Originally, the news was talking about these being pro-food people supporting the farmers, hence why I ignored it Sunday. But, now we have more information
Protesters hurl soup at the ‘Mona Lisa’ in Paris
Protesters hurled soup at the “Mona Lisa” painting in Paris on Sunday, but it was protected from damage by its glass casing.
The environmental group Riposte Alimentaire — which roughly translates to “Food Response” — said two protesters involved with its campaign were behind the vandalism.
A video of the incident shows the demonstrators throwing orange-colored soup from bottles before ducking beneath a protective barrier to address onlookers. “What is more important: art or the right to a healthy and sustainable diet?” one is heard asking.
Climate activists targeted the Mona Lisa by throwing soup in Louvre Museum in Paris pic.twitter.com/aZVOhZIRJl
— Historic Vids (@historyinmemes) January 29, 2024
There really wasn’t much about ‘climate change’ involved, except for the whole sustainability thing. But, guess what? They’re Modern Socialists
In a series of social media posts about the incident, Riposte Alimentaire said it wanted to draw attention to unsustainable food production and hunger in France, calling for “the integration of food into the general social security system.”
According to its website, Riposte Alimentaire is part of the A22 Network, a collection of activist groups — including Just Stop Oil, which orchestrated a similar attack on Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” in London in 2022 — known for disruptive climate protests.
They want The Government to be in charge of all food. Surprise! Can someone point them to how well that worked in the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and other Socialist countries?

OK, assclowns. You have both the Mona Lisa and a healthy and sustainable diet! Now clean up your fizzucking mess, and the nice gentlemen in uniforms would like a moment of your time.
Speaking of gubmint control of food supplies. Remember when the Soviets starved the Ukrainians in the 1930s? Good times. Some 5 million Ukrainians starved to death. It was called the Holodomor and part of Russia/Ukraine history.
What’s your point?
Two points.
Don’t throw stuff on works of art.
Ukrainians have a long and brutal history with Russia, so who can blame them for fighting back.
Everytime “carol Ann” posts I think it is someone? Subconsciously transitioning. Much like when we had the fake L’Roy
So Carbon boy-you think someone simply saying “what’s your point” could be evidence of someone subconsciously “transitioning”?
Maybe you’re transitioning into something..
When did we have the fake L’Roy? Was he posing as a white guy?
And what’s the matter with CarolAnn posting? Or do black and female conservatives and patriots and Christians trigger you? We realize in your world all of us black people and all women are supposed to be left wing Democrats if not full blown communists but believe it or not we aren’t.
But what is it about me and Carol specifically that bothers you?
I believe he was implying that you are not really a Black man from Camden but rather a white man from suburban Philly.
The next time I’m in the Camden area I’ll buy you lunch. Agreed?
Don’t do it L’Roy. It’s a trap. Do not give this left wing wacko any opportunity to get more information on you personally. No good can come from that. Same goes for you CarolAnne.
The only reason they would think you’re white is because they’re racist and can’t believe a black man can be conservative. Don’t give them the opportunity to get the tag off your car or any other information they can glean from a meeting. Next thing you know you’ll end up being swatted.
L’Roy, I suspect it is because you both still interact with him. I doubt your skin color or gonad configuration has anything to do with it. The attention-starved go where they can get fed.
The far-out whacko left seem to be operating under the principle that all publicity is good publicity.
I am mostly concerned about Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, because it is very fragile and is not behind a glass shield.
We saw it in 2016: it’s in a temperature and humidity controlled room, with the lights kept low. Flash photography is prohibited. But the painting is on the inside surface of an exterior masonry wall, which can wick moisture, and it’s not a fresco, but tempura paint on a plaster wall. It’s undergone several restorations, but it won’t survive forever.