I love the photo at the article which is in their tweet
More Americans are accepting the reality that the Earth is getting warmer, but they’re still very much split on why and what to do about it, according to researchers. https://t.co/rpuq6TCfuh
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 25, 2024
The caption in the article reads “A couple watch the sunset in Kansas City, Mo., as triple-digit heat indexes continued in the Midwest on Aug. 20.”, but, come on, this is meant to portray boiling doom coming soon. back in 1936
In the midst of a sweltering summer heat wave, the temperature reached a record-high 113 degrees Fahrenheit in Kansas City on August 14, 1936. These high temperatures in the summer of 1936 remain the most extreme in modern North American history. Compounding the problem, virtually no one had air conditioning in their own homes in the 1930s. The consequence was a nationwide death toll of between 4,500 and 5,000 lives lost, making it among the worst natural disasters in U.S. history. Kansas City merely coped as best as it could.
That was back when CO2 was well below the “safe” line of 350ppm, and cars were not that prevalent yet.
More Americans, even Republicans, are accepting the reality that the Earth is getting warmer — but they’re still very much split on why and what to do about it.
Public opinions on global warming, including perceived risk and support for climate policies, have shifted considerably over more than a decade, with some of the most pronounced upward trends coming in deeply conservative states, according to new national surveys released by Yale University.
Researchers at the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication found that Americans are more worried about climate change now than they were in 2010, and support for renewable energy has also grown over time. But the findings showed that there are still discrepancies in how people talk about climate change and strong divisions over what should be done to address it.
I’ve never disputed that the world is warming. My argument, and that of most Skeptics, is on causation. And, even if the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by the actions of mankind, or, heck, even just 51%, why is it that the climate cultists want massive government action? Control of everything, including people’s lives? It’s easy to note that more people want clean energy: now ask about higher energy prices, more taxes/fees, and government dictating your life. Let’s see where that goes.

Mr Teach typed: I’ve never disputed that the world is warming.
Never? I seem to recall Mr Teach accusing climate scientists of “cooking the books” on the temperature data.
It wasn’t that long ago that Tony Watts was asserting the temperature record was incorrect because of “siting” issues with the temperature stations and “heat island” effects. As late as 5 years ago Tony was arguing that the temperature record was incorrect.
Was Mr Teach disagreeing with Watts back then?
As usual Rimjob is so totally

Bwaha! Lolgf
Accusing somebody of cooking the books is not saying that you don’t believe in warming it’s saying that somebody’s cheating. I hope you realize by now there’s a lot of misinformation out there and you can’t believe all of it. Well maybe you can but most of us can’t.
Again I don’t know what Tony wants has to do with teach they’re two different people and title to two different opinions I know that’s not the way left this works but it’s the way the real world does. That aside he was insisting or arguing that the numbers are wrong. He believed them to be incorrect. And I bet you had done to it don’t let they were wrong. I’m not saying deliberately wrong i’m not saying accidentally wrong I’m just saying wrong.
But again that’s not denial. Maybe you don’t understand what that word means.
True-he was arguing in a 2022 article that the US surface station record was incorrect, as 96% of the stations didn’t meet NOAA standards for acceptable placement. It was a follow-up to a 2009 study that showed basically the same thing https://heartland.org/wp-content/uploads/documents/2022_Surface_Station_Report.pdf
Texas Border Standoff – ‘TAKE OUR BORDER BACK’: US truckers will take part in border convoy – Video
CO2 is about 42/1,000 of 1% of our current atmosphere, mankind’s contribution is maybe 12% of that or about 5/10,000 of 1%, just barely detectable using obscenely expensive equipment.
Co2 is NOT higher than ever because of us. Concentrations many times higher have not only occurred in geologic history, but CO2 is currently very nearly now as low as it has ever been.
CO2 has never been the cause of a warning climate; it is an effect.
The real deniers are those that dismiss these repeatedly proven and inalterable facts.
If you’re one of these people, PLEASE demonize petroleum, coal and even firewood all you want as loudly as you wish. Live off grid and become a hunter gatherer. Feel free to alter your lives to your hearts content and persuade as many others as possible to do the same. But don’t demand that governments ruin economies and the standard of living afforded to all, through relatively abundant and inexpensive energy. And for God’s sake don’t use the process as a means to kill most of us and control the rest. Which is very clearly the endgame.
Good points. There is no sense in the carbon issue. CO2 does nothing. Yes the climate may be changing just as it has since the formation of the earth. The resolution proposed by the liberals, from the day they started this junk, has been destruction of our way of life, extremely high taxes, and global communism. No other resolution is allowed. It is a hoax.
Atmospheric CO2 is about 420 PPM now, the highest level in human history and the highest in the past 1 million years! Human civilization is measured in thousands of years, not millions.
Mankind’s contribution is some 40% (not 1%) of total atmospheric CO2. How do scientists know this? By knowing that the concentration of certain carbon isotopes in fossil fuels differs from the isotopes in current CO2 sources.
During glacial periods CO2 reached about 200 PPM and during interglacial periods about 280 PPM. Today it’s 420 PPM.
Fossil fuels are not demonized, but ARE recognized as the primary source of the increased CO2.
Burning firewood, eating plants etc contributes very little to net global warming. Why? Trees and plants also absorb CO2 converting it to carbohydrates using sunlight for an energy source. As long as we allow trees to replace themselves and crops to grow we’ll be OK.
The US has recently cut CO2 emissions significantly but the economy is booming, although we still have an unfair distribution of resources. The anti-science cult uses reductio ad absurdum claiming if humanity bans all fossil fuel use immediately culture will be disrupted where humanity will be forced into caves, with no medicines, clothing, plastic etc. It’s absurd because there is no push to end all fossil fuel use immediately, but we understand why you make the claim.
The weird conspiracy tale promoted by extremists that a communist/socialist/Nazi/Democratic/woke cabal is out to control and kill all the MAGAts is just silly. But then again, the MAGAts still claim Big Orange won in 2020. Since one undeniable truth is that with conservatives it is ALWAYS projection we can assume death to libs is your objective.