He should have just declared he was here for asylum
Russian man who flew on Los Angeles flight without passport or ticket found guilty of being stowaway
A Russian man who flew on a plane from Denmark to Los Angeles in November without a passport or ticket is guilty of being a stowaway on an aircraft, a federal jury found Friday.
Sergey Vladimirovich Ochigava arrived at Los Angeles International Airport on Nov. 4 via Scandinavian Airlines flight 931 from Copenhagen. A U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer could not find Ochigava on the flight’s manifest or any other incoming international flights, according to a complaint filed Nov. 6 in Los Angeles federal court.
After a three-day trial, the court’s jury found Ochigava, 46, guilty of one count of being a stowaway on an aircraft. He faces a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison when he is sentenced Feb. 5, the U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement.
Prosecutors presented evidence at the trial that showed Ochigava entered a terminal at Copenhagen Airport in Denmark without a boarding pass by tailgating an unsuspecting passenger through a security turnstile. The next day, he boarded the plane undetected, prosecutors said.
Hmm, so, he illegally entered the U.S. and is sentenced to prison. Yet, a record-shattering 250K illegals/migrants entered the U.S. in December 2023, and they get healthcare, housing, food, and education, among others. They declare asylum, even if they entered illegally and were caught, and won’t see a judge for around 8 years. If they bother. They should be sent packing, just like Ochigava should have, instead of the American taxpayers paying to house and feed him in jail. Then what happens? Will he be deported?
Meanwhile in the sanctuary city of Denver
(NBC News) Nearly 40,000 migrants have arrived in Denver over the past year, making a city with a population of just over 710,000 the top destination per capita for newly arrived migrants crossing the U.S. southern border and traveling north in buses from Texas.
The influx is taking a toll on the city’s public safety net. Starting Feb. 5, Denver will limit the number of days migrants can stay in shelters and send those who exceed their stay out onto the streets.
One Venezuelan family, a mother, father and their three daughters, told NBC News they’ve been staying at a hotel paid for by the city, but they’ve just received notice that they’ll be evicted.
That gets expensive, and it means that visitors cannot book and pay for those rooms.
Denver Health, the city’s “safety net” hospital, is asking for more money from both the state and federal government to help cover $10 million in unpaid medical bills from migrants.
Denver Mayor Mike Johnston estimates the city will need $100 million over 2024 to pay for housing, schooling, health care and other services as a result of the unexpected influx of migrants.
Well, they are mostly Democratic Party voting city which declared itself a sanctuary city, so, raise taxes. Require citizens to house migrants. They should all be fine with that, right? A goodly chunk of the 3,000 kids, mostly Venezuelans, do not speak English, so, I guess the schools have to fire teachers who do not speak Spanish and replace them. And the U.S. citizen kids just have to suck it up that their education suffers.

Weird. Mr Teach failed to note the Russian gentleman was convicted by a jury of being a stowaway on an international flight.
Meanwhile, Republican candidate Donald J Trump, who has taken over the GOP, has ordered Congressional Republicans to do nothing to resolve the border issues or to support the US economy in any way. In fact, Mr Trump openly hopes for an economic depression and his anti-American lackeys in the House are afraid of his power and strength!!! Pussies.
BTW, The Don has sent out requests for everyone to send HIS “CAMPAIGN” MONEY!! Get out the checkbook kiddies.
Um, Rimjob…
Nice try, dumbass, again

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Ohh nose. Since trump has won two primaries we’re gonna now have to listen to all your bullshit for the next 10 months? You are now gonna take it upon yourself to give a fractured description of every word trump says for the next 10 months? It got just got done telling yourself trump said he wants to be a dictator from day one. well we all watched that and we all know that that’s not true. he was using hyperbole to state that on day one he’s gonna throw out a whole bunch of stuff without asking Congress. You know like Joe piss his pants did.
That’s the problem with you psychos that have advanced trump Tourette syndrome. You’re like vegans you can’t talk about anything else. Every time you get around people you gotta talk about trump and you never talk about anything good or anything only all the bad stuff. It’s the constant humdrum of your nonsense that makes us wanna put him in office again.
That’s right, you support Trump not because he’s good for America, but because he makes you feel good about yourself.

Now you’re gonna tell us why and how we support Trump? Then it’s OK for me to tell you you support that commie child ****** in the White House because he makes you feel good about being a commie, a white hating bigot, a christophobe, a misogynist and every single thing that is unamerican. You’re a hater and all you do is envy other people.
And that’s why you support poop in his pants biden. He’s senile just like you
The liberal from left of Illinois wrote:
But that’s just it: President Trump was good for America during his four years in office. Unemployment was way down, until the gross over-reaction to COVID-19, inflation was near zero, so low that the Fed tried to raise it, illegal immigration was significantly down, great judges and Supreme Court Justices were appointed, North Korea and Russia were reasonably quiet, as was China, oil and natural gas production increasing, and people could still tell males and females apart.
Consider the dummkopf from Delaware. Under his presidency, we have transgenderism run amok, millions who could work dropping out of the labor force, millions of illegals pouring over the border, an economy which is supposedly good, but people see it differently whenever they buy groceries, Russia having invaded Ukraine, Hamas having attacked Gaza, anti-Semitism running wild among the young and stupid, China making noises about taking Taiwan, energy projects cancelled while they’re being increased abroad, the FBI actually targeting some Catholics for their religious beliefs, and the idiocy of people who don’t know what sex they are being appointed to high government positions.
Yes, mean tweets and his attitude aside, America was much better off under President Trump than the nincompoop from New Castle County.
The fascist from Fayette loves him some Flatus from Florida because Flatus wants to ban abortion, harass the “woke”, harass the Muslims, harass the Mexicans, harass the LGBTQs et cetera, et cetera and so forth.
LOL! The socialist from St Louis wrote:
While your statement is a bit to expansive — although I most certainly support a complete ban on prenatal infanticide in all cases other than a direct and immediate threat to the life of the mother — I notice that none of the things you mentioned contradict a single thing I wrote! Why? Because everything I wrote is true!
Our fascist libertarian confirms our points.
Big Donnie Orange has brought your white, christian nationalism to the forefront. We get it.
It’s the keystone of MAGAtism. Everything else derives from it.
Rimjob, guess what?
Always with the TTS

Bwaha! Lolgfy
The Congress doesn’t need to do anything to “resolve the border issues.” The senile, crooked old pervert in the White House simply needs to enforce existing law. He created the problem. He can solve it by reversing course. He won’t because this chaos is the party objective.
The Congress doesn’t need to do anything “to support the economy.” It needs to stop the goddamn spending, grifting, and outright theft. But then again, since the government would prefer impoverished and dependent people, it does things to create them.
He doesn’t need to hope for one, shit-for-brains — we’re IN ONE, since the government-induced “financial crisis” of 2008 and near zero-growth every year since then ….except 2017-2019.
Why don’t you fuck off and go outside for some fresh air and sunshine instead of smearing shit on the walls everywhere you go?
Bro typed:
forgetting that the senile, crooked old pervert lost the White House in 2020, although he and his minions STILL deny it!!
Even the Big, Orange, senile, crooked old pervert doesn’t want border issues resolved!! He counsels the Speaker of the House to NOT pass any legislation.
Brother shit-for-brains may not know what recessions and depressions actually are. We’ve noticed that the Trump cult attracts unthinking persons or worse, induces irrationality in his minions.
Bro lies!
Unemployment is near record lows. How do you measure “growth”? Not GDP? GDP dipped in 2008-2009 due to the Great Recession engineered by the 2nd Bush administration, and in 2020 engineered by Trump’s mishandling of the pandemic. GDP averaged 3% under Clinton, just over 2% under Bush, 2% under Obama, 2% under tRump, 3% under Biden.
Why don’t you fuck off and go outside for some fresh air and sunshine instead of smearing shit on the walls everywhere you go?
You’re just barking like a trained seal and howling like a moron. If you actually believe those economic figures in a totally financialized economy that produces almost nothing of lasting value, you’re even dumber and more dishonest than we thought. Moreover, your figures for the last two administrations are obvious nonsense based on stupid kung-flu policy alone.
The current administration put a kink in the hose and then wants credit for more water when it loosens part of the kink.
Enforce existing border law. Nothing else matters and everything else about this stupid bill is bullshit political theater.
And start thinking up your own insults, you useless dipshit.
We try to match your lame insults, you useless dipshit.
Keep trying, dipshit.
You’re overrated, fat boy!

Bwaha! Lolgfy
are you gonna start lying again Elwood? He did not council the speaker of the house to not pass any legislation he counseled the speaker of the house to tell Biden to just reinstate what trump had done. He cancelled the the speaker of the house not to fall for the trap that you left us they’re setting you funked up the border and now you’re gonna start blaming it on trump it wasn’t even in office you lying idiots. Can’t you see what you’ve become wow?
Denver Health at “Critical Point” as 8,000 Migrants Make 20,000 Emergency Visits
Bwaha!! Lolgf