In most cases, if a person climbs a fence on private or public property that is meant to keep people out and is hurt, the owner faces no civil or criminal liability. They are trespassing intentionally. The fence, which is often accompanied by a sign, is meant to keep people out. If people hurt themselves on the barriers at the U.S. border that’s on them. But, this isn’t about the idiot and criminal illegals hurting themselves: it’s dumber
Over 100 frogs, snakes, spiders, and more burned alive last summer after raging wildfires swept through southern Texas, according to the Guardian.
These creatures likely could have escaped if not obstructed by a long stretch of concrete border wall. (snip)
While the concrete border wall is believed to have stopped the fire from spreading into the city of Granjeno, as Hidalgo County Fire Marshal Homero Garza told, it is also believed to have kept over 100 animals from escaping, according to the Guardian.
The animals killed included frogs (most likely native Rio Grande leopard frogs), cane toads, shrews, tarantula spiders, a yellow-billed cuckoo, a groove-billed ani cuckoo, and several snakes, including Mexican racers, checkered garters, and Texas patch-nosed serpents, the Guardian reported.
Have you seen the barriers? Most are not one solid wall like at, say, Nancy Pelosi’s house. They are really fencing. Very tall fencing. There’s plenty of space between. And, wildfires tend to outrace a lot of wildlife, especially small ones. This happens every time there is a wildfire. Perhaps humans should not set them? But, the internal report of Fish And Wildlife, obtained by an enviro group, says they were found against a concrete barrier. In spots the vertical bars sit on concrete pads, which might be raised a foot or two. On the bright side, it did stop the fire from going into the city of Grenjeno.
Of course, they wouldn’t be necessary if people weren’t attempting to enter the United States illegally in large numbers. If government agents were allowed to stop any they caught and put them right back over the border. If Democrats weren’t enticing people from around the world to enter the U.S. illegally. Freeways stop animals from escaping fires. And these same enviro groups do not seem to be concerned with loss of habitat from solar farms and birds getting chopped up by wind turbines.
How many U.S. citizens do illegals kill and commit crimes against each year? I bet it’s way more than the wildlife killed in border fires.

Truly I am deeply disturbed but nothing a good shot of bourbon won’t cure.
I can’t tell you how crushed I am that 100 small animals and rodents and miscellaneous reptiles and stuff were killed by a fire. Now I’ve been around a long time and I have never heard of any interest being given to animal casualties smaller than Beavers in any fire forest fire or brush fire ever. I guess that’s because there weren’t any anti illegal alien fences involved. So if there were no fence they’re saying none of these animals would have died? Cause I’m a firefighter and I’ve seen a lot of animals killed in brush fires and forest fires. And there wasn’t an illegal immigrant fence within 1000 miles. But suddenly where they can screw it into their narrative they’re out there counting dead animals.
The only time I’ve ever seen him count dead animals as if they’re pets, a zoo, ranch animals, farm animals, are larger animals like alligators. Also like to point out cuckoos or birds that can fly away. And tarantulas? Really? Now we’re doing bugs?
“Federal Court orders Texas razor wire moved to Ukraine border…” BB
Last time I checked, electric fences and razor wire doesn’t hurt you unless you touch it. So the solution…stay on your side of and keep away from the fence and problem solved. Oh yes…and don’t pee on the electric fence. That causes a reVOLTing situation in your groin.
Good idea — and to avoid this “family reunification” nonsense, stay on your own side of the border, too!
Why is the Biden regime using those spiked fences at the White House which could hurt the demonstrators? You must investigate and report on these disturbing “death traps”.
Of all the nonsense spin by the left this has to be the most absurd. I bet some mosquitoes and maybe a partridge in a … you get the picture.
Doesn’t matter – the Democrat left lies and it’s journalists have zero credibility – most are paid off as was recently made public – corrupt one and all.
Let’s see… God helps Nehemiah build the wall… Sanballat (satan) didn’t want it rebuilt.
Trump wanted to build the walll… Biden (demonrats) don’t want it built.
I vote Trump!
I’m looking for the their disturbing report on birds killed by windmills.
too bad they really aren’t.
For the sixth year running, Mexico registered more than 30,000 murders in 2023, marking the most violent period in the country’s recent history.
Illegal immigration leads to 2,200 deaths, 118,000 rapes, 138,000 assaults