are not Democrats are American Americans.
You’re back touting your poles again right? For some reason every time you wanna justify something you start whipping poles out of your ass. Poles, like experts, say exactly what the people paying for them want them to say. You’re just too damn dumb to realize that.
Then perhaps Hamas should never have attacked it Jews on October 7th. What percentage do you think were women and children in the cities of Europe in World War 2? What percentage were women and children of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What percentage of women and children were murdered in the rape of nan king? What percentage of women and children through your comrades the communist execute every year and work camps concentration camps and and political prisons around the world?
there’s no nice way to separate the women and children from the active soldiers in a war especially when cowardly Muslims hide behind them and use them as shields. If you don’t wanna see women and children dying then tell your moslem comrades to stop attacking everybody in the world like they have been for the last 1400 years. You moslem loving freak.
Like Big Orange, Mr Teach is mad as hell! Stay angry!!
How dare someone suggest (not force) that people set aside a day for their personal sabbath. You know, time for self-examination, family time, prayer, quiet contemplation, yoga, meditation; off the hamster wheel for a day. Has Mr Teach not noticed how ridiculously “busy” but inactive everyone is? Too much internet, TV, streaming, telephones… buy! sell! the “need” for round the clock noise, noise, noise!!
How dare anyone try to co-opt the practices of the Buddhist, Islamic, Jewish, Christian, Hindu and Unitarian cults??
Then Mr Teach lets fly at yoga pants for some reason. There’s a subset of men who are angry that so many women are attractive yet seemingly unavailable.
Why can’t Mr Teach just mind their own business and stop trying to force their beliefs on everyone else?
Decades ago I worked with an orthodox Jewish professor who was home every Friday before sundown and would only reemerge Saturday night, where we’d often run into him at the university labs. This day of rest and observance is called the Shabbat/Shabbos.
“Do we solve climate change through…?” What’s to solve?
Are you here just to insult everybody or do you actually wanna have a conversation at anytime? I only ask because calling every major religion a cult is no way to win friends and influence people. It’s petty, disrespectful, and unnecessary in every way. You say things like that strictly to hurt and insult other people and that’s just plain cruel. When it comes to religion people have deep feelings and if you wanna sit there and insult people insult the ones that are in religions that are running around the world murdering people in the name of their “god”.
You really are a lowlife individual. You make a perfect atheist and a perfect communist. You are the quintessential definition of the two.
Have you noticed that Mr Teach calls those that understand global warming to be members of a cult?
Will you ask Mr Teach to tone down his insults, too? When he stops calling global warming science as a cult, I’ll stop as well.
Anyway, as I’ve repeated many times, although I see no evidence to support metaphysical religions – I COULD BE WRONG. I admit it. I could be wrong. Perhaps there are gods, or The GOD, demons, angels, miracles, heaven, hell, satan, reincarnation, spirits or ghosts. Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Jainists, Zoroastrianists, Jews, Christians, Taoists, Sikhs, Universalists all believe their path is the only right path.
You surely understand that not all humans agree with your beliefs, with many of them even believing you are condemned to hell. I had a college buddy in the early 70s, a conservative Christian, while I at that time was baptized as a Lutheran. It was his contention that Lutherans could not go to heaven since they were baptized by sprinkling rather than by full immersion as practiced by Baptists. I had a similar conversation with my conservative Lutheran (MO Synod) mom-in-law at a discussion group at my wife’s ELCA Lutheran church. I asked my MIL what would happen to a devout young couple on their way to their infant’s baptism if they had a car crash killing the unbaptized baby. The baby would go to hell she said since in her church only the baptized could go to heaven. I called the minister over and his response was that man could not understand much less predict what God would do.
Do you only appreciate those that believe exactly as you do?
Carol Ann,
Good comment and insight. Jeff is a total creep and only comes here to try and get people upset or harm them. If every person who comments here would just not engage him it would make him extremely frustrated. But it requires all of us just blocking him out.
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