Those who support unfettered illegal immigration often say that it has negative implications, that it doesn’t negatively effect U.S. citizens. Well, how many Denver residents will be donating lots of cash and goods?
Denver Public Schools needs classroom donations due to influx of migrant students
Denver Public Schools is feeling the pressure from a spike in migrant students.
About 2,900 new students have enrolled in DPS since October. The school system has been getting about 100 migrant students each week since the window closed in October.
Lyly Zaragoza has been a dual-language teacher at McMeen Elementary for the last five years. It’s what she calls her true calling.
“Right after high school, I got a job working with kids and I just really enjoyed it and that’s what I saw myself doing,” she said.
Zaragoza has seen a lot of changes since she first got into the profession.
“Definitely the class sizes,” said Zaragoza. “My first classroom, I had 14 kids. It was a really easy first year, I was really lucky.”
And now her class is double that. And what of all the other classes? How many are being disrupted because of all the kids who cannot speak a lick of English?
With a significant increase in students, schools in Denver need more supplies.
“Whiteboards, Expo markers, regular markers have been a huge thing this year because they’ll leave the cap off and we’ll just replace them, but now we’re running low. Some toys to help them master those skills that they have not practiced before,” Hinman said.
Zaragoza acknowledges the situation is stretching the district’s resources.
Well, welcome to what Texas and its border towns have had to deal with. And to the small towns Biden has been flying illegals to since he took office.
She also sees it as an opportunity to come together as a community to help bring up the next generation.
“We’re happy they are coming to our school, and we welcome as much as we can,” said Zaragoza. “Any resources that can help the community would be good. Basic supplies for not just me, but other teachers are facing the same thing.”
If you want to help, the school is collecting winter items and food for families. Call the main officer at 720-424-5520 to find out how you can help.
Well, jump on it, Democratic Party voters who support Denver being a sanctuary city. That money you had reserved for your kids needs to be sent to the schools to support people who came to the U.S. illegally. The school system is $17.5 million short in funds thanks to the influx if 2,800 illegals. You wanted this, Denver, you got it. Huh, what’s that? Oh, you wanted it for Somewhere Else. Your beliefs aren’t as fun when they hit your own city, eh?

If it’s my idea and your money, it’s a democrat idea.
You’ve got “students” coming in the door at $6K+ each and it takes you 2,800 examples before you figure out there’s a problem?
The plumbing is overflowing and rather that squeak that rusty valve shut their solution is to get a bigger mop.
We’re Doomed
You lose money on every transaction. How are you going to fix it?
As every MBA program in the country would tell you, price is a larger contributor to profitability than volume.
The other thing every MBA can tell you is:
Would you like me to leave extra space for cream?
A current MBA and probable Brandon voter.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Why do you talk like that?
Professor Hale was making a joke. And a good one.
To be fair, Public schools have been reaching out to the public for “donations” for decades, over and above what they get through taxes. It could be that “immigrant surge” is just the excuse they are using this year.
What is the point of an enrollment window if you still take in 100 kids per week anyway? Does that just apply to the children of actual citizens?
Once again, the lessons are clear:
1. Immigrants are a net drain on the tax base. In normal circumstances, increases in population would result in an increase in the tax base which would pay for the additional services demanded.
2. If immigrants were beneficial to the community, no one would care if they were illegal.
3. If you remove all the barriers and advertise the benefits, people will come from all over the world to take advantage of the “free stuff”.
4. It’s not 1865 any more.
2800 students
Again to good to check but if you had….. You would see that Denver public schools have had a declining number of students for 3 of the last 4 years.
Social Security depends on an increasing number of young workers. White women are not supplying us with them. Immigrants love kids!
Yeah, much better to import 35 million (and probably twice that) sub-literate, 80-IQ, culturally hostile foreigners than cut the goddamn spending, curtail the lavish benefits, and admit that second and third wave feminism were catastrophic disasters.
About ? 4 million migrants have been admitted to the USA as refugees under Biden
About 150000 are in public shelters. Most of these ” military aged men” are already at work.bidens strong economy and 3.7%, unemployment rate has enabled them to get jobs quickly.
Notice how we no longer hear Teach complaining about how the migrants are taking jobs away from Americans?
According to the Cato Institute.
Fiscal Impact of Immigration in the United States, Cato Institute. 2023.
It seems immigrants aren’t coming here for free stuff, but for better, safer lives for themselves and their children. By working. Yikes, native-born dropouts are an actual drain on the economy! We need more immigrants and fewer uneducated native-born. Let’s hope the uneducated native-born don’t vote.
Why do Republicans want America to fail? We know the answer – so that mobster Big Donnie stays out of jail. And of course because America is a white nation, built by white men, and that “browns” are “poisoning our blood!”.
America needs more resources on the border, more agents, judges and courts. We need clear laws on who are and who are not to be welcomed. We need to fix the refugee and asylum policies. We need to address the the long-term residents who are undocumented and the “Dreamers”.
1. You keep importing foreigners at this rate, America won’t just fail, it will cease to be “America.” Switch the populations of Sweden and Haiti and the cold one will be hell on earth while the warm one will be safe, peaceful, and prosperous.
2. I don’t give a damn what Cato says any more — the welcome mat is out and these people are being fed and housed at our expense.
3. Even if they ARE “coming for a better life,” at these numbers it will be catastrophe either way. The “Great Wave” on either side of the turn of the 20th century was a mess and there were damn good reasons it was shut off in 1924.
Well then tell Sniffy Joe to put them back. He removed them, he turned the agents in the fucking Welcome Wagon, the entire mess is ON HIM — and his handlers and paymasters. As for those “long term residents,” if they’re here illegally, deport their asses and don’t let them back.
Frère Jacques wrote:
We absorbed the immigration waves, but it did take about a generation to do. The United States was still underpopulated in the 1920s, but a lot of the new immigrants stayed in the cities rather than moving out to the far less populated areas.
The major difference? We didn’t have a welfare system in the 1920s! The immigrants worked because they had to work, or they’d starve.
Chicken Little Man
The Cato Model finds that immigrant individuals who arrive at age 25….. have a net fiscal impact of +216,000
I’m not interested in the money. I care about maintaining the American culture… You know, what made this country great. You???
Exactly-must be why NY, Chicago and several other places aren’t feeling the love of being “sanctuary cities”.
Fizzucking Biden… He quietly started the W4W* program for the protection of immigrants at the cost of $2.6 billion.
*W4W: Weapons for Wetbacks entitles each adult (18 and over) to one .40, .38 ACP, .45 or 9 mm semi-auto pistol at federal expense. These are used, reconditioned pistols from the FBI, ICE, DHS, IRS, Secret Service, US Marshals, Customs, Federal Bureau of Prisons, etc agencies.